I don't think any RE game did not had some sort of laboratory.
Nemesis? Not sure if the hospital counts, but then again it's been years.
I don't think any RE game did not had some sort of laboratory.
I actually quite liked the church and the torture chambers, personally.
Nemesis? Not sure if the hospital counts, but then again it's been years.
So RE10 will have another shift with hillbilly parallels
In RE10 we will play as Hillbilly B.O.W's
Did the recent RE7 demo have pro support?
I wonder why Capcom hasn't ported over Code Veronica and Revelations to X1/PS4 yet?
yo Dusk, Outbreak is canon or no?
Oh my, yes. Capcom says so, plus there are a few loose connections throughout the series to it. Now something about Outbreak is that there's different outcomes to several of the scenarios, but I guess the 'canon' path is that the characters of Outbreak successful manage to escape Raccoon City. The most solid evidence to Outbreak being canon actually is apparently in RE7, since one of the playable characters in that is apparently alive and well and still a reporter in 2016.
However, Outbreak has loose connections to Ada's scenario in Umbrella Chronicles, and an event which happens in Outbreak is mentioned in the Revelations 2 manga, which is canon (as all the mangas are (not the comics though)).
Really though the most solid piece of evidence to it being canon is now RE7, and more so what part of Outbreak is 'canon' because it's the first time a character from Outbreak has been mentioned since Outbreak. There were some minor events mentioned and a monster connection previously, but this would be the first time a character from Outbreak is mentioned outside of Outbreak, and with that it's in a mainline RE title as well. I think it's safe to say as Capcom has directly referenced Outbreak in both of the most recent 'canon' RE materials (Resident Evil 7 & the Revelations 2 manga), that Capcom considers it canon.
It's much more 'canon' than Operation Raccoon City, at the very least.
So, we think all four Bakers are just in one section of the game? That would be...kind of weird to me? I dunno why, just feels like they've been such an important part of the marketing to be in such a small role overall like that.
Great job Dusk
One question though.
Isn't Dead Aim's main villain the one who became a scapegoat for the whole Raccoon City incident?
The Waste Disposal Facility is also mentioned in RE3 as the scrapped RE3 was originally supposed to feature the Waste Disposal off the coast as a location (back when RE3 starred HUNK).
That should be it's own thread dude, all that work.
Looks like Claire in her Revelations 2 Gear is all we're getting. Pretty sure every other character is a new one just for this movie.
Outside of the guy on the very right who I don't remember.
I'm looking forward to it, it'll be... Something to see how it goes. There was a spoiler from the leaked script I remember reading thatmost of the RE characters die apparently in the opening scene of the movie, including Leon, Chris, Ada, etc. XD See if that turns out to be true.
I'm interested if anything's going to come out of that Resident Evil TV series mentioned a couple years ago now. They said we wouldn't hear more about it until around the time the final film came out, and we're getting close. Might be after, or it might of been cancelled silently. But I guess we'll see if it pops up in the upcoming months or not. Even if it was set in the live-action universe and dumb, I'd still watch it. Though I do hope it's something else.
yo Dusk, Outbreak is canon or no?
Looks like Claire in her Revelations 2 Gear is all we're getting. Pretty sure every other character is a new one just for this movie.
Outside of the guy on the very right who I don't remember.
Resident Evil Survivor 2: Code Veronica
It's canon, but non-consequential. It's a dream that Claire has after the events of Code Veronica when she falls asleep in the jet after her and Chris escape.
Bullshit. Would mean Claire is a psychic who can see events and things she had no part of, as well as see into the future.
Oooh, we're talking timelimes and canon? You missed a single thing there: BIOHAZARD Beast of the North Sea. (or however you actually translate 北海の妖獣![]()
It theoretically takes place before 0 and is the only Japanese novel to not be either published fan fiction (as is the case of Rose Blank and To the Liberty) or immediately apocryphal (as is the case of The Beginning).
Also, this is the part where I plug my makeshift, cobbled together timeline of canon materials (with dates!)
Resident Evil 3 was many things.
Looks like Claire in her Revelations 2 Gear is all we're getting. Pretty sure every other character is a new one just for this movie.
Outside of the guy on the very right who I don't remember.
Will The Final Chapter tie into Resident Evil 7?
Wow, there was a round of RE-related news for the few hours I slept.
Resident Evil 7 is 19.81 GB on Xbox One.
Milla confirms that enemies from Resident Evil 7 will be in the Final Chapter film.
Also the people who made the fanmade Resident Evil 2 Reborn remake that got cancelled posted the first trailer of their upcoming RE-inspired indie game, Daymare: 1998. Make a topic for that if there isn't already one.
Will The Final Chapter tie into Resident Evil 7?
Not canonically, but it seems some RE5 elements will be in it, though honestly it seems they're taking elements from all the main RE games AND RE films. XD;
I was asking since they seem to have gotten permission to use enemies from RE7, which made me think.
May I ask how Degeneration set up things for Revelations 2? I remember very little from the movie and probably missed some things in the game. I'd like to hear about that Dead Aim - 6 connection you stated, Dusk Golem.
Dead Aim establishes the corporation TerraSave, and that Claire is a member of it. It also situates what TerraSave does and Claire's role as an advocate for the people against viral outbreaks and to help survivors rather than an army-like unit like the BSAA to respond to outbreaks.
Which TerraSave has a pretty big role in Revelations 2 as well colors how Claire and Moira end up in this situation. The other half that sets-up Revelations 2 is obviously RE5: Lost in Nightmares.
Here's the topic for the gameplay trailer for Daymare: 1998. It's a RE4-inspired horror game by the people who made Resident Evil 2 Reborn, but now making their own unique game inspired by their previous time working on it.
Oh well thanks. Can't believe I forgot that TerraSave debuted in Degeneration. I thought you were talking about something dealing with Curtis Miller.
Disallowed from main character status and relegated to cameos within the series, HUNK leaves Capcom and decides to go indie.
Rebecca definitely does look older
Resident Evil 7 is 19.81 GB on Xbox One.
But not that older really. There's a ~20 years gap between RE0/RE1 and Vendetta and based on that screen, besides her face (that - given Leon's and Chris' new looks - would be looking different anyway due to the artstyle), she doesn't really look that much different. Considering that the last time we saw her she was 18, and now she will be in her late 30s, that's kind of disappointing. Even her costume looks very similar to what she was wearing in RE0/RE1. :/
The whole game or the demo?
I'm willing to wait, it's a hard balancing act to make the character look older but also familiar. Also keeping in mind the Vendetta art director is different than usual and all that.
Basically for the RE7 depot on Xbox One, they reserve 20 GB of space for 19.81 GB of data. Which is about par for course, for example RE6 on Xbox One was 17.8 GB big. Capcom makes engines pretty good at optimization.