You should check out the Dota community thread sometime. Or the subreddits.
Mistakes happen in Dota. Stomps happen in Dota. Teams end up being mismatched for whatever reason. People with thousands of hours in the game still end up making inexplicable beginner mistakes. These are complex competitive games, it happens.
Also, this is a recent release that hasn't even seen its first major patch yet. Everyone is still learning the game, from the maps, the operators, what to do, what not to do, etc.
Sorry, but you're just being illogically angry right now. A little perspective and understanding goes a long way.
Reddit is a cesspool regardless of where ever you go. Trying to find a postive reaction out of them is about as likely as finding a cure for cancer.

Eh, Dota 2 is a 40 minute game where is isn't lost on the first team fight. This is, therefore I'm more likely to get frustrated if someone does something brain dead which leaves me looking at my work e-mails for three minutes. I should point out I'm totally fine with people finding their way. But when you're mouthbreathing in to a mic running head first in to a room you've just seen someone die in not a second ago, it makes me want to go play with bots.