As for the router quality, it's top notch! One dead zone area in my house where devices would constantly drop signal are now lightning quick with no issues!
NOW ONTO THE EVEN BETTER NEWS...OH HELL YEAH! I am so happy right now. Brought the vita to work, and bam! Remote play works! I have AC4 in, gonna fire it up to try game play in a minute but the PS4 home screen is fast and responsive with no lag!
The crazy part is I didn't touch a single setting on the nighthawk router. My PS4 is wirelessly connected and is NOT set up with a static IP. I have my PS4 direct connect turned off , I obviously have it paired with my vita, I have auto login turned on, and I have enable to start up from sleep mode. I am a very happy camper right now!
EDIT: it's worth noting I hit connect remote play and it got to the checking the Internet stage then times out. So tried it a second time and it worked... Probably takes a minute to turn the PS4 on over the Internet. Second point to notice is this nighthawk router defaults to enable UPNP. But like I said I didn't configure a single router setting or put my PS4 into a static IP.
Hmm this sounds great. I get timeouts and lag spikes playing from 10ft away in a 1 bedroom apartment. Sounds like this beast may fix that.
Only problem I may run into is that my internet runs through a modem/router combo Comcast device, so I wonder if that's introducing lag or port issues if I run this router out of an ethernet port from that piece of shit (i.e data needs to pass through two routers...)
Hmm this sounds great. I get timeouts and lag spikes playing from 10ft away in a 1 bedroom apartment. Sounds like this beast may fix that.
Only problem I may run into is that my internet runs through a modem/router combo Comcast device, so I wonder if that's introducing lag or port issues if I run this router out of an ethernet port from that piece of shit (i.e data needs to pass through two routers...)
You can have Comcast set your gateway in bridge mode so it will shut off all of the routing functions and have it act as only a modem.
I would also get some lag and time outs prior to this router, and being on the same network. Now I played for about 5 minutes today and no choppiness nothing... And I was at sea in AC4 with a lot going on. Like I said I'm about 30 minutes from home, aprox 17 miles.
If you google "PS4 remote play with nighthawk router" you'll get several hits and it looks like everyone with this router didn't have to config anything on the router. I must say I'm extremely happy with it in the meer hours I've had it.
This router is well worth the price tag!! Let me ask you this... Comcast supplied you the modem/router combo? You were forced into using that? I have the triple play package - phone/Internet/television and according to the comcast tech only one modem was made to accommodate this. It's aris brand... Not sure if it has routing capabilities but I didn't touch a thing with it. If you can switch to that that would/should work. If not I'd say bridge your modem/router so that the nighthawk would take over all router functions.
I hope Sony address system updates. Doesn't work with remoteplay at all.
I hope Sony address system updates. Doesn't work with remoteplay at all. Not the end of the world if you are near your PS4 to manually update with the DS4, but trickier if you are out of the house
You can leave Direct Connect turned on if you want to have that kind of connection in your home. At your work, Vita will after few seconds automatically recognize that there is no PS4 in your local WiFi range and then it will switch to Internet connection mode.
And static IP is not needed, except for some rare cases when routers are really problematic. Sony is only recommending turning on UPNP, and then opening of ports if that is not helping.
I did my last two updates using remote play...
Though when it does the reboot, it causes the HDMI-CEC to kick on.
How is Killzone now with the 30 fps cap via patch? It was playable but difficult over remote play.
Has anyone found a solution for AT&T Uverse people? My understanding is that the settings on the 2Wire gateway are blocking the remote play. I've set all the ports needed on my Netgear router ( PS4 connected to Netgear connected to 2wire. I use the Netgear as my main router).
I'd like to set the 2Wire as a pass through to my wireless router, but from what I've seen that's not an option. Any ideas?
Not sure if this applies to you but these may help?
Has anyone found a solution for AT&T Uverse people? My understanding is that the settings on the 2Wire gateway are blocking the remote play. I've set all the ports needed on my Netgear router ( PS4 connected to Netgear connected to 2wire. I use the Netgear as my main router).
I'd like to set the 2Wire as a pass through to my wireless router, but from what I've seen that's not an option. Any ideas?
Do you have the same perf with all games ? It looks like 60fps games tend to be worst than 30 for me ... Strider through remote play isnt gloriole ... More pixel with fast scrolling than many games and framerate doesnt seems amazing. Just tried ac4 straight after its much better ...
And feels like IQ is worst when i play online (bf4 /kz). Am i only ONE ?
