They'd be much better if it weren't only for Quint's voice.
Quint ended up being one of the best characters in the game, voice actor included
They'd be much better if it weren't only for Quint's voice.
Quint ended up being one of the best characters in the game, voice actor included
I find it ironic that my most preferred play method for Revelations is the Wii U in GamePad-only mode. The game just feels more natural to me when played on a handheld, and the way the experience plays out reinforces that.
Makes me wish they'd make a Vita version of Unveiled Edition that retains the handheld factor.
Just finished this on the Wii U. Is the final boss suppose to be so tough? Sheesh. Really enjoyed the game a lot. I didn't expect much but this is a really good RE game.
In regards to BH3, once again, its ending is clarified by later material. Barry saves Jill. On the subject of Nikolai, his fate is once again left ambiguous, but for a different reason: they decided early on that he would absolutely never appear again in a main series title (since BH3 was initially written as a non-canon gaiden, and this is the same reason Carlos has never appeared again).
The PC version doesn't support resolutions above 1080p, huh? :-/
Can you dodge while aiming? Also, I'm not sure how I feel about dodge just being bound to up or down on the analog stick. I think I would've preferred holding B and pressing up/down on the stick.
I don't think so? You can certainly dodge while reloading though.
I think you can.But I'm not 100% certain.
I don't think so? You can certainly dodge while reloading though.
And you can kind of do that, there are two dodge types. One is just tapping up on the stick, the other is tapping back and X/A which will have you dodge and turn around the other way instead of running forward.
And I find resienet a lot of fun, think it's kind of cool logging in and seeing my stats. Wish it was universal though, I've put quite a bit of time into the PS3 version of resie6 so to start over on the PC is annoying. Especially for some of the trickier costumes.
Huh. I think I've tried that before, but I just do an about-face :-/
I can't believe the thread title is an actual quote from the game, I thought it was a parody.
It's the quickturn combination, if you do it while an enemy is attacking however then you do the dodge I described. It can be a bit tough to pull off, I use the forward dodge 90% of the time.
It's not inverted. For some reason the guys over at Tose thought that the users who wanted mouse acceleration gone wanted the opposite effect of the current implementation rather than it simply being reverted to raw input. "Mouse acceleration: On" in the game is positive acceleration, while "Mouse acceleration: off" is negative acceleration. Positive acceleration = the faster you swipe the faster your cursor moves, while negative acceleration = the faster you swipe the slower your cursor moves.
With it "on" you can feel the acceleration by by taking a piece of tape and sticking it to the far end of your mouse pad, placing your mouse in the center of the pad, and slowly dragging the mouse to the tape and back. Make a mental note of the distance traveled by your cursor in game. Now move your move back to the center of the mouse pad and very swiftly swipe your mouse to the tape's position. If you did this correctly the in game cursor will have moved +/- 2x the distance it did when you slowly drug the mouse to the end of the tape.
Now the problem with this is that it makes precision shot placement pretty much impossible as it forces you to try and guess how far your cursor will move when you attempt to place a shot very far from where your cursor currently resides. With raw input you can place your cursor anywhere you want, wherever you want, and most importantly: as fast as you want.
This game has some of the best one-liners EVER.I can't believe the thread title is an actual quote from the game, I thought it was a parody.
Hmm I'll have to try it later. The dodge timing is kind of weird in general.
So; is this game worth 50 bucks for the PC version? I've never played it before due to not owning a 3DS.
Can you dodge while aiming? Also, I'm not sure how I feel about dodge just being bound to up or down on the analog stick. I think I would've preferred holding B and pressing up/down on the stick.
Hmm I'll have to try it later. The dodge timing is kind of weird in general.
Yeah, it is a bit weird at first but you'll get used to it and be able to pull it off without failure by the end of the game.
Playing this on the PS3 after spending so much time with Resie 6 made me miss the latter's movement mechanics. Still, being able to move and shoot with the Resie 4/5 speed is nice. And honestly I think it controls better than the 3DS version, although I wish it had move support.
