after 2 weeks.. People are satisfied with remote Play? I´m still thinking about buying a vita just for this..
I love it and use it every day at the gym when I'm on an exercise bike before I lift and during dead times at work.
after 2 weeks.. People are satisfied with remote Play? I´m still thinking about buying a vita just for this..
after 2 weeks.. People are satisfied with remote Play? I´m still thinking about buying a vita just for this..
"Satisfied" isn't a strong enough word. Not only does Remote Play make the Vita absolutely a perfect companion device, but with PS+ you get get some must-have games. Oh, and buy Tearaway. It's my GOTY, hands-down.after 2 weeks.. People are satisfied with remote Play? I´m still thinking about buying a vita just for this..
"Satisfied" isn't a strong enough word. Not only does Remote Play make the Vita absolutely a perfect companion device, but with PS+ you get get some must-have games. Oh, and buy Tearaway. It's my GOTY, hands-down.
Huh never thought about that. That kind of sucks then but still a cool option nonetheless (RP I mean)
Did you ever get powerline adapters by the way?
I am finding AC4 to be the perfect game for Remote Play. I've been sailing around the map all day today at work, picking up the various collectibles. And since it's not a twitch game, it's even more well suited for the task.Killzone controls badly, Knack lacks the impressive visuals of a 1080p TV screen, Resogun at 30fps feels bad, etc...
This is all so dependent on your connection, though. I mean, sure in the house it's a different story, but even then there are so many variables for the connection quality. Router design, wifi vs. hard-wire, 10/100 connections to the PS4, rather than 10/100/1000. If all the PS4 was doing was direct connection, ala the Wii U, I could see these concerns being more than valid, however the PS4/Vita combo is doing so much more and catering to a number of different scenarios.I dunno how much they'll be able to upgrade or change it through later firmware updates, but if they can get 60fps streaming and cut down on compression artifacts that make it look like you're controlling a youtube video, it'll be much better.
It's decent. Looks and feels worse than the Wii U tablet for whatever reason (Nintendo more advanced tech + streaming 720p less pixels = easier?). I respect it for what it is and think down the line it'll be useful for rpgs and unimpressive looking games that you don't feel "damn, this looks awful compared to seeing it on my 1080p tv!", but most of the PS4 games so far don't translate too well. Killzone controls badly, Knack lacks the impressive visuals of a 1080p TV screen, Resogun at 30fps feels bad, etc...
I dunno how much they'll be able to upgrade or change it through later firmware updates, but if they can get 60fps streaming and cut down on compression artifacts that make it look like you're controlling a youtube video, it'll be much better.
The lag is pretty good though. Very minimal. Just needs better controls from developers of PS4 games (the L2/R2 back touchpad is not always the best idea).
And, mind you, this is coming from a dark fiber network at work to my house, with an elegant and fast designed home LAN network (I'm an IT Professional, so nothing but the best for my network!). The compression is there, but it's more like Netflix quality on a decent connection.
Sounds like you have a bad connection or less than optimal one. The grips that you have with happen with me when my connection is average. When it's good I can only see slight compression but not enough to say it looks bad.
I am finding AC4 to be the perfect game for Remote Play. I've been sailing around the map all day today at work, picking up the various collectibles. And since it's not a twitch game, it's even more well suited for the task.
This is all so dependent on your connection, though. I mean, sure in the house it's a different story, but even then there are so many variables for the connection quality. Router design, wifi vs. hard-wire, 10/100 connections to the PS4, rather than 10/100/1000. If all the PS4 was doing was direct connection, ala the Wii U, I could see these concerns being more than valid, however the PS4/Vita combo is doing so much more and catering to a number of different scenarios.
As for your compression woes, I don't know if you are hitting from inside your network or outside, but, again, there's going to be variables involved with how dynamically compressed Gakai makes that feed. Gakai says 3Mb/s to 6Mb/s is required. I've got a rather fat pipe leading up to my house and I see the complete 6Mb/s in throughput. And, mind you, this is coming from a dark fiber network at work to my house, with an elegant and fast designed home LAN network (I'm an IT Professional, so nothing but the best for my network!). The compression is there, but it's more like Netflix quality on a decent connection.
Yeah, they've been working pretty great for the most part, get around 5-6 MB/s for DL and 2-3 MB/s for UL.
