For a complete noob just starting out, is the training worthwhile or is trial by fire best?
For a complete noob just starting out, is the training worthwhile or is trial by fire best?
I'll get on now. The matchmaking seems to have problems, and can't find any random players for me.PC gaf we got room for two. Hop on discord if you wanna join.
Some asshole on my team started shooting me for no reason and then freaked the fuck out in a hilarious fashion when I fired off a few warning shots. lol
I just love the reaction from both of them.
The scenarios are really good training guides and are pretty fun.
Dont forget to watch the 3 tutorial videos for free renown(game currency) that u will be able to use to unlock ur first operator
Still looking?Looking for 1 more for Ps4 Gaf ownage!
PSN thetrinidad
Yep! Whats your psnStill looking?
Yep! Whats your psn
Yeah Ive noticed that the Ubisoft forums is somewhat bitter about this game not being hardcore enough
You guys have been the total opposite of the mood I see there.
I'll get on now. The matchmaking seems to have problems, and can't find any random players for me.
I think I may have come across my first cheater in the game. In one match, one player did several things which seemed unnatural:
- One round came down to a 1-vs-1 situation, and the enemy breached into a room and opened fire as he entered. He fired twice into a seemingly random wall and got a headshot on our guy who was walking around in the other room.
- Same guy was sniping into a window and saw someone move around. He didn't hit the guy moving around, but he headshotted someone behind a wall.
- Same guy killed me once, and in the killcam it looked like his aiming snapped to where my head was very quickly.
- He was the last guy to be alive on his team in the final round. He was moving towards two windows where we had two guys rappelling (he would have known we were there as we killed 3 enemies from that position), and we also had a guy sneaking into the room from behind. In the final killcam, you could see the guy aiming at the window, but as he started firing he instantly turned around to the guy sneaking up towards and started firing against him instead (he was using a shotgun and our guy wasn't that close, so he couldn't kill him in time).
One or two of those events I could see as being just weird luck. But all four happening in the same match is making me think this is the first time I encountered an aimbot in the game. He even tried to brag at the end of the match by saying something along the lines "How many do I have to kill by myself ffs?"
He played as recruit half of the time, so that makes me think he was very new to the game too.
Yep, that's the thing about the defenders in this game:
They have stuff that CAN kill/hurt you,but mostly they are supposed to do three things:
1) block of easy access to the objective and guiding the attackers down the path the defenders want them to go
2) slow down the attackers as much as possible to make the 5 minute timer go down
3) have the attackers make as much noise as early and as often as possible to know where they are
ubisoft, as you correctly say, basicaly balanced the game not around defender abilities necessarily killing attackers, but about giving the defenders the tools to properly setup to defend. they are still supposed to use their guns and not rely entirely on gadgets.
This is true for the defenders too btw, with only small exceptions like Fuze
Check this out
That definitely makes me think he was using that or something similar. His aim behaviour was very similar in that he could be looking away from someone but as he held down aim his camera would move exactly to where the enemy's head was.
I hope Ubisoft has a good system for tracking these cheats. On the bright side, I've played for nearly 100 hours and I've only encountered a cheater once (well, only encountered one who was blatantly cheating anyway).
Thanks bud. As I said, I'm still learning the game, but that round felt pretty damn good.
Was my first time running into a class that jams thermite as well.
I had a funny experience with some cheaters the other day. The enemy team was destroying mine and 3 of our guys left the match. My only remaining teammate decided that the other team was cheating and wouldn't let them win without a fight, so he activated his own aimbot to counter theirs. My teammate's aimbot must have been better than theirs or something because he ended up winning us 2 rounds before they won. It was pretty hilarious to watch.
Oh and yesterday, our last remaining teammate got banned immediately after killing an enemy, costing us the round. The entire lobby was losing their shit after watching him snap to a guy through a wall, get a headshot, and then get booted from the game followed by the "You lose" message.
The fact that he had an aimbot ready at his disposal is curious. Considering the time it takes to set up means it cannot be done from scratch mid matchI had a funny experience with some cheaters the other day. The enemy team was destroying mine and 3 of our guys left the match. My only remaining teammate decided that the other team was cheating and wouldn't let them win without a fight, so he activated his own aimbot to counter theirs. My teammate's aimbot must have been better than theirs or something because he ended up winning us 2 rounds before they won. It was pretty hilarious to watch.
Oh and yesterday, our last remaining teammate got banned immediately after killing an enemy, costing us the round. The entire lobby was losing their shit after watching him snap to a guy through a wall, get a headshot, and then get booted from the game followed by the "You lose" message.
The fact that he had an aimbot ready at his disposal is curious. Considering the time it takes to set up means it cannot be done from scratch mid match![]()
The fact that he had an aimbot ready at his disposal is curious. Considering the time it takes to set up means it cannot be done from scratch mid match![]()
I still can't understand people using aimbot. Why would you do this? Just to piss everyone off?
They have on/off toggle buttons to easily hide them.
I still can't understand people using aimbot. Why would you do this? Just to piss everyone off?
On the scoreboard is the connection equal to ping? My game seems a bit sketchy and this connection number is usually 50-100?
My singing this game's praises made 3 friends pick it up, and oh boy playing this game with 3 other friends with mics is the best experience. That said, matchmaking seems to struggle with 4 people in a party, 3 people is fine. Guess because most people are in parties with friends = less solo people to join our squad of 4? Idk.
Any guesses as to what type of operators we'll be getting? I honestly can't think of anything.
Even when we lose (usually because I try to Ash-breach of Bandit-jolt the hostage) it's hilarious.
I've overheard some interesting ideas from folks:
I want to know who's next!
- Defender with deployable cameras.
- Attacker with NVG who can temporarily disable lights.
- Thermal goggles that can see through smoke.
- Defender who can quickly punch murder holes (my suggestion).
- Operative with Willie Pete grenades.
In addition to operators, what other game modes are you expecting?
I haven't considered it.In addition to operators, what other game modes are you expecting?
I haven't considered it.
They can't exactly ape counter strike and socom's bomb mode... because defenders are designed from the ground up to slow attackers, not necessarily take them on in open combat. This honestly pulls the rug out from under the vast majority of competitive game modes.
Idk what they'll do.