That's why I hardly shop on ebay.So many scammers/shady people on ebay... I think I'm done collecting for a while again. :/
That's why I hardly shop on ebay.So many scammers/shady people on ebay... I think I'm done collecting for a while again. :/
So many scammers/shady people on ebay... I think I'm done collecting for a while again. :/
I've had mostly positive experiences. Of the hundred or so transactions I've likely done on ebay over the years, only 3-4 of them went poorly for me. You just have to go with really good sellers.
Killer games.what's up retro guys and gals =)
my haul from last week:
I've bought and sold a good bit and haven't had any issues so far. The only thing I can think of is, someone buying something and no making payment. That's a little annoying.So many scammers/shady people on ebay... I think I'm done collecting for a while again. :/
Any panzer dragoon fans here?
I'm a fan and here's more info on this:Any panzer dragoon fans here? How is the xbox version of this game? I hear that on PAL machines it crashes on level 3? on the xbox 360..
Any panzer dragoon fans here? How is the xbox version of this game? I hear that on PAL machines it crashes on level 3? on the xbox 360..
vMagix said:Just wanted to jump on and say I'm finally happy with my retro setup. Decided to get rid of the CRT last year for "space reasons" and have been trying to recapture the magic ever since.
I'm a fan and here's more info on this:
"PAL version crashes after the full-motion video at the end of the third level. However, there is a solution for this that includes unlocking the level select menu by accumulating 20 hours of gameplay. Occasional framerate hitches during full motion videos. Boss fight with Abadd in the Forbidden Memories stage shows heavy graphical glitches. Original Panzer Dragoon is reported to be unplayable, but is fully playable on at least some NTSC systems."
Any panzer dragoon fans here? How is the xbox version of this game? I hear that on PAL machines it crashes on level 3? on the xbox 360..
I hate the games, that's why I own all of them <3
It's the PC version of Panzer Dragoon actually, not Saturn version.First time I heard about that issue. Just to be clear, is the Saturn Panzer Dragoon included with PAL Orta, to suffer from crashing, or the actual PAL version of the main game?
I'm saving someone from the bankrupcy of purchasing them all (<3 my Pal PDS)hate the game so much you want to keep them from being played by potential fans lol
First time I heard about that issue. Just to be clear, is the Saturn Panzer Dragoon included with PAL Orta, to suffer from crashing, or the actual PAL version of the main game?
hate the game so much you want to keep them from being played by potential fans lol
same person?Something like this?
Is this cat cornering the market?
What happened?
Speaking of ebay. I love when people are like "... my price is firm. No thanks." Then their product doesn't sell for a week and they start lowering it.
It's been like 4 over ~9 transactions that were garbage or shady as shit.
One of them the guy said I would have to pay him $16 to ship it and then he would refund me once paypal clears the funds on the 21st of April. Told him no way and then he started talking about it was because his company's credit card never arrived to telling me to fuck off, etc.
The one today the guy has had my money for a week, never shipped or updated but I look at his other items and he has the same game and pictures listed for another auction ending today. Is trying to tell me he is shipping it today and that he has 3 copies of the same game that's why so many listings that are identical...
My game arrived today, hopefully you guys are right that the cheaper sealed stuff is real.
F-Zero has always been super cheap, even new in box.
Great pick-ups as always, Dave. At some point, you gotta show us your collection!![]()
thank guys! the wii u is pretty good.Killer games.
nice! yeah grab some ps2 games, they're pretty low pricedNice. I'm also buying up PS2 games like crazy at the moment
Speaking of ebay. I love when people are like "... my price is firm. No thanks." Then their product doesn't sell for a week and they start lowering it.
I think worse are the people who have the same Item up on ebay for 6 months with it not selling and refuse to even consider lowering the price.
This too.
Nah the worst are the "make offer" auctions where no offers below the BIN price are accepted
That's definitely my least favorite. And you only get 3 attempts.
i'm with all of you.Yea this one bothers me to. There are a ton of items on eBay now that are at ludicrous price listings based on nothing but a whim. Game loose is $10, Complete, $100. Sealed? $700. Lol
nice grab =)Yeah, that's the only reason I bought it. I just don't know enough about sealed things to spot fakes so I'm always cautious about them.
I was actually there on the day Jim (Kidshoryuken, the uploader of the video) was there. We bumped into each other, I recognized him and we had a little chat outside the store. BEEP is definitely the most unique retro game store in Akihabara, with it's focus more on classic Japanese PC gaming and arcade PCB's than on consoles and their games (which they have as well).
same person?