My connection speed is 50 mbps/25 mbps
I certainly can't argue with this.and even at its best it still looks like watching a video and playing it vs. direct crips visuals generated on the screen itself.
Haha, yep. The joys of working for a University!That sounds so cool!
The Airport Extreme actually sucks is what I've been told...particularly for gaming.
Frankly it's the only router I've ever bought that didn't turn out to be a total piece of shit. So I'm a bit hesitant to replace it. Thing just always works and is fast.
If you don't mind me asking did you do anything special apart from opening up the required ports and possibly reserving the PS4 mac or ip address ?
well i'm stumped as fuck right now.
I have tried wifi/ethernet. dmz on, the ports forwarded.
but the vita keeps coming up saying could not connect to the ps4 system.
oh, upnp is on too.
I see it turning it on and everything. the same network fine though. google is failing me here with this specific problem. i just find stuff about day1 psn problems.
Did you activate account on your PS4/Vita? You need to do that before RP can start.
I can't get remote play to work over the internet at all and it's driving me nuts. I've got remote play enabled, activated as primary PS4, PS4 in standby and plugged in with Ethernet, uPnP enabled on both routers, QoS disabled on both routers. What the hell am I doing wrong?
Firewall on router ? Can put ps4 in DMZ zone on the router ?I can't get remote play to work over the internet at all and it's driving me nuts. I've got remote play enabled, activated as primary PS4, PS4 in standby and plugged in with Ethernet, uPnP enabled on both routers, QoS disabled on both routers. What the hell am I doing wrong?
Yeah, I've unchecked Direct Connect. Been using wifi at home.Did you uncheck the option on your PS4 to connect directly to the Vita? I didn't know about that until recently and couldn't get remote play working over WiFi until I unchecked that option.
No firewall on my router. Unfortunately, I'm out of town right now (only by about 50 miles, for the record), so I'll have to try DMZ when I get home. Was really hoping to use Remote Play over Thanksgiving after UPS dicked me over on my copy of Ys.Firewall on router ? Can put ps4 in DMZ zone on the router ?
Can't connect via the web from my parents' house. PS4 in standby back at my place. Apparently you have enable the PS4 to be turned on remotely on the console itself.
Isn't that one of the main points of standby mode itself? Why's there a separate second step? Argh.
Now that PS4 was launched in europe, I expect another spike of traffic here in this thread!![]()
Hopefully EU crowd will give us more reports about using RP via internet.![]()
More info. Needed. Up/down speed both ends and connection type.Managed to get it working finally.
All I can say is holyyyyy shiiiit. This is what next gen is about. Just played two hours of battlefield 4 away from home without any problems.
More info. Needed. Up/down speed both ends and connection type.
When u say no problems, was quality same as if u were connected locally?
The PS4 is connected with a LAN cable at home with Verizon FIOS (50dl/15up).
Played at my girlfriends house who has Optimum Online which is 15dl/3up (the router isn't the best, so wifi speed testing on my laptop for downloads is about 5-6mb).
And the quality was great. No noticeable input lag from what I could tell. Video quality was near perfect apart from one time when it got blurry for about 3 seconds. Played for battlefield 4 for about 2 hours and it felt just like I was playing it on the PS4 except on "dat OLED". This actually might have convinced me to go all digital so I can play any game whenever.
If you select 'direct connection', will it drop back to using the router if you're too far away, or is that option basically saying to use direct connect for all in-home use?
Any special things to do to use over the Internet? And any way to test that without having to go outside and find a wifi hotspot somewhere? Going to be at my parents at Christmas and it'd be good if I can connect to the PS4
Yes. PS4 link app will first try to connect directly, but if it cant it will try to contact you "over the Internet".
So there are people here who can get their PS4 to turn on from standby using the direct connect? Does it even use the internet or router to do this?
If you are using direct, you dont need router. Waking up of PS4 is possible only if you park it in standby mode.
It will choose direct connect before WiFi if it is available.Also they should add the ability to select a preferred connection method, both so we can be sure we've got the best connection and also I assume it would make things quicker. At the moment I'm deleting my router from the Vita's memory, so then I'm guaranteeing I'll get a direct connection. I must say that I successfully played over the router though (Wireless G) so it might not be that big of a deal.