I feel my previous response was crude, so I'm going to elaborate a bit further.
This is based on just my experience in Beta. I am now level 17 on Beta.
Every full match I play seems to net me between 300-500 with no boost on average. With boost between 400 and 650.
Operator's begin their cost at 500 per Type, and end at 2000. To unlock all Operators of a type like FBI it'll take 5000 Renown. If you want 1 Attacker OR Defender from each group it's a total of 3500. If you want both an Attacker AND Defender from each group it's 10500 as the costs increase per group by 500.
Example is FBI 1 is 500, FBI 2 is 1000, FBI 3 is 1500, FBI 4 is 2000.
Total Cost of all Tier 1 Operators: 3500
Total Cost of all Tier 2 Operators: 7000
Total Cost of all Tier 3 Operators: 10500
Total Cost of all Tier 4 Operators: 14000
Total Cost of all Operators: 35000
Now you also want Attachments for your guns. These range from 50 Renown to 300 for one of the sights. These do not share per gun, but do share if multiple operators have this gun. Each Operator has between 4 and 5 guns, again some are shared between Operators. Primary costs between 550 for a Shotgun with 1 of the 3 sights, and a laser sight to 1500 (give or take, servers are down on beta) to buy everything for an assault rifle.
Sidearms however cost between 600 for the basic Sight+Silencer+Laser to 1100 for ALL sights, Laser, and Silencer.
Each game takes about 15 for the shortest and 30 minutes for the longest to complete. However in the games of length I averaged about 600 renown without a boost and up to 900ish with.
The problematic bit is Skins. Skins start at over 1000 renown and get up to 6000. Each Gun has 3 skins you can buy with renown -or- their f2p currency, and 1 skin you can -only- buy with the f2p currency. It's no coincidence that these skins also look the best by a long shot, While the skins you can buy with in game currency are all patterns/flowers, the skins you buy with real money are all real solid paint jobs. The Revolver for example gets an Ivory grip and designs added to the chamber and such.
Keep in mind, this is only beta experiences. I don't know if there are even more skins and guns. I do know all the operators however.
It is of my estimation from my experience in Beta that obtaining everything in this is about as long as it is in, say, a Battlefield game without the boosts. It is a grind, and it is aimed to encourage you to contribute more of your wallet to them. With that said, I still feel that it is a fair price to pay for not having to see "Season Pass" on my game ever again.