Another new high of concurrent players on steam. 17,321
The train keeps on rolling
The train keeps on rolling
So, not a good time to buy this on the PS4?
No, I started out in the pcgaming discord and then yesterday someone gave me a link to a different one that I guess is a reddit one? People definitely didn't know what a "neogaf" was XD
very cool peeps though!
Another new high of concurrent players on steam. 17,321
The train keeps on rolling
It's hit and miss- but it's an amazing game. All the issues are on Ubi's server side, and I think they'll get it ironed out eventually.
Pretty irritating though, but I've personally experienced more stability in the last 2 weeks than I did before that.
I have seen some people get disconnected but for the most part it has been working great for me since I got the game about two weeks ago.
Another new high of concurrent players on steam. 17,321
The train keeps on rolling
Yeah that was me. The GAF discord was empty because it was early in the day and I thought the EU crew would get better pings with others from EU.
For everyone here is the GAF discord:
I won't post any other groups here, out of courtesy, and I prefer to keep everyone together, but there are lots of people grouping up with discord, teamspeak and mumble and as my friendslist grows I get lots of random requests.
That more than doubled since launch. Considering the vast majority of players are on uplay I estimate at least 40-50k concurrent players at peak.
Oh this doesnt taken into account uplay?
I felt 10K was very low, and imagined it to be even less on PS4
So do hardcore Rainbow fans still hate this game? I was reading that they are adding a hardcore mode, but three modes sounds like too many. I think itd be cool to have the casual and hardcore ranked mode as they both seem to cater to all audiences, but it seems that the devs dont want to make them too different
The game probably has way more players on the consoles. It's how it always goes.
And no,steam charts can only track Steam players, so Uplay numbers are not in there.
Basically every key you can buy online is a Uplay key and that's how many players got their game. The physical version is also a Uplay version.
I am eager to see PS4 numbers. If I recall, Rainbow Six was popular on Xbox for two generations.
It's probably the best MP game of the current gen....when it works. The servers are so damn shit it's unbelievable. Matchmaking is worse after the patch, infinite loading screens/ sync screens.
It will get better (+ Ubisoft needs to release a new patch to fix all this mess). It's a great game but you have to be patient.
Just picked this up. Already loving it just from the situations. How's terrorist hunt?
It's hit and miss- but it's an amazing game. All the issues are on Ubi's server side, and I think they'll get it ironed out eventually.
Pretty irritating though, but I've personally experienced more stability in the last 2 weeks than I did before that.
According to steamspy (which again ONLY counts steam) there are 160k people who own it on steam. I think the game has a pretty nice,big,healthy userbase.
Don't get me wrong, because I am on the verge of jumping in, but it's crazy what us gamers tolerate on a new product.
Don't get me wrong, because I am on the verge of jumping in, but it's crazy what us gamers tolerate on a new product.
[Global Degradation] Rainbow Six Siege 12/27
3:26 pm PST
We're aware of some players experiencing issues with the Rainbow Six: Siege servers. Our administrators are working to resolve the issue.
We appreciate your patience while we investigate.
I'll be jumping on tonight, hope it's not playing like crap. On a good day I find it takes a 15 minutes to get a party into a game....yesterday I was in line at a mall and I noticed their cameras looked like the ones in the game. My first instinct was "Oh man, someone needs to shoot out the cameras"
Our group on PC was having no issues getting into games the past hour or so. We hopped off for a bit, but I'll be back later tonight for sure.
(Discord Link: )
I'll be on around 11 central timeI'm on PS4Other PS4 GAF on tonight?
Another new high of concurrent players on steam. 17,321
The train keeps on rolling
I am eager to see PS4 numbers. If I recall, Rainbow Six was popular on Xbox for two generations.
What's this like as a solo game? Solo MP I mean.
What's this like as a solo game? Solo MP I mean.
What's this like as a solo game? Solo MP I mean.
On PC, playable, as most folks have a mic. Console, no idea.
Playable on PS4 too. I'm either in a two man party (so no gamechat) or running ranked/casuals alone and I've had not much trouble.
Games still wayyyyy better with peeps though.
I really want a new Vegas or something after playing this game. The SP levels could be super inventive.Rainbow six patriots...RIP
Just to remind ps4 users, you can join the community to group up with people and play!
The easiest way to join the community is to send me a friend invite and ask but you can also try this process detailed below to find the community yourself. It does not require direct invites so hopefully you can find it.
You can also search for my profile on ps4 then look at my joined communities and join that way!
My PSN is thetrinidad
Discord right now.
what is happening?
also do we have a NeoGAF Discord?