plagiarize said:
next time maybe bounce it by people like us first

CVXFreak, Dark10x and myself are pretty damn picky about how our Resident Evils look. other games you'd want to go with other people.
hell, CVXfreak is probably the premium collector / RE resource we have on GAF. from having written FAQs for most of the games to having played just about every version of every title in the franchise.
Well, I'm pretty well versed in gaming in general, but honestly I don't follow Resident Evil as much as some of you (I only started on RE4, then Remake, then 0, then 5, then CVX HD), though I played the crap out of RE4 and RE5, even so far as to try doing speedruns on them casually for awhile.
On the flip side, you see me calling out crap other sites get wrong on Zelda all the time because I'm a little too "well" versed in that series. I do get where you are coming from. However, I can't really discuss these games with people prior to embargo stuff. Unless you guys knew definitively and posted about it ahead of time, I can't like show you clips and stuff.
I felt I had done my homework. Like, I did read luka's rampage against the claims earlier this year that RE4 HD was based on the PS2 port based on the screens, but that was based on pre-release screens. Played through the other versions again. Also, my roommate is a pretty big RE buff himself, and he saw me playing some and was convinced it was a hybrid of the Wii/PS2 versions. I originally thought it was the PS2 source code with modifications to the graphics engine to be as close to the GCN's superior assets.
FYI - None of you go by Archleon on, right? Just curious...