Weren't they willing to port Sonic Mania over to the 3DS?
Weren't they willing to port Sonic Mania over to the 3DS?
Yeah, that was Jools specifically. Telling how he never mentioned Renegade Kid but more himself. I assume he's still 100% up for it, just now it'll be under Atooi.
Hasn't the big rumor for Mutant Mudds 2 been that it was possibly going back to the original 3D platformer concept? I wonder how that will play out now.Oh yeah, I forgot all about that! There's a definite niche for more (any!) 3D platformers on 3DS, I wonder why they never made a 3D Mudds game.
Also both those names are much worse than Renegade Kid.
To be honest, I only played Xeodrifters and I hated the controls. Never liked the look of Mutant Mudds. Maybe their ideas weren't meshing properly.
The first Mutant Mudds was really successful critically/saleswise on the 3DS/WiiU
Shame, but if you've gotta do your own thing, this seems an amicable way to do it.
Nothing about Treasurenauts? Sorry if I missed it.
Don't own any Nintendo systems? Or if you do, don't pay attention to indie stuff?
They are passionate people, but I never enjoyed any of their games. Mutant Mudds was incredibly average for the praise it got.
I played, but never liked their games.I haven't heard of any of these games...
Title should have said "splitting up" instead, I was really sad thinking they were quiting game development altogether.
I liked Xeodrifter well enough. Still hoping for a Mutant Mudds physical release some time. Demo seemed cool.
Doesn't sound like they parted ways as friends? I don't know their history, but this sounds like a relationship break-up kind of situation. Good thing they're still gonna create games though.
I haven't heard of any of these games...