What makes them worse for me is their scream right before the decapitation. Wish I can taze themlazybones18 said:those poor Bella Sisters. all bandaged up and screaming like crazy
What makes them worse for me is their scream right before the decapitation. Wish I can taze themlazybones18 said:those poor Bella Sisters. all bandaged up and screaming like crazy
Dang, I have done something wrong. Does the registration info of the gift card have to match your XBox Live info?Phonomezer said:Do you mean those pre-paid credit card thingies?
If so, yes! My work gave me two $250 ones last month for being awesome
...went straight to, LOL.
Shogmaster said:Dang, I have done something wrong. Does the registration info of the gift card have to match your XBox Live info?
back to mansion, unlock the door in the very 1st save room in the game with the 0% gold gunsDreamer RD said:Stuck afterscene. What to do next? Walkthrough faq says there are 2 eagle emblems, but already used one at prison area and cant find another.Steve killing his father
luka said:Incendiary grenades on his first form if you have it + explosive barrel. TMP his second form, also aim at the tentacles holding him up to knock him down so you can grenade him.
BeautifulMemory said:What makes them worse for me is their scream right before the decapitation. Wish I can taze them
and don't forget...BeautifulMemory said:Relatively spaeaking, the treasure isn't worth much. But the enemy is very easy to dodge. I just went back and forth through the exit to pick up the treasure
Cruzader said:Oh man, I had to use the first aid kit spray. Is that like older RE games where if used, it would drop a rating rank down automatically when you beat the game? Hope I didn't screw myself over.
I've done the same. Resident Evil folder, SEGA Classics folder... does feel good.Eurocult said:
Nice. Thanx.Sir Ilpalazzo said:If you're talking about 4, no, it doesn't hurt you in that game. I have no idea about Code Veronica, though.
Cruzader said:Oh man, I had to use the first aid kit spray. Is that like older RE games where if used, it would drop a rating rank down automatically when you beat the game? Hope I didn't screw myself over.
yes, you just did.Cruzader said:Oh man, I had to use the first aid kit spray. Is that like older RE games where if used, it would drop a rating rank down automatically when you beat the game? Hope I didn't screw myself over.
I said the same thing a few days ago. CV has not aged as well as other games and the extreme darkness and heavy contrast only improve things. If your TV is properly calibrated for your viewing conditions it's still perfectly playable. It was dark but I never had trouble picking out items or enemies. It's soft, grainy, and saturated, but in my eyes that makes it look better, like an old horror film on cheap technicolor stock.Varna said:I know I'm in the minority but I really like the softer look and grain like filter of RE:CV HD. Nothing short of a complete remake could save those texture from looking like shit on a higher resolution display. The softer look makes them look like the old pre-rendered backgrounds and the new lighting gives them that "REmake" look.
Noriega said:Downloading it now guys.
Haven't played it since wii version. Damn, I'm gonna be rusty. Is there a point in collecting every treasure? Or is it just to make it rain on ashley?
I don't remember a map in the wii version?BeautifulMemory said:Way more fun and flexible if you collect treasure. Get the map, they will be easy to find
ULTROS! said:
Noriega said:I don't remember a map in the wii version?
Did they add that? What else did they add? Or is it just the hd ness lol
oh man i have to aim with the left control stick? damn 360 fps messing me up
Spoiler!Matts Legacy said:The code is Veronica
One of the best of all time..
Bollocks said:Is RE CVX worth it?
As in, there is no way it's gonna be released on disk in the west?
Thanks to Plus I played through RE1 yesterday, despite tank controls it was cool, I would love me some more classic RE.
I played through CVX on the PS2 but nowadays the storyline is gone and it will be just as fresh but don't know if I should bite or not.
i played through 1/3. i havent seen anyPersona7 said:How is Code Veronica on PS3? Any frame drops or anything?
My friend is asking me.
Hah my thought was because it's Capcom they are least likely to hold their word.BeautifulMemory said:Never say never. But, it's Capcom, I really doubt they will put it on the disk. The port is half ass, i see no reason for them to go extra mile at this point
luka said:Spoiler!![]()
ULTROS! said:I spoiled myself too much already.
Anyway, I'm at Chris' part.
ULTROS! said:This must be Chris' part.
That's just because of it's survival horror DNA, RE5 does those things too, it's a lot more recent.AiTM said:Makes me miss game design from 2005, now days they are way too worried about the game being playable for everyone. If it were made today would probably have Near unlimited ammo lying around, a glowing trail on the ground, and recharging health. :/
AiTM said:Makes me miss game design from 2005, now days they are way too worried about the game being playable for everyone. If it were made today would probably have Near unlimited ammo lying around, a glowing trail on the ground, and recharging health. :/
Rewrite said:Thankfully one of the enemies drops a first aid spray so that saved me.
StuBurns said:That's just because of it's survival horror DNA, RE5 does those things too, it's a lot more recent.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Can any tell me how big the file is for CVX?
The final upgrade for the Striker is probably the greatest of all timeRewrite said:The Striker is so goooooooooood. The TMP has also helped me out tremendously. I will never doubt it's awesomeness ever again. What a fool I was. TMP is godly.
Marda said:2435 MB.
Biggest-Geek-Ever said:The final upgrade for the Striker is probably the greatest of all time
ShockingAlberto said:You missed your golden opportunity here. Let me fix that for you.
But 100 round clip, man. You barely need any other weapons at that point. The Broken Butterfly is pretty nice for the bosses though at that level, I'll give it that.The Xtortionist said:IDK mang, putting the Red9 and BAR at 6.5 and 50 power, respectively, is pretty awesome.! said:I don't get it.![]()