Been the evil plan all along.It's incredible that a guy named Bowser made it all the way to the top.
Congrats to both.
Been the evil plan all along.It's incredible that a guy named Bowser made it all the way to the top.
Congrats to both.
Doesn't look like it. Oof.Cringelord has left the building.
hes gonna retire and smoke doobies all day. I just know it.
Not going to lie but that's pretty incredible for Reggie to want to take the time to make that video. Says quite a bit.
Damn, End of an Era. I didn't know Reggie was that old. I thought he still had at least 5-10 more years in him.
Hopefully we can get some good memes out of this Doug Bowser, but considering his last name is Bowser, I have no doubt the fans will get some gems.
"Were going to remodel a bit, lava pit to over there , some chain chomps on the entrance etc to reflect the new direction we're taking"It's only fitting that someone named Bowser should head Nintendo.
Haha! Omg, I love Nintendo.Saw this on Reddit
He probably earned many millions in this job, so he certainly has earned enough to last several life times. To spend more time with his family might just be more valuable to him than earning more money? And since he was a successful manager at Nintendo, he could definitely get a managament position at another company quickly if he so decides. Aynway, I was also surprised to read retire instead of quiting, because most managers just seem to value getting more and more money (and probably enjoy their jobs a lot, too) more than spending all the extra time with the family.Retire?, i thought he was like 45 or something lol.
Saw this on Reddit
Only as a customer.I knew this day would come eventually... He's going back to Pizza Hut right?
This may be the greatest post a Nintendo leader has ever made
I like Nintendo, but Nintendo of America does not make good decisions and has had terrible management for decades. I hope the new guy does better.
Cringelord has left the building.