All you need to do is get on discord and hook up with people playing. We don't send people invites randomly because we are already organizing games on discord.
How does one get on this.....DISCORD

All you need to do is get on discord and hook up with people playing. We don't send people invites randomly because we are already organizing games on discord.
I am loving this game but I'm plagued by this bloody server error. It happens and I lose all chance at getting renoun points.
Any one got a clue as to what is causing it?
Rainbow Six Siege error code: [0-0x00000312]
For the record I'm getting no issues whatsoever on other games.
I've been getting the same error a lot, but only over the last couple of days. It's definitely something on Ubisoft's side.
How does one get on this.....DISCORD
It's mostly US/Canada. People are usually on 3:00 PST until 11:00 PST and later.
Here is a Discord link:
I'm not sure the logistics of getting EU together, but all are welcome in the channel.
It is unacceptable that XBox One users are getting a server error on startup every time they log in. They need to fix this.
It is unacceptable that XBox One users are getting a server error on startup every time they log in. They need to fix this.
It is unacceptable that XBox One users are getting a server error on startup every time they log in. They need to fix this.
Yep.Even after the patch?
I feel jipped
I went back and forth deciding between ps4 and PC. Ultimately chose ps4 because after playing alpha/beta on both I thought the game felt more at home on a controller.
I guess I forgot that you could lean outside of ADS on PC. That might have influenced my decision.
Oh well.
Will you guys be on tonight? We should play.
Guys you can lean on console. It's just clicking in the left/right stumbsticks while in ADS. It works perfectly in my opinion.
I'm loving the game so much. I love T-Hunt so much and wish it wasn't 30FPS. It's jarring switching back and forth. I would have loved to take 60FPS with reduced visuals or overall reduced visuals.
edit: just realized people meant outside of ADS
Cannot wait to try this patch on PC tonight.
First Ubisoft game I really dig in a long, long, while. But their Customer Service experience is still horrid. Bought the Season Pass (Gold Edition actually), I am still looking for whatever the exclusive Porter Weapon Skin is (it is supposed to be a IQ only skin but it did not unlock), and I have never received the 600 Rainbow Credits either. Opened a ticket last week. After some small general back & forth, still no news.
Other friends bought the Season Pass but did not unlock the Leopard Skin, while another one did. Seems to be quite some issues in that regard.
Xbox one servers seem to be down
I'm playing now, with a group of 5
Hmmm weird. I'm getting a server error every time now. Never happened before the patch.
Just had my best moments yet on the ps4. Finally got to sink in a few hours and was lucky enough to team up with a group of awesome mic'd randoms. Now we are psn friends. Was a blast! I started off really slow but after some tips and following them I started doing really well. I obliterated the whole attacking team one round with Kapkans boobtrap followed by his shotgun through some drywall at the same time. 5vs5 to 5vs1 in about 3 seconds. Felt amazing!
Cant wait to really sink my teeth into it though now that I start my vacation tomorrow (just a half day of work to get through!)
I also bought this on the xb1 because a bunch of friends said they were getting it but all decided they want Battlefront now. Really debating if I should keep it or not since I have the ps4 version and a lot less time. Literally opened it, redeemed the codes and played a few situations before jumping onto the ps4 version to play with my unlocked operators haha
Im on the spreadsheet but if any others want more PSN rainbow players add RukiaRemix.
Yes i have a mic and i use it.
Send me a fr its kevbo887. For some reason the spreadsheet wont load on my phone! Ive got a few errands to run but I should be on for a few hours before wifey comes home!Hit me up with a FR and invite once you get home after your half day, I'll be on alllll day on my day off!
Send me a fr its kevbo887. For some reason the spreadsheet wont load on my phone! Ive got a few errands to run but I should be on for a few hours before wifey comes home!
What's your availability for tomorrow?
Why does every mode but multiplayer run like absolute shit on PS4. FPS drops likes crazy.
Was patched on ps4 and xb1 as well. Had 0 issues tonight on ps4.So wait, havnt turned on my ps4 yet.
Is this patch for consoles too?
And has it fucked up the ps4 version at all if so?
Main reason I haven't touched situations or th at all. The frame drop is abysmal.
And it's not locked 30. There's no way.Same thing here, playing 30FPS after knowing the smoothness of 60FPS on MP is so horrible..
And it's not locked 30. There's no way.
I thought the same to be honest. Granted I haven't exactly played a ton, but it felt smoother? Maybe it was because I was actually talking with others on mics this go around where my other matches were mostly with people without mics so maybe I noticed it more? I dunnnooooWell I got into matches, and aiming seems....better. It might be my imagination, but the aiming just didn't seem as jerky.
Game is fun as hell
I thought the same to be honest. Granted I haven't exactly played a ton, but it felt smoother? Maybe it was because I was actually talking with others on mics this go around where my other matches were mostly with people without mics so maybe I noticed it more? I dunnnoooo
And dumb question does the renown boosters also count towards situations or mp only?
The map rotation still leaves a lot to be desired, I almost never play in the snowy chalet level or the house.