how do you do that?Eurocult said:![]()
Feels good
how to make a folder called RESIDENT EVIL on PS3??
how do you do that?Eurocult said:![]()
Feels good
Wait so are we supposed to beat each one on those minigames levels? I never understood the point btw. So for each of the levels that have the minigame, we have to get 4000+ to win all the caps for that particular level?(ex: castle)Napalm_Frank said:1st=chapter 3-1
2nd=chapter 4-1
3rd=chapter 4-2
4th=chapter 5-1
Hit Triangle on a game, go to Info, and type a category name into the album slot. It'll make a folder and you can sort things as you wish.Ladyboy101 said:how do you do that?
how to make a folder called RESIDENT EVIL on PS3??
Hit triangle on a game, hit "Information" and enter an album name. Games that you want in the same folder should have the same album name. When you're done, you toggle folder/flat view with the square button.Ladyboy101 said:how do you do that?
how to make a folder called RESIDENT EVIL on PS3??
Agreed. And I'm pretty sure that has to do with the fact that it was basically the RE5 team that made Separate Ways. The aspects of SW that make it feel detached from the brilliance of the main game are basically what leaked into RE5, which is why so many people find RE5 merely acceptable.Rolf NB said:RE4 base is like the most carefully designed whole experience ever. SW is ... servicable. When you compare the two directly, it's really obvious that the spirit had already left the building.
The riot gun is such a troll weapon. There is literally no reason to ever use it. The striker has the most firepower, capacity, cheapest to upgrade and takes up the least space. The riot gun has more range but in that case you might as well use the normal shotgun exclusive which destroys it.Napalm_Frank said:Believe it or not, Riot Gun is actually more expensive to fully upgrade than Striker.
Cruzader said:PS: CVX goes off sale this tuesday, right? I may buy it just to have all of them plus RE5GE. Not a big RE fan but thats alot of content for cheap atm on PSN.
luka said:The riot gun is such a troll weapon. There is literally no reason to ever use it. The striker has the most firepower, capacity, cheapest to upgrade and takes up the least space. The riot gun has more range but in that case you might as well use the normal shotgun exclusive which destroys it.
Rash said:Agreed. And I'm pretty sure that has to do with the fact that it was basically the RE5 team that made Separate Ways. The aspects of SW that make it feel detached from the brilliance of the main game are basically what leaked into RE5, which is why so many people find RE5 merely acceptable.
It really is a lackluster, tacked-on experience. More compelling than Assignment Ada, but it was still completely unnecessary, even though it showed some new locations. RE4 was already a big enough game and it was already action-packed enough, but then SW just went too far especially with Chapter 4 and the boat/turret section. The new parts weren't special and the recycled parts were exactly that, recycled.
This is why there are people who say that the GC version of RE4 is superior to the PS2 version, even though it lacks the extras. Mere graphical effects actually added something to the base game, thus only increasing its brilliance. Adding to the main game to make it better > tacking on extra modes. Almost sounds ridiculous but when you consider how completely "meh" Separate Ways is, it's not so far fetched to think along these lines.
Rash said:It really is a lackluster, tacked-on experience. More compelling than Assignment Ada, but it was still completely unnecessary
Shick Brithouse said:So I played though the normal mode a second time in the hopes that I could unlock the handcannon as one of the websites listed this as a secondary way of unlocking it instead of 5 starring every character in mercenaries. But apparently thus is not the case. And since I'm not that good at mercenaries, I doubt that I will ever unlock it.
Needless to say, I was pretty bummed. Oh well, now to beat it on pro to unlock the plaga laser gun.
Is it worth it to get the handcannon? I saved my money on the second playthrough so I could fully upgrade it for unlimited ammo.
Cruzader said:One minor thing I missed wasKilling the little spanish guy's body guard during the fight. I read the trophy and says to get rid of the guy's right hand man. So next time Ill get him but Im not sure how I missed him since when he takes monster form, midget and body guard merge? or something? Oh well
So for a new game, you guys recommend me playing Pro? And will I get my inventory from my Normal playthrough or would I have to beat Pro and then once that is done, play again but with all my past items from that specific play through?
Is it worth it to get the handcannon?
lucablight said:So I've been holding off on getting this because I'm waiting for the possibility of a disc release. I know the capcom guy Sven did say there wouldn't be one but as I recall didn't Ubisoft say the same thing about the Prince of persia trilogy?
Also the GTA DLC titles eventually found a disc release. Anyone heard any updates on the possibility of a disc release for RE4 or am I just waiting my time?
dustin said:Also, does anyone have a link (or is able to produce) an incredibly high res version of the re4 PAL boxart? I'd love you forever.
Interested in hearing more about why you feel this way because I completely disagree.Rez said:Separate Ways was utter trash. Enemy placements were beyond lazy and often nonsensical (hey why not throw an enemy in here now!).
It was the thing before RE5 that made RE4 all the more special: it proved that RE4 wasn't just a series of pretty environments and randomly placed enemies, everything was there for a reason. It all mattered.
Strider2K99 said:Playing with the mobster costume for Leon and armor for Ashley for first time since I only had GC version, lol at the armor. Also adorable when you point the gun at her and the helmet closes off.
BTW, weren't the unlockable costumes also supposed to show up in cutscenes? Could have sworn that was the case in GC version.
Curufinwe said:The RPD/Pop star outfits show up in the GC, Wii and PS360 versions. Gansgster Leon and Armor Ashley never appear in any cutscenes.
TheVampire said:If i beat the game on normal does it let you then replay it on hard with NG+?
The Mana Legend said:Oh my God, I played Resident Evil 4 Mobile Edition and Resident Evil 4 iPad Edition yesterday.
I have never laughed so hard while playing a game. Ever. They were. So bad. For anyone who hasn't seen the iPhone version, check this out:
I laughed so hard while playing and then watching this. So fucking bad.
So once you beat it normal once and unlock Pro, you keep on playing Pro to keep unlocking skins and guns with infinite ammo? I suppose it gets easier but thats the way to do it right?hey_it's_that_dog said:Nope.
Yes. On your second round on pro you will probably attain exclusive upgrades on your entire loadout in chapter 1. You're walking all over them. Two hits with a maxed Red9, anywhere on the body, to kill a basic dude. Headshot does it in one. There shouldn't be any trouble until you're fighting those prisoner guys in chapter 3.Cruzader said:So once you beat it normal once and unlock Pro, you keep on playing Pro to keep unlocking skins and guns with infinite ammo? I suppose it gets easier but thats the way to do it right?
Curufinwe said:Got the handcannon and easily got 100,000+ scores on all the maps with Wesker. He is such a boss in Mercs.
Dreamer RD said:![]()
Feels better
chalkitdown1 said:No Resi 5. I am disappoint.
ULTROS! said:I'm curious why he bought RE4 two times.![]()
ULTROS! said:The one on the second is RE5:GE I believe.
I'm curious why he bought RE4 two times.![]()
Curufinwe said:I spent hours and hours on it but the best Village score I could manage with Wesker was only 173,700 with 105 kills. Way less than my best GC effort of 194,500 with 124 kills. I just can't kill the Bella sisters fast enough.