Wait, what? I'm so confused right now. Is my sarcasm meter broken?It's part of one of the Wii rail shooters; along with the completely canonical Russian disco Tyrants.
Wait, what? I'm so confused right now. Is my sarcasm meter broken?It's part of one of the Wii rail shooters; along with the completely canonical Russian disco Tyrants.
Wait, what? I'm so confused right now. Is my sarcasm meter broken?
Wait, what? I'm so confused right now. Is my sarcasm meter broken?
Wait, what? I'm so confused right now. Is my sarcasm meter broken?
Umbrella Chronicles is fun to play, but the original stuff (characters and monsters) are so poorly designed.
I forgot how stupid (in a good way) the final Ustanak fight is. Does Jake have super strength or something? How does he beat that monster in a fist fight?
I'd love this (hell, anything that keeps that sweet RE6 gameplay alive is fine by me) That way we would have Revelations 3 for action RE fans, REmake 2 for classic RE fans, and RE7 for Outlast fans.They should make a Revelations 3 with RE6 mechanics and controls. And include Raid AND Mercs in the same package!
I just got 300 on Creature Workshop No Mercy a few days ago, using Schoolgirl Sherry. I had like five seconds left on the clock. It's intense the way the enemies block the walkways. And then you add snipers to the mix... Yikes!Holy shit Mercenaries No Mercy is insane. I just tried Creature Workshop and killed the 300th enemy with 11 milliseconds on the clock. I think if I wasn't Ada I wouldn't have even survived.
I just got 300 on Creature Workshop No Mercy a few days ago, using Schoolgirl Sherry. I had like five seconds left on the clock. It's intense the way the enemies block the walkways. And then you add snipers to the mix... Yikes!
I got a 300 combo on the run I mentioned, but there were many points I nearly lost it. In fact, once or twice I'm not sure how I kept it going. There was a point I had an army of shield j'avo coming up the walkway, and I leapt backwards while firing my shotgun. It must've hit someone because my combo was about to run out but it kept going. I captured video of this on PS4; I should upload it to share.I got trapped at the end of a walkway near the end with a sniper trying to shoot me from across. I got extremely lucky with my slide spamming. I always end up dropping my combos in Mercs which pisses me off but I started having more fun once I stopped trying so desperately to keep a combo going and just focus on killing everyone or at least surviving.
BTW, if you're using Ada, I don't know if you know this, but she has bomb arrows you can access with her bowgun by aiming and tapping triangle to switch ammo types (note you'll have to reload an arrow upon doing this).
I got a 300 combo on the run I mentioned, but there were many points I nearly lost it. In fact, once or twice I'm not sure how I kept it going. There was a point I had an army of shield j'avo coming up the walkway, and I leapt backwards while firing my shotgun. It must've hit someone because my combo was about to run out but it kept going. I captured video of this on PS4; I should upload it to share.
BTW, if you're using Ada, I don't know if you know this, but she has bomb arrows you can access with her bowgun by aiming and tapping triangle to switch ammo types (note you'll have to reload an arrow upon doing this).
Also, quick shot automatically makes Ada reload her bowgun while she's finishing the flip animation - that's really useful since normal bowgun reload animation can be quite long.
The item balance can be pretty unforgiving in REmake. If you're playing on the highest difficulty available at the start (which is the intended experience, being the game's default and recommended difficulty), then you can find yourself in a situation where you have to play for hours without dying just to find another ink ribbon so you can save. I was being careful with my ink ribbons, too, only saving after making notable progress (i.e. a couple puzzles and fetch quests, a half-dozen rooms cleared out, etc).Finished REmake, this is probably one of the most "perfect" games I've played.
From the visuals to the gameplay, everything just felt so right.
The level and scenario design in particular, which has been a huge problem for Capcom in recent years (looking at you RE6 and DMC4), was simply masterful.
People tend to commend Dark Souls in the way it connects levels but REmake does it extremely well as well, tbh it felt like Souls took inspiration from it for connecting areas (via closed doors, elevators, opening short cuts etc.) and having 'safety' spots (bonfires vs. type writer/chest rooms).
The game was also a good reminder of where my item and ammo hoarding tendencies have come from. At first I was feeling the burn but as usual by the middle and till the end I was pretty much armed to the teeth with both ammo and health items... and was still hoarding lol.
Interesting to see that Mikami took the zombie burning mechanic from REmake and made it a pretty big focus in Evil Within.
I know Jawmuncher has been bringing up the point about Capcom going the 3D route instead of the classic one for REmake 2, and it is a very valid point and I wouldn't be surprised if it made the game sell better but imo we really need at least one more game in the exact style and quality of the first REmake, especially with RE2. I'll be fine either way since I love both styles of RE but another full on classic RE with REmake 2 needs to happen.
The item balance can be pretty unforgiving in REmake. If you're playing on the highest difficulty available at the start (which is the intended experience, being the game's default and recommended difficulty), then you can find yourself in a situation where you have to play for hours without dying just to find another ink ribbon so you can save. I was being careful with my ink ribbons, too, only saving after making notable progress (i.e. a couple puzzles and fetch quests, a half-dozen rooms cleared out, etc).
I'm not complaining, though. It's just amazing how brutal it can be at points.
Also been shooting emblems and unlocking collectibles:
You must've played smarter than me. I had a good number of items by the end, but there was a stretch in the middle where I had to do the knight puzzle, Yawn, and the courtyards leading up to the second mansion before I found another ink ribbon to save, lol. Probably the most intense one or two hours of gaming ever, lol.Only in the beginning and while you're getting used to the game, after that the game is pretty good about giving you ammo and healing items regularly. I was hoarding out of habit but a few hours in I was pretty much swimming in consumables.
