At first I thought it was Downing from Degeneration.
There's more RE7 stuff tomorrow correct? Pretty damn disappointing if that's all there was. I do hope the complete edition comes to the US, love playing cards.
I see Umbrella Corps is $15 right now. Is it worth even biting for that?
I'll just pass then. Maybe I'll try one of the DR games instead.
Has this been posted?
I'll just pass then. Maybe I'll try one of the DR games instead.
There was a free weekend for Umbrella Corps on Steam weeks ago, yet despite that, the multiplayer was still deader than dead. I waited forever for enough people to join my game so we could play, but no one did. So anyone still considering the game, don't bother unless you have friends who also have the game and will play it with you. Online matchmaking games is useless.
So it seems like the Sun Beam Room in RE5 (The one with the solar beams that torch the paths). Might be a bit botched in the updated PC version and on PS4/XB1. The lasers seem to go far faster than they used to, due to the FPS bump. If that's not the case I know for sure Sheva's AI tracking has taken a hit. She's been screwing me over big time here.
They really don't. They work exactly the same as they always have.
Sheva's AI is always supposed to seek out high ground during this segment, so either your partner glitched or you're just not giving her enough time to get the hell out of the way.
I dunno, I never recall having her die this many times on this section. I'm talking about the big beams, and not the puzzle room.
Never had any problems with Sheva.
Only problem I had was that she was too hot
The AI issues were always a bummer with RE5. It really held back a good game. I like that when dead space 3 added co op if you played solo the other character wasn't there at all. The story changed slightly too since the other person was doing their own thing.
Debating restarting REmake on the middle difficulty mainly due to the saving system. I'm fine with save spits but combined with the difficulty and needing the ribbons... It maybe a bit too out of my league.
Something no one has mentioned here on GAF is that Capcom released their annual report a few days ago, it's mostly business talk of course but there's a few interesting things to pull from about Resident Evil:
-Firstly, they seem to think very highly of RE7. This is business talk of course, but just to post a choice quote: "I hope everyone will stop to admire the overwhelming high-quality of RESIDENT EVIL 7." <--- An actual quote.
-Apparently Resident Evil Revelations 2 sales have been doing well into 2016. Talk about how Revelations 2 has continued to sell well and actually use it as a title to point to their digital plan working well, so I guess a Revelations 3 may be likely on the cards as a reaffirmation.
-The HD Remasters have been doing well, they talk about how Dragon's Dogma, Resident Evil Zero HD, and the PS4 versions have all been doing well, and they plan to continue to bring more HD Remasters of games from their flagship titles (might they eventually get to Outbreak? We're running out of RE games you could really Remaster without remaking).
-Interesting bit, they spend a bit of time talking about Resident Evil 7 and the changes to RE7. They of course talk about a return to terror, VR, and the like, but one of the parts they talk about is psychological horror being introduced to the series. That's the first time in RE7 I think I've seen psychological horror mentioned, and they mention it as being something new for the series, so I wonder what they have planned there?
-Capcom totally admits deciding to make RE7 VR into development is them riding the wave and seeing if they can lead VR forward. Even use the term 'ride the wave'.
-Every Resident Evil game has a 'theme' that's described in a sentence. RE6's was something about global outbreak terror or something of the sort I recall. Apparently RE7's theme is "fear that sticks with you."
-There's actually some new RE7 screenshots. They talk about localization of RE7 and then show this:
Several new things in these RE7 shots.
-Apparently Resident Evil Revelations 2 sales have been doing well into 2016. Talk about how Revelations 2 has continued to sell well and actually use it as a title to point to their digital plan working well, so I guess a Revelations 3 may be likely on the cards as a reaffirmation.
-The HD Remasters have been doing well, they talk about how Dragon's Dogma, Resident Evil Zero HD, and the PS4 versions have all been doing well, and they plan to continue to bring more HD Remasters of games from their flagship titles (might they eventually get to Outbreak? We're running out of RE games you could really Remaster without remaking).
Since rev2 is selling so well I hope that means they will increase the budget of 3.
Since rev2 is selling so well I hope that means they will increase the budget of 3.
No way there's going to be two big budget Resident Evil games.
I've been a bit out of the loop this week so I apologize for the question, was there an update to the RE7 demo? Is it worth playing again?
That's some cool stuff, I wonder if the tape deck there will be another such way to see a "VHS" moment.
It did get updated, but it isn't a big update. It doesn't reveal anything new about the game, unless you count the ability to find and combine items.
Might be worth a look just for the hell of it, though you might want to wait for the next update to make it worth your while
Or they'll take it as a sign that higher production values wouldn't be necessary to repeat its success, and continue to keep it as low-budget as possible...
*Ding ding ding*
You only have to look to how Capcom treats Sengoku BASARA to know that they can be just fine keeping a series where it is, budget-wise, if it works.
I just hope that TOSE will get some help from RE6's combat system guys to make the combat itself more fun. Since again, RE7 is going back to pure horror, that's all the more reason Rev should be the refuge for action...right...?
All I want is proper gameplay. I like all the big set pieces from 6 but I just want a game that feels good to play and I don't think you need a huge budget for that.
Errm...well about that room with the deer and buffalo heads. Let's just say there's a reason why the eagle statue locks the jewels in place when it turns to face the heads.
It's in that room. You just have to be... quick.
Don't feel bad about restarting on normal or even easy. I still end up playing on those modes, even though I've played them more than once. Old RE is really geared towards memorizing the game imo, if you want to do good on higher difficulties.