How is that going for you?Which is why I keep telling people to calm down and not get emotional over every little thing.
How is that going for you?Which is why I keep telling people to calm down and not get emotional over every little thing.
You guys are taking the word of someone who referred to Trump as 'buttboi'.
Come on, really?
How is that going for you?
Dude even said during the press conference, "if Putin like me, I see that as an asset, not a liability."If you knew about every single source people said. You wouldn't have opened with "something from Twitter and buzz feed."
Now youre just doubling down on there being no solid evidence. Its a report, Everyone discussing this is fully aware of that revelation. As, Even if this all were true, we have due process, and there would be an investigation into the seemingly mountain of information that intelligence is briefing our leaders with.
This is not benghazi. Trump has a track record of lying about Russia, and putin. People he surrounds himself have ties to russia. He's lied about the Unverified info even being vetted by him, Even as recent as this week. If you want to make asinine statements that have no logic behind them, feel free. But stop acting like someone is out to get you. You're posting bullshit, getting called out on it, then posting more bullshit.
There isn't a single parallel with benghazi. If you believe so, that just speaks to a failure in critical thinking.
Yes. Switch reveal is going on in Gaming. $300 and pay-to-play online. Booo.
Here's David Ignatius' bit from WaPo that everyone on twitter is talking about
Rolling Stone said:...
The secret services either know far more than they're letting on, or they're using all this fluff and nonsense to try to sell the public on a conspiracy story they themselves can't quite prove. Either possibility is crazy to contemplate.
Comey's demurrals notwithstanding, it's now known that the Justice Department before the election repeatedly sought secret FISA warrants to investigate two Russian banks and a series of Trump associates.
We now know they got the warrant to investigate the Russian banks in October. As a result, there's suddenly quite justifiable outrage that Comey decided to reveal details of his Clinton email investigation and not news of this other inquiry right before the election.
But the more immediate problem is, why is Comey still holding back now? What is he waiting for?
Meanwhile, Ynet in Israel is reporting that Israeli intelligence officials are deciding not to share intelligence with the incoming Trump administration. The report indicates they came to this conclusion after a recent meeting with American intelligence officials, who told them the Russians have "leverages of pressure" to use against Trump.
This is an extraordinary story. If our intelligence community really believes this, then playtime is over.
No more Clapper-style hedging or waffling. If Israel gets to hear why they think Trump is compromised, how is the American public not also so entitled?
But if all they have are unverifiable rumors, they can't do this, not even to Donald Trump.
The only solution is an immediate unveiling of all the facts and an urgent public investigation. A half-assed whispering campaign a week and a half from a Trump presidency, with BuzzFeed at the center of the action, isn't going to cut it. We need to know what the likes of Clapper and Comey know, and we need it all now, before it's too late.
I think it's safe to say it was violated. Why else call? Just to say hi? This is nuts.
I wouldn't be surprised if in a few months if Mike T Flynn gets arrested and trump uses Mike T Flynn to save himself.
Pretty much.
He's in fine company... Both obviously, undoubtedly, completely, not guilty.... Cough...
I have the R Kelly T-shirt. May have to make the D Trump version myself....
If this all goes down, Trump will be the most famous person in American history. And even if Russia is outed, they're going to look amazing to anyone who hates the US and the west in general.
But "nobody cares", and any complaints are fake news.Whether or not it's all true, the incoming administration's policy towards Russia is now undermined, and so by extension, is Putin's grip. Any decision Trump takes will be viewed as a directive from the Kremlin.
Whether or not it's all true, the incoming administration's policy towards Russia is now undermined, and so by extension, is Putin's grip. Any decision Trump takes will be viewed as a directive from the Kremlin.
But the more immediate problem is, why is Comey still holding back now? What is he waiting for?
I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.and that might be the game here, the IC may just be waging a whisper campaign that is going to keep players on both sides on their toes not trusting anyone on any side with the end goal of stymieing any plans Putin had for the next 4 years and hopefully not more. Trump fucked up big going after the intelligence community.
and that might be the game here, the IC may just be waging a whisper campaign that is going to keep players on both sides on their toes not trusting anyone on any side with the end goal of stymieing any plans Putin had for the next 4 years and hopefully not more. Trump fucked up big going after the intelligence community.
I am actually legit trying to think of who he hasn't made an enemy out of on capital hill beyond his inner circle. Most republicans in congress were in near open revolt against him in the primaries and are reluctantly with him because he is stuck as the head of the parties image. He insults almost every ally we have and continues to cozy up with Russia and Assad despite most of previous allies consider them hostile. The intelligence community just might be the tip that finally caused it to spill. To be honest the biggest insult might what he has thrown at the press recently. Aside from most of Fox News (and even they are tepid) almost every organization has called him a liar out right over his recent comments regarding briefings. We now know anything he says regarding national security cannot be trusted, that is dangerous for someone who is about to be head of state. Even the bush administration for how slimy some of the people were in those offices didn't come across as habitual liars, they at least thought the words they used would taking to task with a fine toothed comb.
