ULTROS! said:They didn't fix the cutscenes in Separate Ways. :/
Yeah, they looked absolutely terrible.
Got the full 1000. Pretty amped for a more difficulty CV:X now.
ULTROS! said:They didn't fix the cutscenes in Separate Ways. :/
ULTROS! said:I was assuming that all your stuff get carried over to Professional mode (so that I could get the Chicago Typewriter). Is there an easier way to complete Professional mode?![]()
i forgot about that difference. something to look forwards in my PS3 playthrough!Risible said:Anyone else get the Biohazard Revival Selection release from Japan?
Having played through RE4 numerous times on U.S. consoles it came as a shock when I had to play as Ashley and she controlled like a classic RE game as opposed to the newer RE4 style of controls. It really threw me for a loop.
I was disappointed at first, but after a few minutes I really got into it. It was a nice change of pace, and dealing with the suits of armor was a real thrill. Normally, I breeze through that part. However, struggling with unfamiliar controls while the knights were going CLANK CLANK CLANK behind me ratcheted up the tension big time. A really neat touch.
dark10x said:Even with mods, you're still stuck with ugly, compressed videos for cutscenes rather than proper realtime scenes. That pretty much kills the experience for me and makes for an inferior version.
I disagree that the Dolphin version is the best possible version as well. It simply isn't as polished due to small hitches related to Dolphin.
Now, if it's all about which version can look its absolute best performance be damned, Dolphin will win, but I value consistency too much to deal with it.
Quikies83 said:I only played the PS2 version for a few hours back in the day --- I'm very happy with my purchase on 360. Game plays and looks great.
My only complaint is having the map on Y and inventory on Start... The X and A swap is no biggie.
plagiarize said:and, let me restate, you can't run the dolphin version in a native widescreen resolution. it will always upscale from a lower resolution (based on the fact that in 'widescreen' it's really zooming in on a letterboxed image).
what? that they'll accuse someone of being wrong without looking at their own damn screenshot?jett said:You know what they say about people that assume.
*snipped screenshot that proves what i'm saying*
cvxfreak said:Downloading RE4 from the NA PSN now... is it always this slow? 7% after 10 minutes.
I'm located in Japan, but we have very fast high-speed internet here.
Canada?papersleeves said:I just bought this game on Games on Demand for 360 this morning and the game only cost me 1360ms points. What give ?
plagiarize said:what? that they'll accuse someone of being wrong without looking at their own damn screenshot?
see how it looks overly soft? see the weird edges on everything that don't look as sharp as they should?
i've done numerous screenshot comparisons back in the day. the Wii version of RE4 runs a letterboxed version of the game that it then blows up to fill the screen.
compare screens of 1280 x 720 to cropped screens of 960 x 720.
or just look at the left side of Ashley's arm. that screenshot is not running at a native resolution of 1600 x 900. it is 1200 x 675 blown up to 1600 x 900.
Yes, it's missing specular maps/gloss maps. I just beatCurufinwe said:Is that confirmed?
i never said it couldn't run in a widescreen aspect ratio. i said that when you run in a widescreen aspect ratio it's scaling a letterboxed resolution to full screen.I NEED SCISSORS said:That's because of horrid jpeg compression, and it's supersampled which eliminates all jaggies but softens the image somewhat.
The point of the picture is to prove that it can run in a widescreen aspect ratio.
plagiarize said:i never said it couldn't run in a widescreen aspect ratio. i said that when you run in a widescreen aspect ratio it's scaling a letterboxed resolution to full screen.
which it is. look closely at the left side of Ashley's right arm. that isn't jpeg compression, that's stepping, and it's stepping at more than one pixel. because it's been upscaled.
it's not dolphin's fault. the game is built to do this, because that's how it handles widescreen on the Wii. yes, you can run at higher resolutions than the wii version, but you can't run natively at a resolution. i've proved this out with screenshots in the past way back when. i'll happily do it again...
but the evidence is right in front of your eyes. i'm not making this shit up. i LOVE RE4, and when i played it in dolphin i felt there was something off about the IQ, and i did comparisons between 4:3 and 16:9 resolutions to figure out what was going on.
