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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Cross-posting from PoliGAF:

On Fox News, Chris Wallace directly asked Mike Pence if Trump and/or his associates had direct contact with Russia during the election and about the DNC hack.

Pence initially responded by blaming opposition research and didn't answer.

Asked again, Pence responded by saying that the campaign's contact was "with American people."

Two questions, two deflections.

Wallace, being the great journalist he is, pressed AGAIN, and finally Pence said "Of course not."

On the record, Mike. On the record. It was obvious he was deflecting and was now caught in a lie.

Wallace has generally been clutch. I remember a 2012 interview he did with Romney (Romney was making flapjacks, as I recall), that was super tough, much tougher than even perhaps a CNN reporter might have been. I suspect Wallace relishes his position as one of the few legitimate broadcasters on "America's most watched news network."


My gut tells me Tom Arnold is just looking for attention (because who gave him a thought in the last decade?) but it would be pretty great if he could embarrass the hell out of Trump days after Inauguration.
I seriously doubt Arnold actually has anything. I mean, what's the hypothetical scenario where he sits on them until after inauguration if he does? Does he think that after Trump's divested himself of his business assets to avoid conflicts of interests (haw) that he won't be in a position to bring suit against him anymore?

I feel like Arnold was playing a game where because he had worked with/around Trump he was acutely aware of the kind of shit the man says and was just hoping that someone had a blackmail tape that would materialize if he claimed to have seen it. Not a bad bet, but if that was the case he's really rode this pony into the dirt.


If Tom Arnold doesn't deliver no one will believe anything from him on this again. He had his chance before the election, this is his last chance.

I already don't believe he has shit because of the way he hyped this up before the election. I doubt anyone who has followed this is expecting anything from him.


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Damn that's insane.

Can't imagine being able to remember than many people.


If Tom Arnold doesn't deliver no one will believe anything from him on this again. He had his chance before the election, this is his last chance.

I already don't believe he has shit because of the way he hyped this up before the election. I doubt anyone who has followed this is expecting anything from him.

you act like he has something to lose. it just isn't so, at least in terms of his relationship with the public.


Damn that's insane.

Can't imagine being able to remember than many people.

Trump: "Who is this person? Have I made a deal with him?"
Assistant: "Yeah we made a 100 million deal"
Trump: "Oh yeah, I love this guy. Good guy, one of the best."

you act like he has something to lose. it just isn't so, at least in terms of his relationship with the public.

I mean he still gets attention because of this. If he doesn't deliver this time, he will fade away and absolutely no one will pay him any attention on Twitter.
Does a sex tape actually matter? Would it have changed people's minds? No one can sincerely say that it would have. 59% of his voters, according to a Pew poll, do not want Trump to release his tax returns in fear of it incriminating him. Do you think these people would be swayed by a tape?


Does a sex tape actually matter? Would it have changed people's minds? No one can sincerely say that it would have. 59% of his voters, according to a Pew poll, do not want Trump to release his tax returns in fear of it incriminating him. Do you think these people would be swayed by a tape?
A sex tape adds credibility to the incriminations in the dossier.
Does a sex tape actually matter? Would it have changed people's minds? No one can sincerely say that it would have. 59% of his voters, according to a Pew poll, do not want Trump to release his tax returns in fear of it incriminating him. Do you think these people would be swayed by a tape?

A sex tape won't and shouldn't matter. It would just be incredibly hypocrisy.


Does a sex tape actually matter? Would it have changed people's minds? No one can sincerely say that it would have. 59% of his voters, according to a Pew poll, do not want Trump to release his tax returns in fear of it incriminating him. Do you think these people would be swayed by a tape?

We know he is a liar but that would be a pretty big one that means he can't be trusted and the rest of it is probably true so let's see his tax returns etc. it would just snowball and destroy him.
Dude is quickly becoming enemy of the state here in europe

It's important stage-setting for what's to come, as we're going to need you guys ready to invade America and topple the Neo-Nazi regime in a few years.

Yeah, I know. The irony isn't lost on us, either.


Junior Member
Has anyone posted this yet?