Ending spoilersParker surviving multiple explosions and fake deaths is still hilarious. And them showing at the very end that Quint and Keith survived as if it is a happy moment was the worst. No one wanted that ;-;
Put quite a lot of time in Raid today. Very fun, the weapon upgrade system is brilliant and I hope it'll make it to the next games.
Shame I have to unlock levels in campaign. When playing as Jill the campaign feels solid enough but when the game switches to others it seems like a shitty filler, even Chris feels like a minor secondary character. So far only Jill can upgrade weapons so it really seems that everyone that isn't her just acts as filler.
I hate every introduced character besides Jill, and even she is the worst version of herself. What a shitty cast. Conan O'Brien makes me laugh though. XD
Please Raid Mode and Revelations weapon upgrades in RE7!
Only if you're a fan of the older RE games imo.
I agree in case it came off as the opposite.RE6 has the best movement and options in the series. Aiming is also much more precise then in Revelations.
Are you sure you downloaded the latest patch? In the demo, it was impossible to draw a circle with the aim in the window in the door right in front where you start until the second patch came out. Right now, it is still impossible with mouse acceleration OFF, but it works just fine with if ON. This also seems to be the consensus in the Steam forum.
I agree in case it came off as the opposite.
Revelations has some of the worst lines and characters in the entire series. Keith and Quint ARE the absolute worst characters in the entire series. So awful, so annoying.
And the story is nonsensical.O Brian's plan is absurd, the three ships poorly explained(wait, I thought Chris was here?!?!) and so on and so forth
Resident Evil 6's story is a masterpiece by comparison. It at the least has some enjoyable characters and cool uses of perspective.
I don't agree with that at all, it plays nothing like the older games and doesn't have any real puzzles either. It's more tense than 5 and certainly more aesthetically similar to the older games than 4 but it's very much an action game. There are many situations where you're forced to just clear enemy spawns.
I think it's worth 50 dollars though. Campaign is around 8 hours long with a decent amount of re-playability due to Infernal mode's new placements. Raid mode is where it's at though, and makes the package worth the price. I've put around 30 hours into it on the 3DS and play to do so on the PS3 version as well.
Just keep in mind the PC version will likely drop in price within a month or two.
I agree in case it came off as the opposite.
after RE5 Jill mod, REmake Jill is coming
they are also working on her alternative costume(tube top and miniskirt) from REmake
Most dialogue in the series is a result of piss-poor localization more than anything. The actual writing for the dialogue itself (on most games at least) is pretty standard.
after RE5 Jill mod, REmake Jill is coming
they are also working on her alternative costume(tube top and miniskirt) from REmake
To address the story points:, andRaymond felt like he owed Parker since Parker saved his lifeAlso,Raymond and Jessica had no doubt planned their "shootouts" so it'd be convincing -- they wanted people to think they were on opposite sides when they were in fact together playing both.? The only bit I don't understand offhand is theweren't the ships left at sea for ongoing research, but I swear this plot made perfect sense to me back when I originally completed it on the 3DS, lol.terrorists at the airport
Edit: Did RE5 LiN Jill really look like that? Haven't played Lost in Nightmares in forever. She really suffered the worst from the orignal cast transformations. Remake Jill is the best.
I've heard this before but being so used to the english translations it's hard to believeResident Evil 6 was honestly the first game in the series that didn't make me cringe every 5 seconds.
The one hilarious plot contrivance you didn't mention:When Raymond is asked by Jessica why he saved Parker "I have my reasons" Such a wonderful way to get out of bothering to actually make sense!
So how demanding is the PC version of this game? I've got an i5-3570k and an HD 7950.
So how demanding is the PC version of this game? I've got an i5-3570k and an HD 7950.
So how demanding is the PC version of this game? I've got an i5-3570k and an HD 7950.
So how demanding is the PC version of this game? I've got an i5-3570k and an HD 7950.
About on par with RE4 although it's shorter and there's that dodging mechanic that you might not be good with.How hard is the game? I'm fucking awful at RE games, and I'm just tempted to play on Casual. How hard is the game in comparison to say...RE4?
How hard is the game? I'm fucking awful at RE games, and I'm just tempted to play on Casual. How hard is the game in comparison to say...RE4?