Further locations are much smaller in scope: the hospital is more or less the size of the Clock Tower: three floors with only 1-3 small rooms on each floor (bonus: cut-scenes and enemy layout depend on which floor you pick to visit first), but almost each room contain a puzzle; the park is just a couple of corridors you have to explore (and backtrack) that ends with the cemetery (a single location with a small warehouse). And Dead Factory is smaller than RE1 lab.
The first half of the game is certainly much more interesting when it comes to locations.
Also, a huge tip: when you will be leaving the Clock Tower and heading to the park, bring a lockpick with you. Seriously, this is one of those moments where the game wants you to use an item you forgot you even have, that is stored somewhere at the bottom of the chest; but if you forget it, well, it's backtracking time (through a spiders- or brain suckers-filled corridor).
Neat to know! And thanks for the tip on the lockpick.This is actually because BIO3 was doubled in scale halfway into development but still released on its original due date.
I bought CVX, but I'm mixed on whether I want to play the whole game. I liked its scenario in Darkside Chronicles, and I enjoyed what I played of the start, but I'm not sure I want to tough out what sounds like an uneven game when I could replay RE2, RE3, etc.![]()
LOLDon't be a weenie. Get it done.
Given that at the time RE3 was released Wesker was simply a dude who wears shades in indoor locations (and during a night missions ffs), and his greatest achievement in the whole game was killing Enrico and then being killed by his "ultimate failure" ("Don't come this way! Nooooooo!!") I would say that Nicholai is a much better villain that RE1 Wesker could only dreamed to be.
Irons was a little over-the-top for me. Sure, Nicholai is your stereotypical Russian bad guy, but at least for a long time you can think of him as a companion. It's only in the third part of the game you learn about his true agenda and it's still done in quite realistic fashion. Irons on the other hand... we are to believe that a psycho guy with a freaking dungeon (where he kills and stuffs his preys) under his office is the chief of RPD. Yeah... nope.
...which CVX may be. I hear many different takes on it.
Haha, that scene is hilarious. I like how Wesker is shady as fuck (why does he wear sunglasses indoors at night??), but then he's like "Hey Jill, did you notice Barry seems a bit flaky," and Jill's all like, "OMG, you're right!"Wesker standing in a hallway shooting bees while blatant 'suspicious character' music plays > Nikolai's entire screen time combined
I bought CVX, but I'm mixed on whether I want to play the whole game. I liked its scenario in Darkside Chronicles, and I enjoyed what I played of the start, but I'm not sure I want to tough out what sounds like an uneven game when I could replay RE2, RE3, etc.![]()
Wesker standing in a hallway shooting bees while blatant 'suspicious character' music plays > Nikolai's entire screen time combined
Also the only unlockable for the main game is the Infinite Rocket Launcher, the mini-game reward is for the minigame use only, and Claire's alt costume is minigame only.
W: That's right, this is the ultimate life form - Tyrant!
C: Hohoho...
W: Chris?
C: Hahaha...
W: Stop it!
playing REmake for the first time, it's quite good, and harder than I thought; apparently I suck at dodging zombies.
You're going to run out of ink ribbons, at least for a while.playing REmake for the first time, it's quite good, and harder than I thought; apparently I suck at dodging zombies.
my habit of saving 40 times on different save files every 5 minutes doesn't work well with the Ink Ribbon system but it's definitely fitting for the atmosphere of the game, so I'm not complaining. that true survival horror feeling is there
oh, Barry is the best.
The first save room in REmake is immediately to the left of the start. You can't miss it and you don't encounter any enemies before it!I remember, when I first played the game, I had to restart it like three or four times before I finally reached the first save room.![]()
Main thing that annoyed me from what I played of CVX is how Claire just turns in place without moving her legs, lol.
Also, it seems like you have to take damage in certain areas, like the graveyard at the start.
I thought the game looked OK, but I'm playing the HD version with the added shadows, so that might be helping.
So what do you do if you have no ink ribbons left and you need to sleep?
The first save room in REmake is immediately to the left of the start. You can't miss it and you don't encounter any enemies before it!
I guess you could leave your system on....So what do you do if you have no ink ribbons left and you need to sleep?
Yeah, CVX HD has a nice atmosphere to it with the shadow-drenched environments. And the light from fires and when you use the lighter looks amazing. So warm compared to the cold drizzly rain!The HD release looks far better, the original versions used fogging in areas and in general the game looked really dull.
Oh! Yeah, I can see how that would be a perilous journey. There are like three zombies guarding the stairwell leading to it, as well.Well, I mean the save room, with item chest, save room music and all that. I know about the typewriter in the dinning room but that doesn't count. >_>
The HD release looks far better, the original versions used fogging in areas and in general the game looked really dull.
Either find one, lose progress when you turn it off, or leave the game running but paused![]()
I guess you could leave your system on....
REmake can be pretty brutal with its ink ribbons for the first-time player.
RE2, on the other hand, is extremely generous with them. I saved regularly (after every other key item I collected). By the end of each scenario, I had saved about 20 times and still had 10+ ribbons remaining.
RE3 seems like it's closer to REmake. I rarely have more than five ribbons on me. I try to get a decent amount of stuff done per ribbon. Trying not to go below three ribbons at a time.
For each of the above, I was playing on the highest default difficulty, which is what the games recommend.
