Chris Steel gave the the dossier to the FBI in August.
Comey too busy with the emails to do anything about it.
Comey passed it on to FBI counter intelligence division in DC, need to remember where I read that.
lol that makes McCain dropping it on his desk fucking hilarious then
Comey: Yes
McCain: ...the fuck
lol that makes McCain dropping it on his desk fucking hilarious then
Comey: Yes
McCain: ...the fuck
In an hourlong interview, Mr. Trump said he would keep intact sanctions against Russia imposed by the Obama administration at least for a period of time.
If you get along and if Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebodys doing some really great things? Trump in the interview suggested he might do away with the Russian sanctionsimposed by the president in late December in response to Moscows alleged cyberattacksif the nation proves helpful in battling terrorists and reaching other goals important to the U.S. The president-elect said he is prepared to meet with Mr. Putin some time after he is sworn in.
I understand that they would like to meet, and thats absolutely fine with me, he said.
Why would he even DO that interview right now
New WSJ interview with Trump:
They're one of the few publications that won't try to grill him.Why would he even DO that interview right now
I'm not a subscriber... when was this interview conducted?New WSJ interview with Trump:
Why would he even DO that interview right now
More like
Comey: ...I've had this since August.
I'm not a subscriber... when was this interview conducted?
Why would he even DO that interview right now
Wish the media would have reported on this shit when they fucking got it.
It probably would have fallen by the wayside just like pussygate.
It probably would have fallen by the wayside just like pussygate.
I dunno. How about you go in the thread and talk about it?How many high profile retractions/corrections about Russian meddling stories do we need to see before Poligaf shows a smidgeon of skepticism? There was just another one in Fortune last night.
How many high profile retractions/corrections about Russian meddling stories do we need to see before Poligaf shows a smidgeon of skepticism? There was just another one in Fortune last night.
Anything happen recently? Fell off the thread today.
From the Steele memos:
Russia sells 19.5 stake in Rosneft.
New WSJ interview with Trump:
How many high profile retractions/corrections about Russian meddling stories do we need to see before Poligaf shows a smidgeon of skepticism? There was just another one in Fortune last night.
How many high profile retractions/corrections about Russian meddling stories do we need to see before Poligaf shows a smidgeon of skepticism? There was just another one in Fortune last night.
No link.
No substance.
No reply.
No point.
True... But ya know.... As "politics" as things are right now if it comes out Trump campaign and Russia were in communication I still have faith that at least some republicans will nut up and do the right thing for America. Maybe it's a fools hope. But fuck man... We are American before we are republicans and democrats.Yeah the Senate is independent so nothing Trump can do to stop this. Whether they will operate with the best interest of the people is a mystery. 8 GOP and 7 Dems on the committee. Steele, the former MI6 agent who investigated Donald Trumps alleged Kremlin links, was so worried by what he was discovering that at the end he was working without pay, The Independent has learned.
Mr Steele also decided to pass on information to both British and American intelligence officials after concluding that such material should not just be in the hands of political opponents of Mr Trump, who had hired his services, but was a matter of national security for both countries.
However, say security sources, Mr Steele became increasingly frustrated that the FBI was failing to take action on the intelligence from others as well as him. He came to believe there was a cover-up, that a cabal within the Bureau blocked a thorough inquiry into Mr Trump, focusing instead on the investigation into Hillary Clintons emails.
It is believed that a colleague of Mr Steele in Washington, Glenn Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter who runs the firm Fusion GPS, felt the same way and, at the end also continued with the Trump case without being paid.
This is gonna get traction, isn't it? Just seems hard to believe someone like that would be so invested if there wasn't anything to it. Unless he was a loon. But Corn writes the guy didn't come off like a loon.
Mr Steele is now in hiding, under attack from some Tory MPs for supposedly trying to ruin the chances of Theresa Mays Government building a fruitful relationship with the Trump administration. Some of them accuse him of being part of an anti-Brexit conspiracy. A right-wing tabloid has outed him as being a confirmed socialist while at university.
Spicer is a liar. The call took place on the 29th.Sean Spicer explains phone calls between Flynn and Russia:
This is gonna get traction, isn't it? Just seems hard to believe someone like that would be so invested if there wasn't anything to it. Unless he was a loon. But Corn writes the guy didn't come off like a loon.
And over the last 15 or so years, I tend to pay attention when he's covering something.
Fucking hell the UK has some certified idiots in government too.
From the article above:
Fucking hell the UK has some certified idiots in government too.