pulled the trigger on RE4 because it was only $10.
even so, i still have my gripes that confirm my original bitch fest from last week. it's an extremely lazy "HD" job. it's a great game. it's one of my faves, despite being an RE purist and not considering it an RE game. but it's very obvious and hard to argue against that this was a lazy port, and is better off without the HD tag.
it's hard to wrap my brain around it costing so much money as to decide against 'upgrading' some of the assets in this game. a good example is the small easy things such as the menu's could have been recreated, since they already went through the trouble of adding in the controller config page. that and a lot of in-game text looks like it was just left as-is from the original versions and stretched. the cutscenes are probably the biggest offender, and could have been (this is going off the assumption that they no longer have the assets required to re-render the initial cutscene itself)
a small issue, absolutely, but it's one of many that i noticed just during the initial start of the game. i'm willing to forgive them leaving the textures alone, but i feel like adding the HD on the end of the name is pointless and a tiny bit deceptive. it really IS just RE4 on PS3. not RE4:HD. i think if it's going to get the 'HD' treatment it should be enhanced in other ways, and then possibly charged more. otherwise, lower it from $20 and leave it simply as RE4.
otherwise it plays a lot smoother than i imagined and i'm eager to spend my money more wisely this time around in addition to treasure hunting a little better. (aka shooting the crows earlier on in the game) can't wait for CVX after i finish this.