And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Is there any boss fights in the game?
Yes sir!
Is there any boss fights in the game?
The music in the underwater levels is wonderful.
I just want to reiterate that Ubisoft Montpellier really needs to make a Metroid game. Like, seriously. Running up walls then springing off them, swinging from a vine ala grappling beam and then landing into a full sprint all while dodging eyeball laden tentacles gives me Metroid vibes big time. Not to mention all the lush organic backgrounds and perfectly tucked away little coves hiding extra challenges. Michel Ancel totally gets it. I actually had similar feelings while playing Rayman 2, before Metroid had transitioned to 3D.
WOW! And when you first think that you're close to beating the game...! Normally I'd go "but I just want to hurry up and complete this game!"... but this game's got way too good game design and fluidity to ever stop playing! It's truly one of the most polished games this generation. Proof of this is when you start speed running every stage; you'll realize that they're MEANT to be played this way!half the game opens up and you realize you've just scraped the surface
Simply amazing.
Does this game run better on 360 or PS3? If performance is pretty equal, I'd prefer get it on PS3 because of the d-pad.
If it matters, PS3 version doesn't have surround sound, and 360 does.Does this game run better on 360 or PS3? If performance is pretty equal, I'd prefer get it on PS3 because of the d-pad.
Game.co.uk and Shopto ship internationally, but I don't think either has it in stock. Try ebay.co.uk.
If it matters, PS3 version doesn't have surround sound, and 360 does.
From reading around, seems like a bug that no one is really talking about. I may make a thread later to see if anyone knows anything about it.What, is this true? If so, what is the reason behind it? It seems so weird when the PS3-version of a multi platform title usually have better sound because of more availible free space..
If it matters, PS3 version doesn't have surround sound, and 360 does.
I just want to reiterate that Ubisoft Montpellier really needs to make a Metroid game.
I'm also curious about whether this game was designed with the analog stick in mind, or is it a truly d-pad dependent game?
I don't know, I've only used the analog stick and it seems perfectly adequate. In fact I didn't realize you even could use the d-pad.Weird.
I'm also curious about whether this game was designed with the analog stick in mind, or is it a truly d-pad dependent game?
It feels better for me to use the analog. I go back and forth when I play, though.
Always analog on swimming for me atleast.
Yeah, the Xbox 360 version box looks good tooThe 360 version doesn't actually look that bad. It helps that the ratings logo is also green.
Full review here.A certain Italian plumber should watch his back - Rayman Origins is as good as New Super Mario Bros. Wii and not far off from approaching the quality of some of his finest 2D adventures. This is a tightly designed yet grandiose platformer that is stuffed full of wide smile-inducing joy. While limited in terms of multiplayer options and potentially too difficult for some of its intended audience, Rayman Origins is nonetheless one of this year's best games on Wii, and a blueprint for 2D jumpathons in the 21st century.
If it matters, PS3 version doesn't have surround sound, and 360 does.
Just curious. Where have you confirmed the 360 does in fact have surround effects?
Comparing this to Mario platformers (or even the recent DKCR) is something I can't really take seriously, as this is a far poorer experience all-round. This felt much more like a "platformer lite" that clearly had more emphasis put on style rather than substance...
I too am stuck on "My Heartburn's For You." The game WAS perfect until that level.
I have no idea how you can conclude this. Early game it's pretty simply if you're playing it in a bog-standard 'oh, I guess I should scroll right' kind of way, but by about mid-game it gets pretty bloody challenging, and the entire thing is super optimised for 'flow', or being able to bounce near-effortlessly through a level collecting every single thing along the way. Multiplayer has a different, more chaotic appeal to it.
From reading around, seems like a bug that no one is really talking about. I may make a thread later to see if anyone knows anything about it.
But yeah, only outputs stereo. No ambient surround![]()
I was dead-set on buying this, but then I happened to try this game yesterday for a couple of hours at work...
Unfortunately, after the first few of minutes of "holy shit this looks really cool", boredom quickly set in. The game just completely failed to capture my imagination in any way, and felt thoroughly flat and uninteresting the entire time I was playing :/
Comparing this to Mario platformers (or even the recent DKCR) is something I can't really take seriously, as this is a far poorer experience all-round. This felt much more like a "platformer lite" that clearly had more emphasis put on style rather than substance...
Anyway, I guess I just went in with super-high expectations and was massively disappointed. I'll still probably buy this anyway, because I really want to support this great move and encourage more devs to make 2D AAA platformers again, but even so I'll probably wait for a price-drop before I do so.
Pick up a Rayman leaf.Wtf?
World 5-1 and I lost 28 lives until now (in this level). I lost maybe 10 lives in the whole game up to this point.
Indeed. I'm really glad that i bought this game now instead of waiting. And those time trial trophies/challenges are really hard. I've only tried one of them though, but i failed 4-5 times in a row before i gave up (i will try them again after i beat the game).This game oozes charm and personality. It gets pretty tricky pretty fast, too.
Started playing this the other day. It's awesome. I can't tell you how many times I've ended a level with 348 lums, though. :|
Are there benefits to playing the other characters once you acquire them, or can you just stick with Rayman?
There's a bunch of them actually <.< but most of them are optional if you want to 100% the game.Are there much time events in this game? Things like, going to point A to point B in a certain amount of time?
Because I never liked those and didn't want them in this game...! Thanks for answering.
There's a bunch of them actually <.< but most of them are optional if you want to 100% the game.
When you beat a stage, you can play it again and this time start a time-event. So basically, almost every stage in the game can be replayed with the time-eventThanks. Can you give me an example? Let's say... Crash Bandicoot, they had some levels to make in a time trial event. But it was optional. It's like that?