Overall i dont think If its possible to have a pixel Free image ? My best iq is assassin creed 4.... Slowest caméra game i have also .... Almost no pixel beside moving really fast
Ps4 is wired. I dont use direct connection its bad for me. Works only in front of the ps4How do you have the PS4 connected and how are you connecting for RP?
I.E. Is your PS4 connected wirelessly or wired?
Are you direct connecting to the PS4 or connecting via your router?
Ps4 is wired. I dont use direct connection its bad for me. Works only in front of the ps4
I can actually Check pressing 2sec the ps button on vita (menu with shortcut for plane/wifi/Bt on off) it has wireless level on iper left corner. With direct connect in front of the ps4 i have 3/3. In my kitchen (10m behind ) 2/3. In my bedroom 1/3 with some artifact. Going with routeur i have 3/3 or 2/3 in all home.
I just tried killzone. Solo is amazing. I would say 8/10 iq (10/10 beeing on ps4-Tv) almost no compression and lag less. Better even with 30fps lock (so maybe native 30fps game are better on remote play ?). But again MP would be like 6/10. With all stuff Going on i can see more compression. No lag. Just pixels here ans there some Times (totally playable its not a pixel mess at all ... But far from SP)
I had AT&T and the 2wire as well. Had no luck at all over the Internet. Literally spent since around Christmas to just less then a week ago trying all different things. Nothing worked. I had my own personal router too.
I switched to Comcast last weekend and got a top notch router. No issues now and didn't have to port forward or change any settings. AT&T uses DSL which doesn't help the matter. Like stated above I think your only option may be the bridge mode which I didn't try. During my 2 months of hell trying to get it to work I haven't heard to many success stories from people using AT&T
how does this work for online shooters if you are connecting to your ps4 remotely from a different network? i've been spending a lot of time at my gf's place and would like to be able to play bf4 multi-player while i'm there. i'm considering picking up a vita to do so, but i'm worried the lag will be too much.
I'm playing it right now and it looks fine. Sure there's some compression but "a pixel mess"? Get closer to your PS4 or router, whatever you're connected to.Just tried ff14. Quite a pixel mess imho![]()
I have full signal If i look at my vita (3/3)I'm playing it right now and it looks fine. Sure there's some compression but "a pixel mess"? Get closer to your PS4 or router, whatever you're connected to.
I'm playing it right now and it looks fine. Sure there's some compression but "a pixel mess"? Get closer to your PS4 or router, whatever you're connected to.
Here's my setup:
- PS4 in basement room
- Vita (remote play) often in same basement room, or quite close by
- Modem/router 2 storeys up on top floor of house
- Wireless range extender directly next to PS4; generally gives 15mbps
Should I be doing a direct connection or use wifi?
Here's my setup:
- PS4 in basement room
- Vita (remote play) often in same basement room, or quite close by
- Modem/router 2 storeys up on top floor of house
- Wireless range extender directly next to PS4; generally gives 15mbps
Should I be doing a direct connection or use wifi?
Here's my setup:
- PS4 in basement room
- Vita (remote play) often in same basement room, or quite close by
- Modem/router 2 storeys up on top floor of house
- Wireless range extender directly next to PS4; generally gives 15mbps
Should I be doing a direct connection or use wifi?
Played AC4 remote play yesterday pretty much all day... Had a lazy day at the gf's place. Aprox 10.5 miles away and worked like a charm. Couple minor hiccups where it would lag for under 10 seconds but that's it. Such a beautiful thing, so happy this is working for me finally. Technology just amazes me!
Glad to hear it ABeezy![]()
I am finding myself becoming all the more lazy to even turn on the tv and PS4... been booting up the Vita for some quick AC4 sessions!
I am usually at my girlfriends place over the weekend and all that needs to be said is women and their tv shows... Vita is going to come in quite handy! And to think, she bought it for me for Christmas! hah!
So far solely only used the Vita for RP. I don't even have a memory card. Maybe someday I will try out some Vita games but I pretty much exclusively wanted it for RP, if it works great (which mine does knock on wood) then I don't see much of a need for true Vita gaming!
lol Remote Play justified? I'm not sure that was Sony's hopes and dreams when they thought on improving the feature although it did sell a Vita haha
help please, here's my setup, my router is on my bedroom, PS4 is on entertainment room connected wired with powerline. using remote play from my bedroom, it work great except for the occasional moment where it lag badly for a few seconds before it stabilize again.
anything I can do to remove that occasional lag entirely? I thought I already have everything setup optimally.
I use modem router Linksys X3000 btw, don't know if that matter or not.
Is it not possible to use online features while using remote play? I'm using remote play right now but it won't let me sign in to PSN, view trophy info, friends, messages etc.