I'm really gonna miss stuff like this.
What am I suppose to see. I see circle with a line?
I'm really gonna miss stuff like this.
What am I suppose to see. I see circle with a line?![]()
That image is a pain to post apparently https://twitter.com/Jawmuncher/status/769330240623616000
It really is ironic, but Code Veronica is definitely the RE game that has aged the worst. 'Aging' can be a hard thing to define, but in Code Veronica's case, while it was graphically impressive for the time it hasn't kept up to even the pre-rendered backgrounds of RE2/RE3, and the lack of it being shiny new highlights that the all-3D direction hit RE's charming art style. Worse, it has some of the most annoying enemies in the series (Bandersnatch's can go fuck themselves, and with the increased insect enemy variety comes increased poison enemies, among other things), the puzzles feel worse and just not fun than about every other RE game, and the backtracking in it is the worst due to the great lengths they make you backtrack, and how often you do; you have to go to completely different ends of facilities that are actually rather spacious and filled with dangers.
I don't have anything against Steve, because he's hilarious.
It's a shame since Code Veronica has some definite good parts. I think some of the locations are actually pretty cool, the island prison, the Ashford private residence, the underwater cavern accessed by submarine, an arctic facility, and even the callback recreation manor... But their presentation lets them down. I actually think Code Veronica's soundtrack is up there as one of the best in the series. There's some story beats and scenes I like a lot personally, and the three main villains (Alexander, Alexia, and their father) are all memorable and interesting villains that fit the series as the quirky twisted sort which suites the franchise well. While people blame it as the entry that starts making the series 'go off the rails', I think having Wesker return as his pseudo Matrix rip-off self and play as a villainous side character is an interesting role and idea. There's a few pretty good gameplay moments and parts where things together here and there, I remember some scenes pretty fondly.
But it is definitely the RE game that could work best with a full-on remake. There's a lot of potential for there to be a great game there, but I think they didn't get the execution right. The locations are never as interesting as they should be, the pacing is the worst in the whole series, there's just a lot they missed the mark on.
Zero in comparison since it's often put against Code Veronica maybe doesn't have some of the highs that it has, but it's a lot more consistent, and hasn't aged that badly. Environments are gorgeous, I do like Zero's puzzles, and though there's a few kind of shitty/dull parts, I think it's paced a lot better, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Zero actually has better enemies than Code Veronica. Code Veronica has a lot of interesting monster ideas, but I never felt their execution was ever really on the mark and made most of the fights more of a chore than not. Zero may have 'simple' enemies, but they're a lot more fun to fight, do feel more natural, and at least aren't spammed like they are sometimes in Code Veronica.
Also, Code Veronica has the worst 'extra mode' and unlockables in the whole series.
I can't help but think the reason they haven't taken their port of Code Veronica on PS3/360 and put it on current platforms/Steam yet is because they want to do something more extensive with the game eventually, but to be seen.
I don't care much about CV, but a RE3 Remake would be awesome. Hopefully RE2 Remake will be successful enough to convince Capcom to do it.I think youre right, seems capcom just wants to put the new stuff on steam and such. We probably just lucked out even getting cvx hd. Was probably only done so they had more to offer than just RE4. Since that was one shitty anniversary year.
Right now 3&CVX are the only older games that need a remake which are mainline. I could imagine that they already have plans for them right after RE2make
I think youre right, seems capcom just wants to put the new stuff on steam and such. We probably just lucked out even getting cvx hd. Was probably only done so they had more to offer than just RE4. Since that was one shitty anniversary year.
Right now 3&CVX are the only older games that need a remake which are mainline. I could imagine that they already have plans for them right after RE2make
I don't care much about CV, but a RE3 Remake would be awesome. Hopefully RE2 Remake will be successful enough to convince Capcom to do it.
So after some trial-and-error stuff, I think I'll restart REmake and make better choices. I should be more selective of the items I pick up, and what I leave to grab later. The shotgun shells in the cemetery, for example. I've put myself in a position where I don't have space to combine herbs or grab the all-important key I need (which, apparently grabbing it will cause death).
Also, I'm thinking of doing a RTTP for RE5 since I'm revisiting it on PS4 with the same friend I played through it with 6 years ago on PS3.
Sometimes in these survival-horror games, there's no shame in a restart. A good reminder to sometimes rotate saves, however.
