So disappointed it doesn't work for me. First day it worked PRETTY well, and now every time as soon as I connect and on it CONSTANTLY messes up and glitches. About three to five feet away from the ps4. Was hoping this was a game changer, and was hoping to give my Vitabros tons of impressions and tests, but its a complete failure for me. As such, and because quality and whether it even works varies so much, I can't remotely recommend anybody with a PS4 buy a Vita for this, or anybody with a Vita buy a PS4 for it unless they somehow KNOW it works in their set up. Wii U Off-TV this is NOT.
For the people that it works perfectly for, that's awesome. For me, its one of my biggest disappointments.
Edit: Sorry, I was mad. That sounded harsh. I really hope it gets better and starts working more seamlessly. I am looking forward to its future.
Sorry to be dense, but could someone break down how it works that I can be miles away? I mean, yeah, the internet, but how? I'm assuming I have to get a static IP or something? Is this going to be automatic and I don't have to do anything? Sorcery, I tell ya!
Although I'm really curious how much data it uses over LTE, I have a feeling this is going to obliterate my shitty 4GB/month plan.
Jeez, I guess I was totally wrong about Remote Play. For some reason I thought it only worked well on your home network so I was in no big hurry to get a Vita. After seeing how well people say it works away from home (wifi and LTE), I think I'm going to have to get a Vita ASAP.
Although I'm really curious how much data it uses over LTE, I have a feeling this is going to obliterate my shitty 4GB/month plan.
Netflix didn't work but NBA league pass works flawless and looks awesome.
Remote play is awesome.
aren't there Vita apps for those already? why use remote play for that?
Sounds like WiFi channels are clashing. Try this
Ps3 wifi still works.When you create such direct connection to Vita, can PS3 still connect to the web its own WiFi module? Or does PS3 require that you need LAN cable for web then?
Remote Play at large distance - New York to New Jersy
PS4 - fiber line - 85/45 mbit
Vita @ WiFi connected to fiber - 20/20
In description 50miles away, in video he says "over 100 miles away"
That's great
Can't wait until we see people try crazy distances
Like half way around the world
Wonder if I can play my ps4 on my vita while on vacation in the Bahamas
Feel like the crappy hotel wifi will probably not be conducive to RP
Its sorcery.
No, you dont need static IP for your PS4 to play over internet. Vita will know at what IP adress your PS4 is because, even if your dont have PS+, PS4 maintains connection with PSN. Vita will contact PSN servers, and quickly get latest PS4 IP adress.
Very frustrated. Remote play worked great direct to the PS4 the day I got the console. But yesterday and today, it barely wants to connect and it stutters quite frequently. Many times when I try to connect the Vita to the PS4, it tells me the connection speed is too slow. I've turned the power off, rebooted both Vita and PS4, and also relinked them using the code they give you. Hope I don't have a defective console.![]()
Did you try changing WiFi channels on your Vita?
Post #906/916
Try unchecking the direct connection option in the PS4.Could someone help me out?
I tried connecting to my Ps4 via the Vita at work....but it couldnt find my system, the connection timed out.
I have my ps4 set to turn on from the internet and Ive set up my remote play but it still didnt work.
Also, I have my android app set to my ps4 but that couldnt find my system either.
Tips? Help?
Thanks! This totally worked. If it's not in the first post, it should be.
Decision decision , anyone change there mind to go digital after remote play success ?
I can't seem to get it to work for me. Am I missing a step, or is it because I'm not connected to WiFi on either device? I want to connect them locally (they're within f5 feet of each other, come on).
1. Go to PS4; "Add Device"
2. Open Remote Play app on Vita and enter the code
3. Asks for WiFi, but I can't connect to anything right now and just hit cancel.
4. Can't connect.
I thought it could connect locally? Or does it need WiFi the first time you use it?
Remote play works perfectly for me at home, but at work, I can't even connect.
exact same issue im having....also the phone app cant find my ps4 either even though its on standby and both the vita and phone are registered on the system.
I had it working fine from work and then my vita went to sleep while knack was on lol.
so now I can't connect![]()
whomp whomp lol