-You go through the woods and appreoach a nearby river and enter a boat house.
-Inside Zoe has been captured and apparently infected with something as you need to help get her materials to make a serum.
-You board a beached boat on the shore by the pier to get what's needed.
-Jack is around this area as he attacks. And we enter our fourth boss battle here. The Battle is against what's called "Mukade Jack". A Mukade is a type of centipede with many legs, so it seems like Jack has mutated into some centipede monster at this point.
-You get keys to open up different parts of the ship and apparently also with traps.
-Apparently somewhere in this you also get an Evlin Head.
-You get into the final battle with Jack as he further mutates for the fifth boss battle.
-Jack in his dying moments goes to destroy the boat to take you with him.
-You go back to the pier and seems a big choice event occurs in the game that changes the rest of the game for you. The full details aren't made clear, but you either have to choose Mia or choose Zoe.
-The chapter ends with an escape sequence from the boat with who I assume is the person who choose to escape with as the boat explodes.
-Notably the file makes it seem like you save Mia no matter what, seems if you try to save Zoe she complains and refuses (there's even a "Zoe Complain" event around this period of events).
-It seems in this chapter you play as Mia.
-This chapter plays with a combination of you getting Ethan to saftey then exploring and surviving the area, and apparenly flashback scenarios. There's also a character named Eveline here (I see them use both the spelling Eveline AND Evelyn in the code).
-Chapter has you starting up an elevator, it seems you go into some sort of industrial plant/lab. Need to get fuses and repair something, and probably not alone, but are some flashback scene mentions and something called "Mia Head Mode".
-Seems in this chapter we head to some caves, a mine of some sort.
-There's a side-quest in this chapter to open up a locker with a machinegun in it.
-Hard to piece together, but it seems something happens to Mia and she becomes an enemy in this chapter. Mentions of "Mia Enemy", "Mia Battle", and stuff of the sort.
-Seem Eveline is around here too, and as you go deeper into the mines you enter some other living area, mentions of a study, a "spiral room", and Enecrotoxin.
-There's a boss here but not clear what it is.
-Seems this chapter has you go through a series of things to the climax, seems you deal with things. There are five main events in this chapter. The first three are labelled "FB 1-3", which I would assume stands for final boss 1-3. Then comes a stage known as "Evelyn's Anger" (is there any reason it keeps swapping between the two spellings? Are they two seperate characters?).
-After this, you start the actual final boss battle, which mentions a gun case drops at some point for you to use. and you get a gun labeled Albert.
-There is a branching event and more than one ending apparently.
-Ending plays, then the credits roll.
-Epilogue scene after credits.