aegies said:OT is a smidge early, no? I thought it was a week prior to release.
It comes out next week
aegies said:OT is a smidge early, no? I thought it was a week prior to release.
aegies said:
KingJ2002 said:random... but im looking to get this for my Mac... any screens for the OSX version?
AgentOtaku said:which is next week...
(it's monday here)
SalsaShark said:Mac hasnt been exactly confirmed yet.
Yeah i talked with Stumpokapow about this before posting the thread for this very reason. Different time zones hooray.
aegies said:It's cool! I think I was just panicking a little bit, thinking I had less time to get the review done than I thought I did.
Poimandres said:I take it you're playing it already? *jealous*
Want to break embargo and risk your career to give us some impressions? Because I'd totally be down with that!
Regret that it didn't end up coming together as he'd hoped? Or regret that it ended up taking so long to do it?AgentOtaku said:Regarding the 6 year life cycle. It's funny as I remember Carmack being pretty happy years back about how they were able to develop all 3 skus at the same time with their tools. Then, at this years Quakecon Keynote, pretty sure he expressed regret with that approach ultimately.
NullPointer said:Regret that it didn't end up coming together as he'd hoped? Or regret that it ended up taking so long to do it?
If the tech and tool chain works like they wanted, this could end up paying dividends for a long time.
NBtoaster said:I think he said that in 2006 he thought the consoles were just mid-high end PCs, so no problem with simultaneous development, but then 5 years later that's far from the case and he believes it was a mistake.
When we started on the game six years ago, I looked at the consoles and said These are as good as the PC, and our development strategy was to develop live on all the platforms. And now were looking at PCs that have ten times the horsepower of the consoles. Im making a large change in my direction just saying We should be building things efficiently on the PC and then deploying on the consoles. And we didnt make that as crisp of a distinction as we could have.
Because what I look back as one of the biggest mistakes I made in this generation, was at the beginning, five or six years ago, looking and saying, "Consoles are basically as good as PCs," at the time, and developing the workflow so it worked across both of them.
Looking back now, we have PCs that are an order of magnitude more powerful, and if our workflow is instead focused on explicitly on just... you build and develop on the PC, and you decimate things into a target for the consoles. There are things that I would do very differently.
Talking to a few friends who saw it at shows, they've all said that the PS3 version looks damn good. I'm sure pixel counters will find an off texture here or a difference in frames there, but I think you'll be fine.Marcellus Wallace said:Pre ordered the PS3 version. People are giving me shit already, saying it's the weakest version. I'm defending it. Any truth to what they say? I know early on the PS3 version was a bit behind the PC/360, but I assume the console versions will be nearly identical.
Square Triangle said:Is there racing involved in the SP? And if so, is it skippable? Not a fan of racing in a game that its' genre isn't racing.
Going by preview builds and what id has said, it does indeed. I guess we'll see if it's able to do that throughout the whole game, but in Carmack we trust!Monty Mole said:Have I heard correctly that this runs at 60fps on consoles?
Mindblowing stuff, really can't wait to get my hands on this!Fjordson said:Going by preview builds and what id has said, it does indeed. I guess we'll see if it's able to do that throughout the whole game, but in Carmack we trust!
AgentOtaku said:6 years ....6 fucking years!
Man, I really hope this trend (granted this is an extreeeme case) ends this gen.
Fjordson said:Going by preview builds and what id has said, it does indeed. I guess we'll see if it's able to do that throughout the whole game, but in Carmack we trust!
Wow! I didn't know that. So cool.SalsaShark said:Game mantains 60fps on both consoles at all times by having this sort of "dynamic" resolution.
If by chance the game gets crowded to a point where framerate would drop (they still said this is not often) the resolution actually lowers a bit in order to mantain the framerate going and suffer no hiccups whatsoever, and this is supposed to be barely noticeable.
SalsaShark said:Game mantains 60fps on both consoles at all times by having this sort of "dynamic" resolution.
If by chance the game gets crowded to a point where framerate would drop (they still said this is not often) the resolution actually lowers a bit in order to mantain the framerate going and suffer no hiccups whatsoever, and this is supposed to be barely noticeable.
PC doesnt have to deal with that obviously, but its still a pretty neat trick to get it going on consoles if it does in fact goes unnoticed.
Yeah, that's why he said it. I love id with all my heart, but they lost the plot with Doom 3.jambo said:But it's id.
SalsaShark said:not confirmed, but thrown around by bethesda guys more than a couple times. My bad.
Vinterbird said:The producer from Rage told me last year that they had to put the OSX version on hold, but that was last year, things could have changed since then.
NBtoaster said:Be neat if you could enable that on pc..
It would work the same way as on consoles. The image has to be converted back up to whatever resolution the game is running at before it reaches the display. Unreal Tournament 3 has a slider to do this in non dynamic fashion and older games like Wolfenstein 3d did something similar with boarders on the screen.SalsaShark said:Mh, better than saying nothing about it. I still very much think its coming.
Im not sure how the technology works, but that could be extremely bothersome to people with auto-adjust monitors and whatnot, lol.
Grayman said:It would work the same way as on consoles. The image has to be converted back up to whatever resolution the game is running at before it reaches the display. Unreal Tournament 3 has a slider to do this in non dynamic fashion and older games like Wolfenstein 3d did something similar with boarders on the screen.
PumpkinPie said:They were showing ads for the game during season 1 of The Walking Dead here in the UK, I thought it was pretty ridiculous when I looked the game up and saw it wasn't coming out for months.
Para bailar La Bomba said:I rejoined the Master Race for this and Battlefield 3.
angular graphics said:Wrong game![]()
Corky said:Recommended:
Video Card: GeForce 9800 GTX, ATI Radeon HD 5550
You might have a point :3
Ah I remember Riddick doing this trick on Xbox 1. Cool stuff.SalsaShark said:Game mantains 60fps on both consoles at all times by having this sort of "dynamic" resolution.
If by chance the game gets crowded to a point where framerate would drop (they still said this is not often) the resolution actually lowers a bit in order to mantain the framerate going and suffer no hiccups whatsoever, and this is supposed to be barely noticeable.
PC doesnt have to deal with that obviously, but its still a pretty neat trick to get it going on consoles if it does in fact goes unnoticed.
JaseC said:As an aside, on the subject of engine features that would be nice to have in the PC versions, Valve developed a data streaming system for the Xbox variant of Source since the console didn't have the minimum amount of RAM necessary to cache all of the per-map data. And here we are, some 7 years later, and it's still not present in Source proper.![]()
angular graphics said:I remember that but didn't the Xbox version have more loading screens anyway?
SalsaShark said:Game mantains 60fps on both consoles at all times by having this sort of "dynamic" resolution.
If by chance the game gets crowded to a point where framerate would drop (they still said this is not often) the resolution actually lowers a bit in order to mantain the framerate going and suffer no hiccups whatsoever, and this is supposed to be barely noticeable.
PC doesnt have to deal with that obviously, but its still a pretty neat trick to get it going on consoles if it does in fact goes unnoticed.
Thrakier said:i5 2400, 8gig ram, HD 6850. Is it enough?