People get more price conscious about console digital downloads than not.AgentOtaku said:Strange people are so opposed to the price when the MSRP for the wii version seems to average for about the same on any given day.
I see the Wii version all the time for $12 Canadian, so.....AgentOtaku said:Strange people are so opposed to the price when the MSRP for the wii version seems to average for about the same on any given day.
Leondexter said:I just finished downloading it - 360 version - and I want my money back. I can't believe neither of the two measly control options they offer have the original button mappings. This is just like the goddamned Mega Man Anniversary Collection on Gamecube all over again. After years of playing this, I can't stop pressing the "right" button to fire, run, or get into the inventory screen. None of these are in the same place as the Gamecube (or PS2) version, and they can't be changed.
And I shouldn't have to adapt. How can they not:
A. Have a control set with the original button layout.
B. Have a simple button mapping function.
It's ridiculous.
That too. I got RE4Wii for hella cheap on Amazon.BocoDragon said:I see the Wii version all the time for $12 Canadian, so.....
AgentOtaku said:I know EXACTLY what you are talking about and can confirm that that same exact deadzone existed in the Wii version when played with GameCube controller. I suppose we're all just used to RE5's controls least I know I am
If anything, I think there's a bigger deadzone on the right stick when viewing surroundings. Feels like the D-Pad on Wiimote.
I blame the C-stick's odd nature.revolverjgw said:The right analog stick camera is just weird. It's like some unholy mix of digital and analog input. It jerks around uncontrollably while I'm making minute adjustments. It really sucks, a functional camera would be great since I spend so much time just taking in the surroundings.
Danielsan said:Between the shitty trophy implementation (no platinum what..), missing effects, lacking controls and just in general a total lack of effort on Capcom's behalf this really doesn't seem worth the money.
revolverjgw said:Did Ashley always have such bouncy boobs? HD really brings out their jiggliness.
EmSeta said:Who actually bothers to get platinum trophies anyway?
EmSeta said:Who actually bothers to get platinum trophies anyway?
kyo_daikun said:Quite a lot of people going by comments in this thread, serious business this chevo stuff.
Im thinking i'll get CVX and leave RE4, if they had done a decent job with it I would have probably picked it up but as it stands I can't see any reason to purchase the game for a third time, it's a shame really as I would have liked to give all my monies over just in the hope it would persuade them to bring RE: Remake and Zero over to the PS3/360.
EmSeta said:Who actually bothers to get platinum trophies anyway?
Teknoman said:Hmm...just realized Sonic 4 ep.1, Fat Princess, Costume Quest, and Scott Pilgrim dont have platinums. Maybe there is an actual reason behind "Capcom laziness" behind it?
Fixed2BeBroken said:anyone able to screen shot what the control schemes are for the 360? it will be my deciding factor on whether i purchase this or not
Leondexter said:[IMG]
Here are the two options you get. Where's the logic? B is unused in both, they moved the inventory screen (status) off the face buttons, put the map, of all things, where that used to be ('cause we use that a lot, wtf?) and change the "everything" A button to X and run/reload to A. What's even weirder is that A and X do the same thing in most menus, as if they forgot to unmap A from everything.
I'm sure it's all fine for people who haven't played and replayed this over the last several years. I'm adapting, but of course, just when it's do-or-die and I need to react without thinking, I reload instead of kicking and get chewed to death.[/QUOTE]
On the Japanese PS2 port the controls were basically the same, except circle is used as select/confirm (which is standard there, and also explains why X and A do the same thing in the US version). That's where the scheme came from. They didn't mess with the controls, that's how they always were, they just changed them for the American PS2 port for some reason and "corrected" them here.
[QUOTE=gogogow]What the hell is wrong with Capcom. It's easier to just straight port the controls than coming up with a customized one! They've kept everything "as is", there is no AA, better textures, better framerate etc., yet they fucked with the controls. smh.[/QUOTE]
Again, nothing was "fucked" with. This was the normal Japanese layout.
K' Dash said:No move support.
Leondexter said:I'm sure it's all fine for people who haven't played and replayed this over the last several years. I'm adapting, but of course, just when it's do-or-die and I need to react without thinking, I reload instead of kicking and get chewed to death.
luka said:Again, nothing was "fucked" with. This was the normal Japanese layout.
randomwab said:Oh come on. I've replayed RE4 more times than I'm willing to admit on every available platform. The new controls took me 10 minutes to get used to. If anything, they're better because my thumb rests over both A and X which makes QTEs very comfortable. The bigger jump for me was relearning to aim with the left stick.
When they adapted the game for a controller with symmetrical buttons, that is the layout they chose. Regardless of whether you agree with it, it's the standardized format they went with for all modern controllers - RE5 with 'traditional' control scheme has the same layout as well. The decision was made to change it long before this port, and they didn't have the 360's letter arrangements in mind when they did it.Leondexter said:No, it wasn't. The original game is the Gamecube game, and the A button is the shoot/action button in every region's version. The Gamecube's A button equates to the A button's position (and letter) on the 360. Pretty easy logic, but they fucked it up.
I don't see how the (incorrect) button mapping they used in a previous port from another region is at all relevant. They screwed up before, therefore this isn't a screw-up? I don't think so.
ULTROS! said:I'm in the castle now, guess I'm progressing pretty fast (6 hours in).![]()
StuBurns said:It doesn't have the original controls or RE5's 'D' controls?
Leondexter said:![]()
Here are the two options you get. Where's the logic?
The worst part of the package. These upscaled graphics actually make the environments look worse than they did before.
Magnus said:Tell me all the unlockables and modes (pro, mercs, separate ways, etc) are in these versions?
Teknoman said:Auto knifing?
anyone complaining about the graphics needs to look at RE4 on an HDTV (none CRT) or needs to compare the PS2 version to this.Fry8 said:IGN about the graphics:
Did they bother anyone?
This review is for PS3 though, I'm on Xbox. Don't know if there's any difference.
right stick. you can move (slowly) and shoot at the same time in Dead Space.RedSwirl said:Don't mind left stick aiming at all, and I don't see how right stick aiming would help at all since you can't even aim while moving. Maybe that's because I played through all of RE5 with the "Type A" control scheme (strafing did nothing for me).
Maybe it's just because I still don't identify RE4 and 5 as third person shooters, at least not conventional ones. I don't remember, but what stick do you aim with in Dead Space? Because that game in my opinion is the only current gen title that really took after RE4 in mechanics.
Fry8 said:IGN about the graphics:
Did they bother anyone?
This review is for PS3 though, I'm on Xbox. Don't know if there's any difference.
Wario 64.EmSeta said:Who actually bothers to get platinum trophies anyway?
it still looks better than the blurry dithered mess that is RE4 on a modern HDTV. there isn't anywhere that looks worse in HD, even if many of the textures fail to compare to modern HD games.Eusis said:Their argument was about how upscaling like that makes all the flaws more apparent that the lower resolutions masked; the fact there's a bunch of graphical mods on PC is probably telling. I wouldn't really worry about it, it's the kind of thing you should kind of expect from just about any last gen game being ported up like this, not like it'd be anywhere near as severe as seeing many PS1 games like Metal Gear Solid 1 in 720p.