wondering this too, although remote play direct to ps4 has been working superb for me so far.
I can't use remote play from my bed room, the wi-fi is too weak I guess.![]()
Sorry if it's already been asked, but is the button mapping per developers and not just baked in ala PSP/PSX?
First time i tried it the lag was like the ps3 remote play and the screen looked awful and had connection issues. Second time i played i ticked the second box in the settings which is to enable direct connection and its much better. Didnt notice to much lag playing resogun its pretty good and reaches a good distance, enough to use it where i most want. Although i turned the tv on to compare and cant tell which updates first its pretty equal. Although the sound at least in the menu is a bit delayed. I cant seem to find a way to choose between direct and through router does anyone know? I mean other than unchecking direct via the setting which you cant do while using it.
No its on the ps4 itself in vita settings.Where is that box in settings ? Which setting is that ,on the PS4 vita app?
Settings> power save settings and just uncheck the box. At least i think thats what its referring to, mine was already off.Question in the FAQ.
"Turn off Power Settings in your Vita"
How do I do this? All I can do is limit it to 10 minutes. And that still doesn't help that much.
Settings> power save settings and just uncheck the box. At least i think thats what its referring to, mine was already off.
I tried Flower with this last night, it looked and played perfectly. Was a few rooms over from the PS4 too. Awesome.
IGN reported that their Remote Play got better when they got home. In hotel they had worse preformance.
COD looks fine to me
And this man know what is right. He is using grip for Vita
my setup would be ps4 connected to wifi and vita through wifi can you still use direct connect without a lan connection to the ps4?
my setup would be ps4 connected to wifi and vita through wifi can you still use direct connect without a lan connection to the ps4?
My setup is this, and the performance is shit. Why do I have to connect the devices to a network? Why can't the two just do an ad hoc connection?
You have to put your ps4 in the DMZ, its the only way to be sure.
Look through your router settings, it should be there somewhere.
My setup is this, and the performance is shit. Why do I have to connect the devices to a network? Why can't the two just do an ad hoc connection?
They can. You have to check direct connect in the remote play options on the PS4. For further troubleshooting, turn off "internet access" in the network settings to ensure that the wifi is doing nothing but connecting to your Vita.
Any Vita TV Remote Play impressions yet?
Damn. I really want to know if it gives the exact same 720p picture the PS4 gives with no quality lost.I believe they haven't enabled it yet as Japan doesn't have the ps4 yet
But... that's the best way. PS4 button mapping is a little more complex than PSX emulation.
It's better to have developers do it, and it's mandatory for them to do it unless the game uses camera or PS Move.
All developers said it's easy, they literally just re-map buttons so that it works well.
Weird, Resogun feels like shit on RP but Ass Flag is pretty great.
Only weird thing I've noticed: When using the Vita's speakers (opposed to headphones) it's quiet as hell.
Weird, Resogun feels like shit on RP but Ass Flag is pretty great.
Only weird thing I've noticed: When using the Vita's speakers (opposed to headphones) it's quiet as hell.
Weird, Resogun feels like shit on RP but Ass Flag is pretty great.
You could just buy the vita version to play locally![]()