Out_Of_Ammo said:Did anyone from the EU get the 5 free RE4 avatars when they bought this? They said on the playstation blog we would get them but I didn't see them when I bought RE4. The only ones I see are those raccoon city avatars from ps+...
fabiobad said:RE4 HD is sub-hd on PS3 ?
I bought it from the US store and it did give me 5 free avatars and i'm not a PS+ member. Wednesday I checked the EU store when it was updated and in the description it didn't mention anything about avatars at all, which it did in the US store. Lots of people are complaining about not getting their avatars on the EU Blog. In the Store update blogpost Andy Stewart said that only PS+ members will be getting the free avatars.Out_Of_Ammo said:Anyone?
I usually do. Once you have it up to a good damage level and clip size its rather good, and you get lots of free ammo when you upgrade the clip size.gray_fox224 said:Is the TMP an essential gun to level up?
I don't use it. I go more the conventional route of handgun + shotty + snipergray_fox224 said:Is the TMP an essential gun to level up?
BeautifulMemory said:I don't use it. I go more the conventional route of handgun + shotty + sniper
gray_fox224 said:Is the TMP an essential gun to level up?
Truehey_it's_that_dog said:Same.
But if the question is "I have the TMP, should I put more money into it?" then I guess it depends on how you use it. You don't need to upgrade it if you just use it to put a lot of bullets into a crowd to slow their advance or set up melees (though a capacity upgrade would serve this end well).
I'm just speculating. Somebody more expert should chime in.
Yeah, all Japanese versions of the game have done that on normal difficulty and above. It's a shame they removed it for everyone else.Risible said:Anyone else get the Biohazard Revival Selection release from Japan?
Having played through RE4 numerous times on U.S. consoles it came as a shock when I had to play as Ashley and she controlled like a classic RE game as opposed to the newer RE4 style of controls. It really threw me for a loop.
I was disappointed at first, but after a few minutes I really got into it. It was a nice change of pace, and dealing with the suits of armor was a real thrill. Normally, I breeze through that part. However, struggling with unfamiliar controls while the knights were going CLANK CLANK CLANK behind me ratcheted up the tension big time. A really neat touch.
The TMP ruins Mendez' day.Curufinwe said:I love the TMP; it's great for certain situations and bosses. I didn't use it on the Wii version (except for the shooting galleries) just because I was going for as high a shooting percentage as possible.
Smision said:TMP is great to put them in melee-able stun or to shoot them in the legs. Almost feels like cheating, even without upgrades. i've just started actually using the knife on downed enemies (first time in several playthroughs)...still so much stuff to lear about this game after so many years!
also, game looks fine, imo. reviews overstate how it looks.
Sullichin said:This game still has the best reload animations
TerryWogan said:So... Has anyone else already completed at least one playthrough but not bothered discussing it in this thread because every page is basically people asking the same questions that have been answered over and over on the prior page?
The broken butterfly reload is absolutely boss!
Yoshichan said:Wtf is going on and why does PSN suck so much fucking ass?
First it says "an error has occurred. 80023102" and now that I'm trying a different way (adding funds to my account), it says "The Funds Could not be added to your wallet"?
I've taken a break from PSN for 2 months and I come back to this piece of shit?
I haven't, much as I wish I had. Been ill. Haven't been play it much.TerryWogan said:So... Has anyone else already completed at least one playthrough but not bothered discussing it in this thread because every page is basically people asking the same questions that have been answered over and over on the prior page?
The broken butterfly reload is absolutely boss!
Nope, none of the above. Sony are just a bunch of incompetent idiots.hey_it's_that_dog said:Has your credit card info been removed or changed? Or has the card expired? That's the first thing to check.
TerryWogan said:So... Has anyone else already completed at least one playthrough but not bothered discussing it in this thread because every page is basically people asking the same questions that have been answered over and over on the prior page?
The Xtortionist said:On 360, controls for moving and aiming feel a little weird. Deadzones are too large I think. Anyone else feel the same way?