It really helps that bosses in this aren't bullet sponges.
I think I had about 24 saves when the game ended, and still had about 6 or so ribbons in the chest. I would go longer stretches of time sometimes without saving but that just added to the overall tension.
When replaying I'll probably be a lot more liberal with my ammo/healing use while saving less (since I know where the danger spots are now).
(played on the highest difficulty available in the beginning)
From an art standpoint, Helena is masterfully designed, IMO. The line work on her default costume is so good, the way it guides your eyes — i.e. the pinstripes on the pants or the way the vest and blouse overlap. The curves make her look so lithe and dynamic.Love the stance.
Helenas cop outfit is my favorite.
You must've played smarter than me. I had a good number of items by the end, but there was a stretch in the middle where I had to do the knight puzzle, Yawn, and the courtyards leading up to the second mansion before I found another ink ribbon to save, lol. Probably the most intense one or two hours of gaming ever, lol.
I just want a game that finally explains who Ada is. Her schtick is getting old.
I just want a game that finally explains who Ada is. Her schtick is getting old.
I know everyone here loves Ada, but honestly... I think she's easily the most overrated RE character. Her schtick really IS growing old.I just want a game that finally explains who Ada is. Her schtick is getting old.
I'd like Leon to drop his fixation on Ada and develop more of a connection with other characters. For example, Claire. I'd like to see a game exploring a friendship between Leon and Claire since Claire is a down-to-earth human being and could hold a meaningful conversation that could allow Leon to grow as a person, whereas with Ada it's cryptic to the point of being nonsense.The mystery surrounding her just isn't interesting anymore. Even Leon's given up on trying to figure her out and has just left it as "It's complicated" and "women." I have no doubt that whatever revelation they have regarding her, if any, will not live up to the years of mystery. She's still hot though.
I don't get the impression Ada is driven by money. I think she believes in a larger cause and is a good person at heart. She rescues civilians on the rooftops in RE6 and seems to take genuine pity on Carla when she discovers how Simmons used her. Like others have speculated, she may be working for multiple organizations in order to keep the world in a precarious state of stability. Not ideal, mind you, but some semblance of balance is better than pure chaos.You gotta wonder though, as a spy you're probably making a lot of money.
Why keep bothering with the work after a point, outside of pure greed?
I'd like Leon to drop his fixation on Ada and develop more of a connection with other characters. For example, Claire. I'd like to see a game exploring a friendship between Leon and Claire since Claire is a down-to-earth human being and could hold a meaningful conversation that could allow Leon to grow as a person, whereas with Ada it's cryptic to the point of being nonsense.
Played some of Re6 remaster over the weekend. Just the first chapters for Leon and Jake, but I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised by how good it is. I remember all the bad press this game got when it came out and hell, I even remember not liking the prelude demo, but it's actually a fantastic action game. The dive and roll mechanics are a lot of fun.
If you're enjoying the campaign in RE6, I think you'll LOVE Mercs, where the gameplay has 100x more room to breathe. The mechanics are serviceable in the campaigns but hamstrung by game design that is at times poorly communicated and poorly telegraphed. In Mercs, however, that's not an issue, and the game truly shines.Played some of Re6 remaster over the weekend. Just the first chapters for Leon and Jake, but I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised by how good it is. I remember all the bad press this game got when it came out and hell, I even remember not liking the prelude demo, but it's actually a fantastic action game. The dive and roll mechanics are a lot of fun.
There is the question, however, of her involvement with Wesker in RE4. I'm trying to remember if Separate Ways explained that. Was she playing Wesker there? She did deliver him plagas samples that led to the outbreak in Africa. She might've meant well and been hoping to avoid that scenario, but she played into it in the end. Perhaps she meant to manipulate Wesker but Wesker still came out ahead?
Claire already has plenty of connections with other characters and Chris having a more 'personal' story is a nice contrast to Leon, who tends to be more easy going. No reason to overlap them.
Leon and Ada are fine as is tbh.
A lot of people get way too caught up on hating RE6 for what it isn't (a classic RE game) instead of appreciating it for what it is (an excellent action game and TPS).
Here are some great combat mechanics guides:
If you're enjoying the campaign in RE6, I think you'll LOVE Mercs, where the gameplay has 100x more room to breathe. The mechanics are serviceable in the campaigns but hamstrung by game design that is at times poorly communicated and poorly telegraphed. In Mercs, however, that's not an issue, and the game truly shines.
Yeah, RE6 is a good game at its core. Its main flaw, I feel, is a case of "too many cooks in the kitchen" when it comes to the campaign. It has a lot of fun ideas, cool narrative beats and memorable set-pieces, but a distinct lack of discipline in terms of how they play out.Cool I will definitely get around to Mercs at some point. There is a ton of content in this game based on the campaigns alone. You can definitely see the efforts of those 600 staff that reportedly worked on this thing.
This is good to know. Makes me feel much better about Ada. Until we hear otherwise, I'll assume this other organization is trying to keep stuff like Las Plagas out of the hands of people who'll use them for evil.It's explained in her video log and in RE5. Wesker elaborated further on her betrayal and was only slightly amused by it.
Ada didn't give Wesker the sample she picked up. She was a double agent working for both him and another organization. She bait and switched him at the end, but he was still able to acquire another sample elsewhere, leading to the events of RE5.