The way I played REmake, I would make a save, and then see how far I could get on that save, scouting out upcoming areas. Then I'd reset and efficiently repeat what I had just done, knowing what's coming. Like others have said, once you know what to do, you can easily get done in 5-10 minutes what might've took one or two hours of cautious exploration the first time.Does the game have some kind of cheat detection? Because I might end up using cheat engine to get myself some ink ribbons.
I really hate those because Im the type of guy who saves after every thing I do.
hello fellow Resi/Biohazard fans
Been a fan off and on since i saw my friend play part two on his P.C in the 90's and 'that' first dog scene scared the crap outta me, i skipped the ps2/gamecube era of gaming mostly (got in music as main hobby, trying to date girls etc haha and of course missed one of the best eras in gaming history possibly, but slowly working my way back through that era now) got slowly back into the series with 5 on the PS3
I cant wait (hope) we get a full main series physical collection for this console Gen, well in the UK (i think 4-6 disc ps has only been announced for usa so far right?) I'm going to try to collect them all.
1-6 all physical all remastered (well 2 is being worked on of course and i hope they do part 3 remake ) and hopefully we get a seven this gen too, and just this past week i bought revelations 2, and the origins collection.. i wish we could get Revelations 1 on PS4 too just to add to the PS4 resi collection.
Having only played the Main series games 1-6 which spinnoff ones should i try besides revelations?
I should add i have fond memories off 2 so i hope the remake does it jutice like remake 1 did
2 is my favourite, then Remake/Four
I guiltily put on 6 a few times a year and enjoy myself
Well, recently there has been a lot of fond discussion in the thread over the light gun shooters Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles, both of which iirc are available for download on PSN and were originally released on Wii.
The Outbreak games have some good characters and scenarios if you have a PS2 handy.
As for the Gun Survivor titles, I can't speak much for as I don't recall them clearly.
Avoid Gaiden, which is I believe the only 100% non-canon title in the series.
Right now on the PSN sale, you can download both Chronicles games for the price of lunch at a fast-food restaurant. I have both, but I've only played Darkside Chronicles so far. It's fantastic, and I'm only playing it with a regular controller.hello fellow Resi/Biohazard fans
Been a fan off and on since i saw my friend play part two on his P.C in the 90's and 'that' first dog scene scared the crap outta me, i skipped the ps2/gamecube era of gaming mostly (got in music as main hobby, trying to date girls etc haha and of course missed one of the best eras in gaming history possibly, but slowly working my way back through that era now) got slowly back into the series with 5 on the PS3
I cant wait (hope) we get a full main series physical collection for this console Gen, well in the UK (i think 4-6 disc ps has only been announced for usa so far right?) I'm going to try to collect them all.
1-6 all physical all remastered (well 2 is being worked on of course and i hope they do part 3 remake ) and hopefully we get a seven this gen too, and just this past week i bought revelations 2, and the origins collection.. i wish we could get Revelations 1 on PS4 too just to add to the PS4 resi collection.
Having only played the Main series games 1-6 which spinnoff ones should i try besides revelations?
I should add i have fond memories off 2 so i hope the remake does it jutice like remake 1 did
2 is my favourite, then Remake/Four, i put on 6 a few times a year and enjoy myself
Avoid Gaiden, which is I believe the only 100% non-canon title in the series..
That and Operation Raccoon City. Along with any of the cell phone games.
There's nothing non-canon here.... no sir.Avoid Gaiden, which is I believe is the only 100% non-canon title in the series.
a monster that just wants to hang out with his best bud, the president of the united statesIf anything, Leon being dead and replaced by a shape-shifting monster is the perfect lead-in for RE4.
I don't really mind that RE0 doesn't have item boxes. But I freaking hate whoever decided that heavy weapons should take up two freaking blocks in inventory........ :/
So is this 20th anniversary event gonna bring some news? I'd love to see a slice of re2 but I'm expecting news on 7 instead, which is also cool
REmake 2 concept art is the most I expect out of that game, but better than nothing.
I bought CVX, but I'm mixed on whether I want to play the whole game. I liked its scenario in Darkside Chronicles, and I enjoyed what I played of the start, but I'm not sure I want to tough out what sounds like an uneven game when I could replay RE2, RE3, etc.![]()
Yeah, I'll probably play it. I haven't played an RE game I haven't loved.Play CVX. It's probably the most polarizing of the classic style REs but that's because just as many people adore it as can't stand it. And considering how much you like other polarizing RE games (ie 5&6), you owe it to yourself to form your own opinion on CVX.
I have to wonder, where was Capcom planning to go with Gaiden's ending? Was Leon originally intended to die/disappear before RE4 got overhauled?
In the same vein, Ada kills HUNK off-page in one of the drama albums.
Haha, I like the idea that Agent is her imaginary friendthis is clearly the origin story for ada's imaginary best friend agent
Gaiden was an alternative universe side-story. It wasn't connected to the canon, so they could do what they liked with character progression and such.
In the same vein, Ada kills HUNK off-page in one of the drama albums.
Huh. I remember reading somewhere (may have been TVTropes) about Gaiden being made as a precursor to an earlier version of Resident Evil 4 before Capcom eventually said "screw it" and retconned it from orbit.
It would've been fine had they just had 8 slots each, or even one character.