Does anyone else think this game is really boring? Controls great, looks pretty, but the levels are very similar in appearance and gameplay (I'm midway through world two). There's just simply nothing really egging me on to keep playing. I'm not much interested in collecting up to 100% and I have this overwhelming feeling of "why am I playing this same old thing" whenever I give it a shot.
I'd consider myself a gamer that enjoys platformers, and so this should be right up my alley, but it just hasn't pulled me in at all. When I look at the Metacritic I'm surprised to see such high scores because my opinion on games is not usually this much of an outlier.
but the levels are very similar in appearance and gameplay
Does anyone else think this game is really boring? Controls great, looks pretty, but the levels are very similar in appearance and gameplay (I'm midway through world two). There's just simply nothing really egging me on to keep playing. I'm not much interested in collecting up to 100% and I have this overwhelming feeling of "why am I playing this same old thing" whenever I give it a shot.
I'd consider myself a gamer that enjoys platformers, and so this should be right up my alley, but it just hasn't pulled me in at all. When I look at the Metacritic I'm surprised to see such high scores because my opinion on games is not usually this much of an outlier.
Everyone should finish the game before deciding whether or not it is boring.
Are you judging the game or are you asking other people to judge it for you?
If it's the former, then you should play through the game before making a general opinion on it that other people will read.
Are you judging the game or are you asking other people to judge it for you?
If it's the former, then you should play through the game before making a general opinion on it that other people will read.
Does anyone else think this game is really boring? Controls great, looks pretty, but the levels are very similar in appearance and gameplay (I'm midway through world two). There's just simply nothing really egging me on to keep playing. I'm not much interested in collecting up to 100% and I have this overwhelming feeling of "why am I playing this same old thing" whenever I give it a shot.
I'd consider myself a gamer that enjoys platformers, and so this should be right up my alley, but it just hasn't pulled me in at all. When I look at the Metacritic I'm surprised to see such high scores because my opinion on games is not usually this much of an outlier.
Do you always play through boring games and do not make your opinion before that? Don't know, I'd rather quit or if it's bearable, I keep on playing.
Do you think it's a legitimate opinion if you haven't finished the entire game? If so, then we are just going to have to agree to disagree
In your specific case - if your main problem with a game is lack of variety, it seems obvious to me you might have a completely different take on it after playing more of it. I'd be asking people's opinions on how the game changes things up from that point instead of writing it off.
I am probably in the minority on this, but I feel like this game gets annoying toward the end. It becomes so trial-and-error and repetition based. Some of the chase sequences are just not fun to me. It is gorgeous and I've really liked the game leading up to it, but I'm not sure if I even care about beating it anymore. edit- nvm, just beat it. Great game. It just started to annoy me toward the end.
Yep, I feel the same way. I just beat the game like 10 minutes ago and while I had a'lot of fun there was just to much trial and error going on during some sections of the game. For example the last level where your chasing that little guy drove me insane and it took me like 100 tries to get through that section. Very, very annoying.
There is no damn way I'm going to go back and try to get everything..... at least for a while.
I played solo. Had an absolute blast. 2 player I didn't like.So for people who played this game, did you play it solo? I can easily see where that would be hard and not as much fun. Playing with four players was a total blast! I can't wait to play Legends on the WiiU!
Very very hard. But don't worry, they have save points on every room so you can try again and again.We are nearing the game's end i guess, only have one of those final worlds + 1 boss left...
How hard is the Land of the livid dead level gonna be in comparison to the rest of the areas?
I'm on the Living Dead level and am getting frustrated. When running along falling platforms, sometimes when I jump, Rayman gets that "spark" trailing out behind him which allows him to run vertically up the coffins instead of just clinging to their sides.
Sometimes, though, it doesn't happen. He clings to the side and rides to his inevitable doom.
How do you control the difference? Going crazy with it working 50% of the time.
I'm on the Living Dead level and am getting frustrated. When running along falling platforms, sometimes when I jump, Rayman gets that "spark" trailing out behind him which allows him to run vertically up the coffins instead of just clinging to their sides.
Sometimes, though, it doesn't happen. He clings to the side and rides to his inevitable doom.
How do you control the difference? Going crazy with it working 50% of the time.
I have 165 electoons, is it really worth pushing for another 35 so I can unlock The Land of the Livid Dead?
You don't. This is one of the areas where the game is janky. It will either do the context sensitive action or it won't. You can try to finagle it and come up with a system but you should be able to luck into it before a formal solution arises.
What version are you playing? I remember having this problem in the Wii version (and in other areas) but never encountered it once playing the PC version.
Im curious if it got fixed for the PC, or if I just lucked out on my replay.
After running into it on the PS3 version, I cannot BELIEVE that the Vita version still has the Pirate's Treasure glitch (youtube it if you don't know what I mean) WTF Ubisoft? You couldn't fix that in a port that came out months later? Why does this company have such crappy bug testing/quality control?
After running into it on the PS3 version, I cannot BELIEVE that the Vita version still has the Pirate's Treasure glitch (youtube it if you don't know what I mean) WTF Ubisoft? You couldn't fix that in a port that came out months later? Why does this company have such crappy bug testing/quality control?
GAME OF THE SALE. I've already spent 9 hours playing this on co-op mode with my girlfriend and brother, and we're all floored by the sheer awesome of this game. The music is absolutely brilliant, the visuals and character animations look great and have literally made us laugh on more than one occassion, the level design is the best I've seen in any platformer, *period*. Collecting stuff throughout the levels doesn't feel like a chore, there's lots of content, and the fun level is off the charts. I'm so happy with this purchase, I don't care if $15 is considered a lot for a game on a sale, it was absolutely worth it.
That came out really awesome!!! Great job!![]()