I say go for it, can always do with some more people being back-and-forth on RE5.
So after some trial-and-error stuff, I think I'll restart REmake and make better choices. I should be more selective of the items I pick up, and what I leave to grab later. The shotgun shells in the cemetery, for example. I've put myself in a position where I don't have space to combine herbs or grab the all-important key I need (which, apparently grabbing it will cause death).
I am pretty sure if REmake 2 is a success, they'll do RE3. I think outside of it being for fan requests, part of their goal is to make a version of every mainline RE game that can be ported to future platforms more easily so they can re-release forever. I'm for it, preservation is important I can't say no to them taking the time to bring every main RE game to Steam. But there's no doubt in my mind them greenlighting REmake 2 was partially out of fan request over the years, partially out of the success of REmake HD Remaster, and partially out of their effort to make entries of every main RE game they can port and re-release in the future for profits over time and to let every entry in the series be available for anyone to get into. I feel they have a remake of RE3 in their thoughts, but will base it on how REmake 2 does.
Code Veronica isn't as beloved as RE2 or RE3, but its arguably the game that needs a remake the most. If they were willing to do a whole revision, the potential is there to make Code Veronica a legitimately great game. Code Veronica's problem I don't think was its concept, but rather its execution. That could potentially be said for a lot of projects I know, but I just mean if they stuck to the basic framework of Code Veronica but reworked encounters, art direction, and basically give it the revised from the ground up approach they did with REmake, that idea holds a lot of promise.
I am curious if REmake 2 does well and if these hypothetical potential remakes of the other main RE games all did well, what might they do? Like would they attempt to make a spin-off RE game with fixed camera angles? No idea, but interesting to think about.
At this rate, Capcom is really setting themselves up for potentially making the Resident Evil series a spin-off power-house if they ever decided to go that direction. I guess they might if it seemed profitable. They've certainly been trying to make RE spin-offs over the series course and find out what works in that field.
I'm also going to throw out there it's probably a wise move that they're releasing the final live-action Resident Evil movie, the third CG Resident Evil film, and Resident Evil 7 all in the same week, just a few days apart. If they include a demo of REmake 2 with RE7 like might have been suggested in Beginning Hour, and maybe even if they announced word of the RE TV series they said they'd talk more about close to the release of the final RE film, all in the same week, they might be able to really get the RE name out there all at once which could help push their sales, especially if RE7 turns out to be a really good game. If they're really taking this route (and we already have 3/5 things confirmed, two others with a bit more substance behind them than just rumors) it has potential to work and sell the 4 million copies of RE7 they want to push. To be seen though, this potential marketing plan would fall apart obviously if Resident Evil 7 ends up not scoring too hot with people... Or maybe it would sell well anyways, as RE6 didn't review great and still sold over 4 million copies and people keep watching the RE movies despite terrible reviews.
Geez forgot how bad the ending to CVX was handled.
Failing stock prices ending up doing umbrella in and they half assed took care of the last bits in Russia through umbrella chronicles.
Like if capcom REALLY wanted to, they could probably have a prequel action series and just retcon the umbrella chronicles stuff. Theres a pretty decent gap there anyway.
Is there some kind of special going on? Why is Resident Evil Revelations 2 free on Xbox live?
They'd have to retcon the beginning of 4, which they wouldn't do.
JESUS! That area that looks like an 8 with all the cultists that are waiting for you was intense! Almost ran out of both Rufle and Shotgun ammo. And then the relief I felt when I realized the next room was a merchant room when I saw the blue flame. Usually by the 7 hour mark you can see the designers run out of steam but not here!
Geez forgot how bad the ending to CVX was handled.
Failing stock prices ending up doing umbrella in and they half assed took care of the last bits in Russia through umbrella chronicles.
Like if capcom REALLY wanted to, they could probably have a prequel action series and just retcon the umbrella chronicles stuff. Theres a pretty decent gap there anyway.
And the best thing is, even though the game constantly surprises you with something new - either through enemies design, scenarios you are put in, combat design, set pieces - it never* abandons its core mechanics like RE6 did. No matter the moment, you can still tell it's the same game with consistent gameplay design.