The dossier's claim about a Ukraine-WikiLeaks tit-for-tat alleges that Trump would refrain from speaking forcefully, if at all, about Russia's incursion into eastern Ukraine in 2014. In return, Russia would provide WikiLeaks the documents it stole from the Democratic National Committee (DNC).


Wikileaks did post hacked DNC documents shortly after the GOP convention

Starting on Friday 22 July 2016 at 10:30am EDT, WikiLeaks released over 2 publications 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments from the top of the US Democratic National Committee -- part one of our new Hillary Leaks series. The leaks come from the accounts of seven key figures in the DNC: Communications Director Luis Miranda (10520 emails), National Finance Director Jordon Kaplan (3799 emails), Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer (3095 emails), Finanace Director of Data & Strategic Initiatives Daniel Parrish (1742 emails), Finance Director Allen Zachary (1611 emails), Senior Advisor Andrew Wright (938 emails) and Northern California Finance Director Robert (Erik) Stowe (751 emails). The emails cover the period from January last year until 25 May this year.


Had a long and surprisingly warm and civil conversation about all of this with my mother - a self described deplorable - yesterday.

She seemed to think the pee was the big story, not the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Also thought we as a country were hypocrites to smear Russia for doing what we ourselves have done to subvert elections over the generations, and was convinced that Democrats wanted war with Russia, as evidenced partially by the deployment of troops to Poland in the waning days of the Obama administration. But one thing changed with her recently, and I think its the understanding of just how many people in this country are truly scared, worried and frustrated by the incoming Trump team just days away now. I think that reality just hadn't sunk in until now and its giving her some pause.

As you can imagine we disagree on quite a lot politically speaking, and most often with what we personally take away from each Trump statement or story, but we're both agreed that some scary, tumultuous days lie ahead of us.

Even aside from the latest scandal, we've got a simmering protest machine gearing up for the inaugural start line and the first 100 days to come, only to be matched by Trump and all of the Republican controlled levers of US power set to make sweeping changes very quickly - a dangerous cocktail. And when you add back in the importance of the latest developments, regardless of whichever way that plays and things are set to go completely off the rails.

To be fair I think that headline gives the wrong impression. She said that confidential briefings should be kept confidential, not the investigations to come, though it wouldn't surprise me if she took that tack down the line. There's plenty of other lies and distortions to unpack from that interview though.

I think there are quite a few "soft" Trump supporters who embody an isolationist and anti-establishment streak that has always existed in this country, generally conservative traits which are going to be tested by the radical upheaval that is going to occur in the next two years.

It's one thing to say the United States is hypocrital for manipulating the Russian elections in the past and America deserves its just desserts, but the precedent is not a good one to follow, lest Russia fall into a similar situation, four or eight years from now. The wheel keeps on turning.


Tom Arnold's tape is just the N-word thing, if anything. He never said he got a sex tape.


Unconfirmed Member
As far as I know there hasn't been a single source other than Tom Arnold confirming the possibility of those tapes existing.

Only footage that certainly exists from the Apprentice is him apparently arguing hard for it being ok to call Lil Jon Uncle Tom, because it's the same as Uncle Sam. That's backed by a lot of sources, though I don't know how bad the footage itself would look, especially since he did eventually give up on it.


All of this and the republicans are all silent. Nobody is coming out to deny these allegations or speak about his Putin dick-sucking since Tuesday when this all started. I'm starting to wonder if they really are going to dump Trump. It's obvious they're at least doing a lot of mulling.
All of this and the republicans are all silent. Nobody is coming out to deny these allegations or speak about his Putin dick-sucking since Tuesday when this all started. I'm starting to wonder if they really are going to dump Trump. It's obvious they're at least doing a lot of mulling.

They haven't been silent. Many have spoken like Trump is legitimate.
All of this and the republicans are all silent. Nobody is coming out to deny these allegations or speak about his Putin dick-sucking since Tuesday when this all started. I'm starting to wonder if they really are going to dump Trump. It's obvious they're at least doing a lot of mulling.

My faith in this country would go a long ways towards being restored if this happens. The sudden collapse of NATO with an aggressive Russia and nervous China is not something the world can afford to risk. If the Republican party is too traitorous and cowardly to do it Eastern Europe needs to be prepared to take matters into their own hands.
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