You walk into a smoke filled roooooooom
Where was it labeled low reliability in the report. I've seen this repeated quite a few times, but I don't see it in the report.The document linked by Buzzfeed is not the centerpoint of the IC report or current investigation. It's the only thing however that citizens have access to at the moment. The fact that the IC presented a briefing and a newly formed senate investigative committee have been formed tend to imply there is merit to suspicion of Trump and his associates.
On the Cohen point, that was labeled as low reliability in the report but the fact that it turned out to be a DIFFERENT Cohen shows me the document was at least correctly categorizing its own intel.
In any case we're all just waiting for results.
Wtf with trumps tweets there like 16 mins between them and they are follow on tweets
Wtf with trumps tweets there like 16 mins between them and they are follow on tweets
I just imagine him sending off the first one and pacing back and forth thinking, 'Think Donald, what sick burns will your genius unleash on a civil rights hero...'
16 minutes go by and you have his 2nd masterpiece which amounts to 'No you're wrong!'
That's a great article. Considering the lack of hard evidence, people are way too confident that this stuff is going to be verified. Given the possibility that it's not true, people need to reflect on what this is all going to look like if it doesn't bear out. It's going to be a huge victory for Trump and a huge loss in confidence for mainstream media institutions, the intelligence community and the democratic party.This covers my opinion on the matter:
There's either something truly crazy at the center of this, or it's truly crazy that it's being pushed this hard without evidence.
Either Trump is a traitor or he's being treated more unfairly than anyone ever has been in the history of the universe
I'd wager the former
Has he tweeted?
Spoke to soon. Whats with the caps?
Has he tweeted?
Spoke to soon. Whats with the caps?
Insiders = his Russian handlers![]()
The responses he's getting for this shit are pretty hilarious.
Making fonts great again.
The responses he's getting for this shit are pretty hilarious.
Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to......
mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!
Donald Trump's tweet about OAN has a video where they say 'it's unsubstantiated' or 'it's a lie' without offering any proof whatsoever saying otherwise (sorry, but a news media talking head's opinion is not proof). Just because OAN says it isn't doesn't make it so. There's been more actually fact checking and investigation in this thread than the totality of the 2 and half minute video.
Trump's attacks on John Lewis are so beyond the pale.
All he needs now is comic-sans
A look back at Obama's legacy: How he started the War on Cops... #bluelivesmatter #waroncops #orlandoPolice
Lewandowski also started a lobbying firm in December, alongside Barry Bennett, who has ties to Mary Cheney (as partner of GOP pollster firm Vox Populi).And in entirely unrelated news Lewandowski is now a commentator on OAN
A sample of the "quality" content found on OANN's twitter account
Read this in charlie brown arrrghhhh voice.
krümelmonster;228342813 said:FAKENEWS! THAT'S NOT COMIC SANS! DISGUSTING!!!ümelmonster;228343317 said:Am I the only one reminded of Burn After Reading?
krümelmonster;228343317 said:Am I the only one reminded of Burn After Reading?
Brilliant. Such a great movie.
I've never heard of One America News before lmao.
The responses he's getting for this shit are pretty hilarious.
Jesus. The more I see him post these pathetic, bullshit, petty-ass tantrums, replete with lies and links to bullshit "news"--all while still discrediting the IC--the more I believe he won't make to Inaguaration. The powers that be will not allow him to have a minute of real power.
*fingers crossed*
At least they seem friendly.
Trump, the alt right, Republican propaganda machines, its all stupid and rightly made fun of , but do you guys not see the problem with treating an explosive thing like this as potentially true until debunked?
Nah I don't give a fuck
I balance out the flops saying nothing will happen by saying that Trump is gonna get shot out of a cannon into the Statue of Liberty TODAY
Trump, the alt right, Republican propaganda machines, its all stupid and rightly made fun of , but do you guys not see the problem with treating an explosive thing like this as potentially true until debunked? If this was a story about Hillary taking money from Saudi Arabia or something scandalous of the sort we would likely question the integrity of the intelligence community before accepting it as likely true. In fact, people have been decrying the FBI as trump centric and Comey of being pro-trump ever since the email resurgence, but have no problem citing them as a source for this story to be true when in reality all we know is that trump was presented with this info, and that some unknown parts were considered worth investigating, who knows which. I just can't help but be nervous about the blowback if this ends up being totally false, furthering the narrative that "the media" is biased, dishonest, partisan, and trying to delegitimize the presidency. And making the left look easily manipulated by propaganda that confirms their political bias.
The other thing is idk if I was any this to be true. I don't want a president pence...Similarly I don't want Comey gone, because then we'll get trumps pick for FBI director. This is all too iffy for me.
Wtf with trumps tweets there like 16 mins between them and they are follow on tweets
I don't give a fuck. Resist.
Smear them, accuse them, undermine them, don't work with them. Give them a little of their own medicine.
Going high did not work, it's time for low blows.
It's not constructive for us to feed the Republicans narrative though. That actually hurts us