Not Spaceghost
So did anyone manage to get their present weapons?
So did anyone manage to get their present weapons?
Any tips on how to dodge?
Also when will my RE NET unlocks unlock?
Any tips on how to dodge?
Also when will my RE NET unlocks unlock?
Any tips on how to dodge?
Also when will my RE NET unlocks unlock?
I did, I had to log into the website and send the weapons to my game. I also forced a sync on the website. Kind of a weird unlock method.
Ah okay makes sense, I can't even log in to REnet right now lol
I should be able to get my account link code later right? I just have it sitting on the screen...and I forgot what I did for PS3 RE6.
Is the DLC up on eShop?
Those were posted when gaf was broken.Any tips on how to dodge?
Also when will my RE NET unlocks unlock?
You associate your capcom account with your PSN so if you have it set up for RE6 it will auto setup for RER
No season pass on the release date? Weird. But there are two addons for free. No idea if theyre temporairily or permanent so grab them while you can. Both of these being pre-order bonuses... smh @ capcom
I picked up the WiiU version, thats why i'm hoping I can combine multiple platforms.
Oh you definitely can, I had a buddy who just did the same thing. Just link your capcom account to your Wii U business. Should be an option on the dash.
Just did the first two Raid mode levels. It's like a... roguelike? It's pretty cool that your stuff carries over to the next stage. What do you lose if you die? I assume there's some kind of penalty. Also, what's the exclamation point on the top right of the stage picture? I missed the tip on that.
Cool, but now im getting this:
Resident Evil.NET account link code : Appropriate Resident Evil.NET account link code not found
When trying to input the code? Maybe I need to actually start a game first before using the code?
I'm getting this message as well, getting a little ticked.
Set aiming to very vast under controls, and it disables the mouse stickiness. Once you do that, it plays great with kb/mouse.I'm only using a pad till they patch the mouse accel though, I imagine this will play much better on mkb like every other shooter. We got an ETA on that?
Alright, so I am playing on Infernal Mode, I'm on the final boss right now, but I just can't seem to beat him. Need some advice.
I can beat the first two 'phases' of him well enough, but the third one is ridiculous. He has a ridiculous amount of health and while I am guessing I need to dodge, this charge attack is a near one-hit kill if you aren't on full health and really hard to dodge. Any tips?
I really don't remember much about the final boss, but have you tried standing your ground and blasting him with the strongest thing you've got when he gets in your face? I remember there being a fairly reliable way to stun him when he's rushing you down.
But then again, my memory is not the most reliable thing.
1) Following resolutions have been added:
- 2560x1440
- 1440x900
2) Following options have been added to the Mouse Options menu:
- Mouse acceleration: ON/OFF
- Aim Assist: ON/OFF
Is the DLC up on eShop?
Yes.What im waiting on to.
I'm pretty sure those are there to allow you to see other people's pre-order DLC since you can't go online without downloading them.
So uh...I guess it's not on-disc DLC yay?
Classic controls. It makes the controls similar to RE4/RE5.
Tried it but it doesnt work to move while aiming. Deal breaker for me tbh.
Playing on PS3, somehow I can't find the rifle before the first boss fight. I remember having it at that point when I played on 3DS, and I looked at a guide that describes where it should be but isn't... Guessing noone else is having this problem? I've seriously looked around for like 30 mins and can't find it anywhere![]()
(Ignore my username... I originally signed up when RE6 was coming out with the intent to troll and get up to mischiefs, but it took months for the account to be verified and since this is the only account I'll be able to have on here I decided against using it for such shenanigans)
I haven't played up to this point on 3DS, but they might have moved it and I know where it is. In the main hall (the opera-hall area with the music where the command station is), climb to the top floor of that 'tower'. The rifle is through here, after apool area. This area seems to be based on the new monsters though, the Wall Blisters, so not sure if it was in the original. Also purify the water and come back here later as there are actually two guns in this room, though the other (not the rifle) is on the other side of the pool.