
NEXT GEN BASE (9.5/10)
I don't think Resident Evil Village is going to be very divisive per se: I suspect the reaction will be generally positive. But it's going to definitely spark some conversations as to how it stacks up against the current darling of RE7, and it has a long hill to climb to match its success financially. As for me, I think it complements it quite well, and then some.

Review: Resident Evil Village
Like RE7, Resident Evil Village pulls a few unconventional storytelling tricks to let you know that it's not your typical Resident Evil.

Village doesn't pull any punches when it comes to horror, but a consistent rollout of new weapons and tools makes it hard to walk away from these terrors.

Resident Evil Village Review - Painting The Ghost Town Red - Game Informer
Village doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to horror, but a consistent rollout of new weapons and tools makes it hard to walk away from these terrors.

PSU (9/10)
Resident Evil Village combines the best of the past 25 years of the franchise, bringing a compelling adventure that should appeal to action and horror fans alike. With massive locations offering a wealth of exploration and hidden goodies, a meaty campaign with some decent unlockables, Village is the franchise at the top of its game.

Resident Evil Village Review (PS5) - A Compelling, Bloody Adventure That Stands Among The Series' Best To Date - PlayStation Universe
Read our Resident Evil Village PS5 review to find out how Capcom's latest horror romp shapes up. Is it a worthy successor to the last game in the franchise?
While the Resident Evil series has been on a high for a number of years now, Resident Evil Village sets an entirely new standard. Its cast of villains is up there with the very best, memorable sequences and gameplay sections beg to be played over and over again, and a sense of constant dread created by the atmosphere and soundtrack keeps you on the edge of your seat. Even the combat is solid this time around and the lengths Capcom has gone to take advantage of the PS5 pays off with impressive Ray-Tracing. Does it better Resident Evil 4? Maybe not, but it's damn close. Real damn close. Resident Evil Village is an essential playthrough for anyone with even a passing interest in the franchise.

Review: Resident Evil Village (PS5) - Capcom's Best Horror Game for 16 Years
Goth punk

Resident Evil Village is a wild, thrilling ride across seemingly every horror genre and idea that happened to pass through the mad minds at Capcom. Not every aspect of the game is perfect, but its highs are very high and solid core mechanics and excellent presentation hold the grisly patchwork together. You may survive Resident Evil Village, but your thoughts will linger there long after you’ve escaped.

Resident Evil Village Review – Horror's Greatest Hits Come Home
Is Resident Evil Village Capcom's next great survival horror game or has the series got itself stuck in the woods yet again?

VGC (4/5)
Resident Evil: Village is a powerful monster, bolting together parts from Resident Evils 7, 4 and more besides. It’s longer than recent games in the series, yet still feels trim and sculpted as it shifts between it wide range of locations and set pieces. The downside of its eclectic approach is some unevenness and less tension, especially in a relatively weak opening act. But its eventual blend of parts is gloriously big, daft and fuelled by the finest of nightmares.

Resident Evil Village Review: Capcom takes seven, adds four, and turns it up to eleven | VGC
Capcom’s horror adventure is a deliciously hammy hybrid of past glories, with some real series highs…

METRO UK (7/10)
A competent but uninspired sequel that’s unwise to create so many obvious comparisons to Resident Evil 4, although it still manages to find some memorable moments of its own.

Resident Evil Village review – small-town life with Lady Dimitrescu
The eighth entry in the Resident Evil saga features werewolves, vampires, and a lot of nods to Resident Evil 4 - but is it any good?

Resident Evil 7 was an excellent return to the horror underpinnings of the franchise, but cunningly altered with new ideas and a new perspective. Similarly, Village is an intelligent reintroduction of the best action elements of Resident Evil. Though it captures some of the same things that made RE7 such a breath of fresh air (or maybe rancid, stale, mold-filled air, but in a good way), Village evolves to become its own unique creature. It makes you wonder what beautifully twisted fiend Resident Evil might mutate into in the future.

Resident Evil Village Review -- Shapeshifter
The sequel to Resident Evil 7 leans heavily on Resident Evil 4's brand of action, but adds its own sensibilities to the mix.

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