Still playing Raid mode daily on the 3DS. Worth the price of admission alone.
Agreed. My bro and I just attempted a Ghost Ship run recently, even though he's not lv. 50 yet.Still playing Raid mode daily on the 3DS. Worth the price of admission alone.
Did they say something about patching the borked aiming on PS3 and WiiU (If the state of the demos is representing the full game)?
Yeppers, you can play Jill's ass on your cumpooper.
:lol haterI'm just waiting for NOA to release some XL colors that aren't garbage...
...or that make me feel uncomfortable.
...or look like my girlfriend's purse
Get the 3DS version for $19 on Amazon now, let your cousin borrow it when you're done, and soon enough the PC version will be handsomely discounted on Steam, just in time for the Jill-in-a-thong mod.All Hail Revelaitons-gaf'sKing Neiteio!poke
I kinda want to pick up the 3DS version instead as I can let my cousins borrow it; This one coming out will surely trigger some nice sales. I hope they didn't have any of Mercenaries save shenanigans in there.
I am not sure I'm going to be able to skip the PC version; but I could wait till the mods start dropping and a price cut on that as well.
I'm just waiting for NOA to release some XL colors that aren't garbage...
...or that make me feel uncomfortable.
...or look like my girlfriend's purse
Most of my previous handhelds have mostly gone to waste, but I'm still tempted by that one. I'd probably just get SMT and that's all. And who knows if I'd even play it.Got that Animal Crossing XL preordered. It's too dope.
Right where I stopped playing.MaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY
With basic Ooze, you shoot the ARMS until they're disabled, at which point they'll lean over with their mouth-sac dangling. That's when you run in and get the melee prompt. Hold the melee button to charge it for MAXIMUM POWAH.So I'm playing through the 3DS version right now before jumping into the PS3 version next week but I just cant quite figure out how to trigger the special melee animations.
RE4/5/6 all had a simple method, shoot head, or leg run up and push action. While I've managed to pull this off once ever in the 3DS version I am not sure how. I shoot them too many times and they die, but when they look like they stagger they aren't, and when I am 99% sure they have staggered they're one more shot from dying.
Really what I'm asking is how do I make melee useful in RE:R. Or is it not supposed to be useful and completely reliant on dodge? I'm also not sure about dodge lol. Does tapping B on the 3DS just not work? I can get the flip up and down dodges to work pretty well but it's kind of hard to do while running or moving but I can't get B dodge to work.
With basic Ooze, you shoot the ARMS until they're disabled, at which point they'll lean over with their mouth-sac dangling. That's when you run in and get the melee prompt. Hold the melee button to charge it for MAXIMUM POWAH.
This ass:
Not sure offhand, but it shouldn't take much. The main benefit is knocking back the rest of the crowd in the process.ooooooooooooh that makes sense. About how many shots is it? With a base m9 it's like 6 or 7 body shots for a full kill and do I need to disable both arms or just one?
Lemme break down Raid Mode for you. It's a separate mode, and you can play in single-player or co-op, offline or online.
You start at lv. 1. You level up to lv. 50. Your enemies range from lv. 1 to lv. 50, as well. And in Raid, there are other twists like tiny versions of enemies that are super-fast (hilariously terrifying, in the case of the chainsaw monster), or supersized versions of enemies that are slow but tremendously strong and resilient.
Where the weapons are concerned... You have a variety of handguns, shotguns, machine guns, magnums and rifles. Each has a level -- the higher the level, the stronger the weapon, but you must match or exceed the level in order to equip. Weapons also have a randomized number of slots -- I think the max is like eight or 10. Each slot can house a "part," with the best parts being the "illegal custom parts" squirreled away in optional corners of the levels.
Parts can increase firing speed, hitting power, accuracy, ammo capacity, penetration (for striking multiple foes in one shot), and so on. There are even ones that increase your shots in power the closer/farther you are to an enemy, or that scale in power based on other factors. Some even increase or decrease the target's aggression once shot.
Naturally, the more slots your weapon has, the more ways you can power it up. This makes the pursuit of high-level, high-slot loot in the game VERY addictive, and adds to your incentive to level up, and complete levels on higher difficulties. You also unlock characters as you level up, which you can view in great detail in Raid's model viewer.
There are also other weapons, like decoy bombs that lure away enemies before exploding, and underwater bombs you can use, well, underwater. (And swimming controls are superior here to what they were in RE6, and I say that as someone who otherwise loved the mechanics in that game.)
And remember, there's NO TIME LIMIT in Raid. Unlike Mercs, you don't have the clock breathing down your back. Don't get me wrong, I -love- Mercs, but Raid is definitely a nice change of pace. There are 20 levels, all expansive missions lifted from the game, each with three difficulty levels. There are at least 12 characters now.
And Ghost Ship, the secret 21st level, is INCREDIBLE. It spans the ENTIRE ship, with multiple false exits and multiple paths to the true ending. With the heart-thumping music, and the HUGE challenge, it's a freaking adventure in itself. A Ghost Ship run can take a solid hour. No saving, no starting over, just BRACE YOURSELF.
Infernal is for Campaign. I believe it also randomizes the enemies for a sort of rogue-like appeal, but someone else should confirm that.As someone who already enjoyed this on 3DS I just want to know whether Infernal difficulty is actually in the full game this time. That would get me interested again. Is it?
Infernal is for Campaign. I believe it also randomizes the enemies for a sort of rogue-like appeal, but someone else should confirm that.
Hows the 3ds version without the circle pad add on?
Demo is downloading now on my fresh new xl but im just wondering if that later in the game, the one stick controls become difficult?
I don't believe so. Without the CCP, it's just like RE4/RE5.
- Choosing outfits for a campaign is an unlockable feature. This wasn't possible in the original 3DS version. Although with pre-rendered cutscenes, the different outfits will only be visible ingame.
- Compared to 3DS version, there's 3 new costumes and 4 new characters for raid mode. The 3 costumes are: http://www.capcom-unity.com/brelsto...inja-keith-costumes-unlockable-in-revelations
Is there a reason why the new costumes can't be used in the campaign? I'm disappointed in that. Cutscenes having the default outfit is perfectly fine, I'd just like to play.
Hunkette? Maybe I should get this game...
Someone post the 3ds comic
Played the PC demo and I'm wondering, does the combat get any better? The couple of monsters in the demo have terrible reactions that make for dull combat.
Capcom delivering on the goods