dammitmattt said:So PS3 owners are bitching a lot. How is online on the 360?
Flawless. If you're still crazy enough to buy a ubisoft game on PS3 you almost deserve the bad online. DO NOT BUY UBISOFT GAMES ON PS3 THEY DO NOT WORK.
dammitmattt said:So PS3 owners are bitching a lot. How is online on the 360?
J-Rzez said:I didn't do MP yet, but did some co-op and terrorist hunt and it ran pretty good. Still trying to finish up Story now and unlock some more stuff then I'll be hitting up MP.
Same here, haven't had any problems with the few online matches I've had.QVT said:Flawless. If you're still crazy enough to buy a ubisoft game on PS3 you almost deserve the bad online. DO NOT BUY UBISOFT GAMES ON PS3 THEY DO NOT WORK.
QVT said:Flawless. If you're still crazy enough to buy a ubisoft game on PS3 you almost deserve the bad online. DO NOT BUY UBISOFT GAMES ON PS3 THEY DO NOT WORK.
dammitmattt said:So according to you, the online works well and the frame rate issue is way overblown. Why is RSV2 getting so much hate? Is just mainly from the PS3 owners who got a shitty port?
QVT said:Yes. If you ask guys who talk bad about it whether they got it on PS3 or 360, they will say PS3. Or maybe they liked CoD4 and can't go back to Vegas style. In terms of online lag, I played online for 10 hours yesterday and an hour today without any lag at all.
Ubisoft just can't make PS3 games.
And it's really not getting much hate, the reviews have all been really good.
QVT said:Yes. If you ask guys who talk bad about it whether they got it on PS3 or 360, they will say PS3. Or maybe they liked CoD4 and can't go back to Vegas style. In terms of online lag, I played online for 10 hours yesterday and an hour today without any lag at all.
Ubisoft just can't make PS3 games.
And it's really not getting much hate, the reviews have all been really good.
QVT said:It was all bullshit. I haven't seen a damn thing.
Me and FatalT beat the campaign in 4 or 5 hours co-op(if that) and then beat terrorist hunt on realistic all the way through twice. No framerate issues except looking out of the helicopter sometimes would be slow.
dammitmattt said:You'll be too busy playing RSV2 to worry about the COD4 maps![]()
chespace said:I played the game online and found it unplayable. Not due to lag, but rather the controls, framerate (30 or less in many many places) and overall feel/speed of the game feel absolutely "last gen" for someone who's been playing COD4 for any good length of time.
BSherrod said:The problem I have with people saying the game is slow or the controls are more complicated compared to COD4 is that they are two different style of games. R6V2 is slower and more methodical for a reason, the game has a larger emphasis on tactics than COD4 which basically has none. At first, the switch from both games was jarring, but just today I really started enjoying this game again. I think a lot of people in large communities like this heard the buzz about the first one, but expected another game than what it is. Oh well, to each his own.
BSherrod said:The problem I have with people saying the game is slow or the controls are more complicated compared to COD4 is that they are two different style of games. R6V2 is slower and more methodical for a reason, the game has a larger emphasis on tactics than COD4 which basically has none. At first, the switch from both games was jarring, but just today I really started enjoying this game again. I think a lot of people in large communities like this heard the buzz about the first one, but expected another game than what it is. Oh well, to each his own.
I disagree. CoD4 gives you a fair shot if you go running into a fire fight guns blazing. This absolutely should not be so with Rainbow 6. You plan your insertion, you cover your buddies, and you make your way to the objective.chespace said:COD4 has just as much tactics, if not more... but I'm not sure what you're quantifying as tactics in this discussion.
You're right that the two games have different styles, but that doesn't keep you from objectively realizing that the fundamentals of shooting and moving in COD4 is just plain better.
