Ever watch Best of the Best? It's up there with the best of the 80's martial arts cheese.
Loved Best of the Best, outside of the moments where Eric Roberts became a prepubescent girl..
Ever watch Best of the Best? It's up there with the best of the 80's martial arts cheese.
I was 5 years old when this came out and it was the coolest thing I had ever seen in my short life. I think I had my parents rent this from the video store for weeks straight until I eventually got a copy of it. If 1 or 2 come on the TV I can't not watch.
I'm still pissed that they portrayed an Italian kid from Newark, NJ as such a punk when he went out to Cali. But I guess the "baseball bat to the kneecaps kid" wouldn't have been as much of a crowd pleaser.
got to be kidding me.. ? I was born in 75.. the way I look at it I´m 28 years old.
1975-1980 = 5 Years.
1990-2013 = 23 Years.
The 80´s is the worst decade ever.. ever.. oh my I try to block those imaginary years every day.. every fucking day.
Not as iconic as the Goonies tho.
I am going to train my body and mind and then find and defeat you. And let's just say that the music playing during this training would in itself be enough to destroy you.
The Goonies is unwatchable for an adult though.
Umm, what?
The Goonies is unwatchable for an adult though.
No way... It's very 'busy', the kids chatter and shout and seem to be on sugar high's the entire film, but it's still a load of fun. There are fun moments all over the place; "Andy! You GOONIE!", "Eww you smell like phys ed!", "I hit the wrong note. I'm not Liberace you know!"
I love the sets, the locations and the craft.
I liked it as a kid, but watching it again as an adult made me want to force-feed these kids ritalin after the first 15 minutes.
What the fuck even happens in 2? All I remember is Daniel getting his ass kicked the whole movie and turning it off before the end because I was so disappointed
What the fuck even happens in 2? All I remember is Daniel getting his ass kicked the whole movie and turning it off before the end because I was so disappointed
that´s like every plot for a "action" movie from the 80´s... hero gets his ass kicked 95% of the movie, but in the end he beats the odds and wins, cue cheesy 80´s music and wipe away your tears...
Different strokes I guess. I could still watch Goonies all day long and I'm 33.
Ice breaking, deadly hook dodging, and a bunch of spinning drum toy cheese for the final battle.
What even happens in 2? All I remember is Daniel getting his ass kicked the whole movie and turning it off before the end because I was so disappointed
Sorry for the double post, but this needs to be quoted ad infinitum. Be sure to check the second and third volumes as well:
While I don't know if the 80's were truly better or not, I do know that I miss movie scores such as these ones!
The best song.
Terry Silver was so creepy in that movie..showing up at an underage dance club3 is ALMOST completely unwatchable, by this point Daniel has been so emasculated I don't know why we are supposed to care about him, He gets friend zoned by a girl, the entire plot revolves around saving a Bonsai tree. The rules of the tournament have apparantly changed to allow a 34 year old man to skip everything but the finals, Daniel forgets everything he ever learned in the past year from Mr Miyagi and still continues to get his ass kicked. The villains are terrible compared to the original Kobra Kai dickheads.
The second and third ones are not as strong as the first, but still good. The second one has that totally kick ass ending where it is playing Hearts on Fire, then the drums in it mix into the beginning of Holding Out For a Hero. SO FUCKING AWESOME.
The third one...eh. It feels like they have exhausted all the truly great montage/pump up songs at that point.
I liked it as a kid, but watching it again as an adult made me want to force-feed these kids ritalin after the first 15 minutes.
This game was frustrating.
I watched The Karate Kid almost every day growing up. Johnny was a good villain but I still think Dutch would've been better as the primary bad guy
Goddamn I need to start re-buying my favorite movies from the 80s.
I have no idea why I don't own the KK trilogy, Goonies, etc.
If that's the special edition Goonies with all the retrospective stuff, you'll have cost me $20 and I'm 2-day shipping that.
I think it is the only version they put on Blu outside of the big gift version. So the disc contents should be the same. But I am not 100% positive.