*apart from one segment at the end of the game, but that's like few minutes of gameplay just before the ending cut-scene
Nah. As much as I wanted that scenario before RE4, I think the way it was eventually done - through failing stock prices and public learning about Umbrella's wrongdoing - was much more interesting and realistic (for the lack of better word) than a bunch of soldier going in and... What? Destroying Umbrella's main lab? Killing Umbrella's CEO? There's no way they could "stop Umbrella once and for all" by simply sending a special team somewhere where they do something that could be easily translated to a game.
So true. The gameplay mechanics are amazing, but instead designing scenarios where you can use and experiment with those mechanics, the game just keeps interrupting you every 5 minutes with some new awful gimmick. I still love RE6 despite everything, but damn, if the level design was more in the style of RE4 it could've been the best action game ever.And the best thing is, even though the game constantly surprises you with something new - either through enemies design, scenarios you are put in, combat design, set pieces - it never* abandons its core mechanics like RE6 did. No matter the moment, you can still tell it's the same game with consistent gameplay design.
And the best thing is, even though the game constantly surprises you with something new - either through enemies design, scenarios you are put in, combat design, set pieces - it never* abandons its core mechanics like RE6 did. No matter the moment, you can still tell it's the same game with consistent gameplay design.
This is why I don't have faith in a theoretical rev3. I don't want any more happy meals.
This is why I don't have faith in a theoretical rev3. I don't want any more happy meals.
I'm in audience liked Revelations 2 a lot too, but you'll find I'm one of the most tolerant people to low budget things. Probably since I jump between playing modern games and low-budget games from the 1990s all the time, so it doesn't even phase me anymore.
Rev 2 was amazing. Didn't think I would like it as much as I did.
I want to see more Moira.
I'm in audience liked Revelations 2 a lot too, but you'll find I'm one of the most tolerant people to low budget things. Probably since I jump between playing modern games and low-budget games from the 1990s all the time, so it doesn't even phase me anymore.
But I actually liked Revelations 2 a lot for a number of reasons. Given I only thought episode 1 was okay when I first played it (but did think it held more promise from the forest area in Barry's first episode), and then liked episode 2 a lot and was sold, and liked it more as each episode passed.
I'm usually fine with low budget games. Revelations 2 episode 1 was just underwhelming from all aspects. Hopefully episode 2 catches me.
Why does this require a restart and not just put something in the item box?
I...didn't know there was an item box. And...I don't think I've found it yet?
Too late. I restarted. But no biggie because I can do everything in the first bit in no time flat.
I also wanted to lower the difficulty.
New tidbits on RE7, mainly how they did their 3D modelling, which is an unusual method: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1270590
This could be the girl getting chased in the lantern trailer
BSAA or National Guard or some army type show up in the game at some point
One of these could be Ethan, but I want to bank on rather that these are people that show up in the VHS. I know we're supposed to be playing an everyman. But None of these look like they would fit in with the series character design for main leads. Though if one of them were I would say the second character.
We're probably going to get some videos that show the bakers descent into madness and when they looked more normal.
New tidbits on RE7, mainly how they did their 3D modelling, which is an unusual method: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1270590
Revelations 2 is one of the few times where a budget has bothered me. I think it's just because I expect more out of RE for what is essentially a mainline title.
I also think the other issue was getting RE6 in 2012 and then nothing new until Revelations 2. So that being the game to bring it back during a dormancy was even more odd with that kind of budget.
But at least it makes sense now.
RE6 comes out
RE7 is in dev and get scrapped and started over to what we are getting now.
Ports and Rev 2 to fill in the time during all of that.
I loved Revelations 2, it might honestly be my favorite RE game since RE4. I also think CV is clearly a better game than Zero, easily so.
I...didn't know there was an item box. And...I don't think I've found it yet?
Too late. I restarted. But no biggie because I can do everything in the first bit in no time flat.
I also wanted to lower the difficulty.
Meh, those characters look super generic and boring (kinda like everything else they've shown so far) They don't look like they belong in the same universe as every other RE character, that's for sure.New tidbits on RE7, mainly how they did their 3D modelling, which is an unusual method: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1270590
New tidbits on RE7, mainly how they did their 3D modelling, which is an unusual method: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1270590
Revelations 2 wasn't a mainline title.
This guy is the only one I have a problem with, I really hope he's not the lead. Simultaneously kind of uncanny and completely boring. I guess being in first person would be a good thing if that's the case.
Meh, those characters look super generic and boring (kinda like everything else they've shown so far) They don't look like they belong in the same universe as every other RE character, that's for sure.