Deepblue said:I disagree. CoD4 gives you a fair shot if you go running into a fire fight guns blazing. This absolutely should not be so with Rainbow 6. You plan your insertion, you cover your buddies, and you make your way to the objective.
chespace said:I think we're talking about multiplayer here, and in team hardcore, you certainly do not have a fair shot if you go running out of cover guns blazing in COD4.
dammitmattt said:True, but that's just one of a dozen modes in COD4, and it's only being played by roughly 5% of the users at any given time. It's more fair to compare the base modes.
chespace said:Nah, you'll get jacked in any mode.
Also, have you tried throwing a grenade in Vegas lately? It's like a freaking shot put. :lol
J-Rzez said:Yeah, quite a difference from throwing the ever cheap revenge grenade across what's seemingly the entire map when you respawn in CoD4 :lol
Yeah, the grenade flies like 1m forward, even if I'm aiming high up it only goes 2-2.5m :lolchespace said:Nah, you'll get jacked in any mode.
Also, have you tried throwing a grenade in Vegas lately? It's like a freaking shot put. :lol
chespace said:I guess the happy medium lies somewhere in-between, although I'd rather have COD4's grenade physics and throwing arm. :lol
As it is now, it's just pathetic, even if you hold down the throw button forever and release.
I'm also running into some mad framerate issues in single-player (on 360). That one section in the rock climbing gym... chug city.
Overall, having spent a couple days with Vegas 2, I think the 60fps in COD4 is all something we've been taking for granted.
chespace said:COD4 has just as much tactics, if not more...
oneHeero said:Waited on buying it for my Ps3, but my friend got the 360 version. Saw a lot of hiccups in it. fps dropped alot in big fights. Online was iffy at times, but when it would connect and work, it was really clean.
Servers are probably just overloaded right now.
Kafel said:Hey guys, could you please give me a piece of information ?
I need to know if there are european languages (french, german ...) in the 360 US version of the game ?
Please someone look at it in the options or switch the 360 language in french for a second to check.
Concept17 said:When choosing what servers to search for (atleast on the ps3 version) you can select which language, and iirc german and french were both there.
Rimshot said:How is this compared to Call of Duty 4?
Thinking about maybe trading it in.
Lots of people in this thread compare the game to CoD4. Opinions seem very mixed. You should probably play it for yourself to be sure you prefer R6 over CoD. If you prefer R6:V1 gameplay over CoD4, this is more of the same. If you've been seduced by CoD's sexy graphics and faster gameplay, you probably wont be able to go back. Also, insane frag chuckers beware. Like Che said above, R6 grenades are hilarious after months of CoD. More realistic, still useful, but the contrast is ridiculous.Rimshot said:How is this compared to Call of Duty 4?
Thinking about maybe trading it in.
I think this is really it. I don't think it's much harder, if at all. But it's easier to speed up to COD than it is to slow down and be patient for R6.captive said:Seems its easier to go r6 -> COD4 than COD4 -> R6.
Well im thinking the game designers at Ubisoft thought the tactical mirror that tactical teams have would be retarded to have to use in game.Kabuki Waq said:cover is insanely cheap on R6:V you can see EVERYTHING around you while in cover.
That leads to pure cheapness.
captive said:Well im thinking the game designers at Ubisoft thought the tactical mirror that tactical teams have would be retarded to have to use in game.
PedroLumpy said:I didn't play Swat 4, but I know Swat 3 had tactical mirrors in the game. Worked fine IMO.
madmook said:This was a major complaint for the 1st Vegas game, and yet despite all those fraudulent interviews where the devs spouted on about "listening to the fans", they decided to leave this "feature" in the game. Downright shameful.
ImperialConquest said:Wouldn't work well in online MP games, imho.
It'd be good and all for set objectives, like clearing a room of a few tangos.. Or when the pacing is more methodical and you can take your time, like in SP. You know which way the enemy is (or should be) and you take your time around each corner.
That'd be a real bad strategy in a MP game where there are multiple real opponents and not just AI which stick to a pre-determined area and wait for you to enter said area.
With AI, you know they're in there, so you can take your time with a mirror and all that...because they ain't going nowhere.
In R6V MP, people stay on the move and know all the routes and hot spots...