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Reluctant Member
Yeah it was either a hug or a couple of clichees you already heard a thousand times and which are often rather useless with a fresh break-up

Hugs are always welcome! :D


Why is this so adorable

Because sharks and puns.

You will finally find Mr. Ambidextrous one day!

Better that than Mr. Wright. That would get awkward.


Aww lissar, that's tough :/

At least it was a mutual thing but, still, doesn't stop it from hurting :(

I hope you'll be ok before too long <3


I don't know you that well Lissar but if you would accept an internet hug from me, it is offered

I put in the job application. Now... we wait.

Well actually we sit down and do more Intellectual Property lecture notes, but my point is made


Reluctant Member
Thanks. :3

I'm mostly okay now. I just sometimes feel sadness that it couldn't have worked out since I had such a good time and great memories. But honestly better that than letting the relationship get to the point where all the good memories have been poisoned by the bad ones.

It was mostly due to having different ideas of where we want our lives to go, so even if we'd worked on the other problems it would have been inevitable. At least I have these bitter sweet memories. :3
That sucks Lissar, at least it ended on good terms though *awkward attempt at a comforting arm pat*

Also I always feel rly guilty when talking about jobs, considering I've applied for one in my life. And got it. And it's a proper career-style job. And I did shit in my degree.


I actually realized the other day that I've gotten every job I was able to secure an interview for. That's seven jobs since I turned 16. I guess I come off as a generally well put together human being, weird. I certainly don't feel like one.


I actually realized the other day that I've gotten every job I was able to secure an interview for. That's seven jobs since I turned 16. I guess I come off as a generally well put together human being, weird. I certainly don't feel like one.
You and I brother. You've had more jobs though. :C

@EVOL, there are certain mentalities and attitudes that are prevalent in LA as well that just don't jive.

Night time.


Since you guys were talking about things you've accomplished since the RPG-RPG while I was asleep (you bastards), my life has been a completely rollercoaster.

I've had tragedy strike me when I least expected it and change my life immensely.
I've relocated my life, away from half of my family on a whim because my career seemed to be going nowhere

but on the flip side,

I found an awesome job making almost double what I was
I just bought a big house on a lake

All in all, I'm still in pretty good spirits with what's transpired, even though I've had a few set backs.


So I just checked my checking account and I see my first "paycheck" and it's..$0.00! I've never had direct deposit before, is it supposed to be like that when it first appears, it does say prenote credit, am I actually gonna get mah money or do I have to go talk to my payroll lady, who just happens to be a cutie :)


So I just checked my checking account and I see my first "paycheck" and it's..$0.00! I've never had direct deposit before, is it supposed to be like that when it first appears, it does say prenote credit, am I actually gonna get mah money or do I have to go talk to my payroll lady, who just happens to be a cutie :)



The Cryptarch's Bane
So I just checked my checking account and I see my first "paycheck" and it's..$0.00! I've never had direct deposit before, is it supposed to be like that when it first appears, it does say prenote credit, am I actually gonna get mah money or do I have to go talk to my payroll lady, who just happens to be a cutie :)
I was going to tell you that that's normal and you're all good for your first deposit, but then I saw the last line, so...

Nope, that's not normal at all, there's likely a huge problem with your processing. Go talk to payroll as soon as possible.

Aeryne, I'm very sorry to hear about the turn of events. I should state that I've (not exactly against my will but not by choice either) been spending this week having my ex stay with me in my apartment again and this post:
Thanks. :3

I'm mostly okay now. I just sometimes feel sadness that it couldn't have worked out since I had such a good time and great memories. But honestly better that than letting the relationship get to the point where all the good memories have been poisoned by the bad ones.

It was mostly due to having different ideas of where we want our lives to go, so even if we'd worked on the other problems it would have been inevitable. At least I have these bitter sweet memories. :3
Is very relatable indeed. There's a lot of pain at the things that are still fun and comfortable and a lot of involuntary flashes back to memories good and bad, and it is not at all an enjoyable experience. It has been nice in some ways to see her but I feel weak and trapped with her around. :p

I will say that:
a) The bold was a very good idea. I let months go by after that point was crossed before ending the relationship and things only got worse in that regard following the breakup. Many hurtful things were said and they stick with you; she has been maintaining constantly this week that she doesn't hold any anger for me any more and the things that she said don't matter, but I can't just wipe them away.

b) Even though you made the tough decision based on the direction you want your lives to go, you will be better off for the bittersweet memories you've described.

Augh... can't wait for these next few days to be over with.


Reluctant Member
I'm sorry, I cant hug you with that avatar. Tis a strangely drawn Alucard, right?

It's a dodomeki. D: She's a ghost in Japan who has a hundred eyes on her body. She is a pickpocket, and whenever she steals a 5 yen coin (which has a hole in it, making it eye-like) she absorbs it into her body creating another eye.



It's a dodomeki. D: She's a ghost in Japan who has a hundred eyes on her body. She is a pickpocket, and whenever she steals a 5 yen coin (which has a hole in it, making it eye-like) she absorbs it into her body creating another eye.

Ahh. I assumed it had something to do with:



I'm just going to make the OT2 short and sweet. I figure, a majority of the people never read it word for word anyway. It'll pay homage, but wont be the novel length like the last ones.

Edit: and I'm stealing images from the last ones.

Edit Edit: Oh, and I'm calling out SA for the podcast to make sure he doesn't back out on the deal.

Edit Edit Edit: Oh, and wasn't someone looking for the RPGRPG link? http://rpg.demigodmode.com/


Still Alive
Sentry did one, but he never appears here anymore. Hawkian did one and you've done one. I guess it's my turn, then?
Wish I was around here more often but I somehow get overwhelmed when I try to follow.

But looking forward to the new thread. :) Hard to believe but January is only a few short months away... :eek:

like that we have established an order but
is at the top of it
I'm So Sorry. :(
Watching a video on SQL Server. When describing the datetimeoffset datatype the woman pronounced Greenwich as green-witch.

Do they say 'SQL' as 'sequel' instead of 'esse queue elle'? That makes me want to punch babies. I know are both correct, but GIF is correctly 'jif' as well, and screw that.

A pact to get my beard back from Pau?

Your avatar! It's a horse playing a saxophone! THIS PLEASES ME.


Reluctant Member
It's okay, I'm shy about physical hugging as well.

Virtual hugs are a-ok though, since it's the thought that makes me all warm and fuzzy.


I love hugs! I'd give each and every one of you a hug irl and you'd love it because my hugs are great :D

It's my preferred way of saying hello.


Finally get real internet and my desktop now basically dies and I don't have the money to make a new one. Aweeeesooooooomeeeeee.
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