If this all goes down, Trump will be the most famous person in American history. And even if Russia is outed, they're going to look amazing to anyone who hates the US and the west in general.
But guys, Trump knows all about the small cameras with modern technology planted everywhere. He tells it to people all the time. Not just Russia, but everywhere. And he's a germaphobe too. So, I mean, how are we still discussing this?
http://www.smh.com.au/world/general...ut-permission-files-show-20161214-gtbedl.htmlHere's David Ignatius' bit from WaPo that everyone on twitter is talking about
But guys, Trump knows all about the small cameras with modern technology planted everywhere. He tells it to people all the time. Not just Russia, but everywhere. And he's a germaphobe too. So, I mean, how are we still discussing this?
Infamous. He'll be the next Benedict Arnold. It will give the word "trump" all new meaning.
Edit: beaten apparently heh.
This really doesn't have to do with anything so I apologize in advance. But technically, urine is sterile and as the story goes, he paid them to piss on a bed, not him, right? Not germaphobe mutually exclusive. Gods help me.
Norway's most famous word is 'Quisling' - The name of a traitor who colluded with the Nazis during the invasion and established a nazi friendly puppet government. If there are truths in the claims presented so far I know exactly what the name 'Trump' will represent in the future.
Norway's most famous word is 'Quisling' - The name of a traitor who colluded with the Nazis during the invasion and established a nazi friendly puppet government. If there are truths in the claims presented so far I know exactly what the name 'Trump' will represent in the future.
and that might be the game here, the IC may just be waging a whisper campaign that is going to keep players on both sides on their toes not trusting anyone on any side with the end goal of stymieing any plans Putin had for the next 4 years and hopefully not more. Trump fucked up big going after the intelligence community.
Trump is a Russian agent IMO...they have the goods on him. The praise for Russia from him and his appointees is way over the top. Loose-lipped Donald Trump can get himself in trouble with Access Hollywood, the kineving Russians would obviously get more out of him than that.
As for the IC and what they're going to do in the next week.
It may be the Intelligence community is too focused on looking at private parts that they aren't looking at Trump/Russia and thus know very little and will do nothing...and we all die from Trump launched US nukes.
It could also be the IC wants more power and there'd be no better way to gain more power than swooping in at the last minute to deny Trump.
Which leads to fuck face...James Comey. How the heck does he fit into all of this? He handed the election to Trump with the Clinton shit while ignoring the explosive revelations on Trump? He had to know would be the result. Is he working for Russia? Or was Trump gaining power part of the plan...per the paragraph above...to show American greatness and embarrass the right for nominating a Russian operative?
This will be the most interesting week in all our lifetimes I think. I'd assume there are plenty of entities out there trying to stop Trump from taking office in some way or another.
If Trump takes power, America will not be a super power after the length of his stay is up. Lisa Simpson will be right.
If Trump has been colluding with Russia and they have evidence of it he needs to be removed from office ASAP.It doesn't have to be this week. I think if they can destroy Flynn for confirmation this week, their short term work will be done. Without the threat of Flynn looming over their head, I think the IC will be safe in the short term. They can have the scandal appear 6 months to a year from now to take down the presidency.
It doesn't have to be this week. I think if they can destroy Flynn for confirmation this week, their short term work will be done. Without the threat of Flynn looming over their head, I think the IC will be safe in the short term. They can have the scandal appear 6 months to a year from now to take down the presidency.
So let's say all of this is true and Trump and his comrades are arrested...then what happens? Pence is President? Hard to believe that the VP wouldn't know of these secrets, plus the public probably wouldn't trust him. Ryan as President then?
If Russia compromised our democratic process, should there be a re-election for President? I mean this shit is crazy and unprecedented.
We're likely stuck with what we got, but I'm aghast at fact of how nobody seems to know what the fuck is going on right now. So much shit hitting the fan. Power transition process is marching steadily along while the American people still haven't been given the foggiest clue as to what we're actually transitioning to.
Russia controls our power grid. And all those people are getting hyped for the Switch. ha.
I still can't believe Republicans aren't more outraged they got duped, conned, played, and are being made the fool and some will still fight you for their right to be ignorant.
Like where the fuck did patriotism go? This guy literally does everything plus more you accuse Obama of and not a fucking peep of dissent. Trump could take their guns and they'd probably fall in line at this point.
Don't fret. She'll have a temporary refund adjustment lined up to make everything better.If Trump takes power, America will not be a super power after the length of his stay is up. Lisa Simpson will be right.