As Jim said, quarters are very cramped at BEEP so it's hard to pull back and get decent footage, also I'm not sure if he knew whether or not they'd actually let him shoot video in the store, so he was probably trying to be stealthy about it. Most stores in Japan are very serious about not filming in them, even in places as mundane as a grocery store.That made me sick to watch. It could have been a great video if he was able to steady the camera and stop on interesting things instead of constantly moving and making me feel nauseous :/
I'm going back next February because most of my budget on this trip is going towards a tattoo.
what's up retro guys and gals =)
my haul from last week:
They just carelessly threw it in a bubble envelope but thankfully it arrived unharmed -_-
^i think i grabbed the alpha anthology for ps2. i think that was ps1 ports but not sure =)
collection addition:
this just came in the mail: Pikmin 3, 2, 1 =)
pkimin 3,2, are sealed. i got them off ebay for 60 shipped which i thought was a pretty good deal.
i also grabbed parasite eve II ps1 a long time ago but forgot to post:
I want to work there.
I've still never been to Japan but videos like this make me want to bite the bullet and just buy a plane ticket to visit.
You're right, my bad.It's the PC version of Panzer Dragoon actually, not Saturn version.
Thanks for claryfing.Orta is what crash.
Is Beep new? I don't recall it being there (or in any lists of Akiba shops) last time I went. Akiba isn't that great honestly, ebay/yahoo prices really, I wish I'd gone in the early 2000s heyday.
I can speak some Japanese now so I should probably go for another trip.
BEEP is single handedly making me reconsider my "don't go to Akiba" rule. It's really hard to find 8-bit PC stuff anywhere else.
BTW I got my copies of:
Rockman X
Rockman X2
Rockman X3
Super Metroid
I'm also going to make a large list of stuff to get off Amazon JP and get forwarded here in lieu of actually going to Japan this year.
Ah yep new.They opened in Fall 2015.
BEEP is single handedly making me reconsider my "don't go to Akiba" rule. It's really hard to find 8-bit PC stuff anywhere else.
BTW I got my copies of:
Rockman X
Rockman X2
Rockman X3
Super Metroid
I'm also going to make a large list of stuff to get off Amazon JP and get forwarded here in lieu of actually going to Japan this year.
okay so i'm legit interested in your pickups when you're done (and supergun stuff always sounds awesome) but you've got my attention here
Akiba's a gaijin trap but it's not so bad. The prices there tend to be better than Nakano Broadway based on what I've seen the past few days. Although that might be because almost half of Nakano is Mandarake now. I'm not sure if there's anywhere else in Kanto where you can that amount of concentrated geekdom.
I just really hate the otaku crap. All of it, but especially the porny / maid-cafe / AKB48 bullshit.
Everything I want to do there I can do elsewhere except without the smelly losers and gross shit.
There must be some common factor here that you're missing.... lol jk.I still don't understand why most of the hobbies I'm into seems to necessitate running into smelly losers. Like, does it have to be that way?
thanks man! DK: TF was 16 bucks shipped. i was trying to grab a black(blue label)damn dave, nice haul!
im being a cheap-o (as usual) and holding out for lower prices on DK: TF and Game & Wario, haha. i know i can find em for a tenner if i wait!
i just picked that up recently. good choice!Gonna be on the lookout for vandal hearts 2 this weekend.
man that is getting hard to find at gamestop. they doesn't list it anymore on their website new or used. i found one at a gamestop for about 35 but the artwork was trashed up so ended paying about the same plus tax at a local retro store.How much did you pay for Game & Wario? I've been looking for it for a while, just a bit out of my ideal price range on eBay still.
Great haul!
i just looked at pikmin 1 and yeah it has a cool reversible cover. neat! thanks for pointing that out. 2,3 are both sealed so i couldn't check yet. i got these all for 60 shipped so i thought i made out decent for the 2sealed/1clean games.Do the Pikmin New Play Control versions have reversible box art? The Donkey Kong Jungle Beat NPC version does and it's awesome.
congrats SheepyGuy! damn... i want those too... time to dig around =)BEEP is single handedly making me reconsider my "don't go to Akiba" rule. It's really hard to find 8-bit PC stuff anywhere else.
BTW I got my copies of:
Rockman X
Rockman X2
Rockman X3
Super Metroid
I'm also going to make a large list of stuff to get off Amazon JP and get forwarded here in lieu of actually going to Japan this year.
thanks man! DK: TF was 16 bucks shipped. i was trying to grab a black(blue label)
i just picked that up recently. good choice!
man that is getting hard to find at gamestop. they doesn't list it anymore on their website new or used. i found one at a gamestop for about 35 but the artwork was trashed up so ended paying about the same plus tax at a local retro store.
i just looked at pikmin 1 and yeah it has a cool reversible cover. neat! thanks for pointing that out. 2,3 are both sealed so i couldn't check yet. i got these all for 60 shipped so i thought i made out decent for the 2sealed/1clean games.
congrats SheepyGuy! damn... i want those too... time to dig around =)
Phantasy Star Anniversary concert