Those Snes and genesis sticks are all and good but I just don't care for them unless is for collecting wise.
It's when the PlayStation era and Xbox one when I saw the value them with games being arcade to near arcade perfect
Capcom's SF2 stick for the SFC was great (at the time) and with a rather unique shape
Capcom's SF2 stick for the SFC was great (at the time) and with a rather unique shape
speaking of SF, i can't play with square gates. all the arcades had 8 way bat sticks.
square gates are the way to go
Do you mean an octagonal gate rather than square? They are both 8 way, the bat top stick doesnt determine the gate. =)speaking of SF, i can't play with square gates. all the arcades had 8 way bat sticks.
speaking of SF, i can't play with square gates. all the arcades had 8 way bat sticks.
=)I had trouble moving on to a square gate because I was so used to the octagonal movement but got there eventually, you just got to.......stick with it.
I am not a Sanwa fan. At all. I dunno, just doesn't make me feel in control. Seimitsu LS-56 all the way.
I use a square gate, just because it's kinda the standard.
Best controller
I have another stick with an LS-32, I like that one. I have a Hayabusa, too. They are all great, I just happen to use the stick with the JLF the most.
I honestly can't tell if one affords me more control than another. I guess the LS has a shorter throw, but I'd never consider that to be a deal breaker for any game, and I play shooters and fighters with them.
Then again, I'm not super sensitive to anything gamers often complain about, frame rate, lag, arcade sticks, whatever. It's cool that arcade sticks are customisable though, so messing with them is fun.
For me, the tactile response is everything. That dictates what arcade sticks and buttons I use, what keyboards I use... everything.
It's important.
Mechanical keyboards, I'm with you, gotta get my MX Blues.
Dat click click
For me, the tactile response is everything. That dictates what arcade sticks and buttons I use, what keyboards I use... everything.
It's important.
Today's Fun project was setting up a retropi for the arcade cab I'm going to build. I just played through "The Punisher" for the first time in my life and fucking God damn it's fantastic.
hey guys, here's my impulse buy:
Today's Fun project was setting up a retropi for the arcade cab I'm going to build. I just played through "The Punisher" for the first time in my life and fucking God damn it's fantastic.
awesome! i now have to find an open copy =)I said it in the Gamecube thread, and I'll say it again: FE: Path of Radiance is a masterpiece.
Dude you should just have two guncons to play those games John Woo style in solo. So satisfying
Fularu and sixteen-bit,I imagine that would be difficult to play since each player has a different perspective in TC2&3
awesome! i now have to find an open copy =)
hey retroGAF,
just found a 2nd guncon2 at a local trade meet in the retro store i frequent for 8 bucks.
going to hang with Peltz tomorrow and play some time crisis 2 split screen.
Fularu and sixteen-bit,
was looking into what we were discussing before and found this on the back of the Time Crisis 2 box: i guess there is an official mode for Fularu's idea.
that's an awesome arcade game. so much better than final fight.
The Punisher is my second favorite beat-em-up. I absolutely adore the game. My favorite remains Cadillacs & Dinosaurs. Those two games just do everything right. Great pacing, they feel amazing to play, and they just look cool. I'm not as much of a fan of Capcom's CPS2-era beat-em-ups, even though they're still excellent. They're just not as cool.
I agree with you there. Mike Haggar is the fucking man though.
I'll have to try C&D next. God punisher is great though.
Being able to use your special attack while holding an enemy is so satisfying
The dudley style dash punch at the end of your forward attack combo is so satisfying.
Nick fury blowing smoke rings with his cigarette is so satisfying
NES thread is of course still in gaming. Is it the only thread linked the OP here that, for whatever reason, maintains main gaming status? It's the only one that I'm subbed to that is still there.Oh wow we finally got moved over to community. :
I just checked some and the Neo-Geo, Sega CD, and PS2 threads are also still in Gaming.NES thread is of course still in gaming. Is it the only thread linked the OP here that, for whatever reason, maintains main gaming status? It's the only one that I'm subbed to that is still there.
Oh wow we finally got moved over to community. :\
What's the best deal you guys have gotten for a retro game?
I let my local game store borrow my Sega CD so they could test a bunch of games and they let me buy Snatcher for the price they paid for it which was $80.
My best deal ever was a yard sale selling off stock of an old rental store a couple years ago. I picked up hundreds of games (out of thousands they had) over a couple visits. Would have loved to have bought them all, but I bought what I had cash on hand for (when I went back for a third time, everything was gone). All were a quarter. I documented it here.
I wasn't fully aware of everything I had, but I knew some of the gems like Metal Storm, Ducktales 2, Chip and Dale 2, Contra Force. I later found out how cool some of the others were like Fire 'n Ice, Wacky Races and Bubble Bobble 2 being the best find. SNES was really picked over, but I did manage to get some including Pocky & Rocky and The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang. Some were missing manuals, but all had their boxes. Sold off the extras that were picked up (was honestly filling boxes with what I thought was cool and had quite a few extras). Funds from that paid for the rest of the Mega Man games I didn't have and an arcade cab. Was one of the only right place at the right time moments of my life.
Meh. If anything, it's the one thread that shouldn't be in Community. Let the console-specific threads be there while this thread gives exposure to retrogaming in Gaming side.
My best deal ever was a yard sale selling off stock of an old rental store a couple years ago. I picked up hundreds of games (out of thousands they had) over a couple visits. Would have loved to have bought them all, but I bought what I had cash on hand for (when I went back for a third time, everything was gone). All were a quarter. I documented it here.
I wasn't fully aware of everything I had, but I knew some of the gems like Metal Storm, Ducktales 2, Chip and Dale 2, Contra Force. I later found out how cool some of the others were like Fire 'n Ice, Wacky Races and Bubble Bobble 2 being the best find. SNES was really picked over, but I did manage to get some including Pocky & Rocky and The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang. Some were missing manuals, but all had their boxes. Sold off the extras that were picked up (was honestly filling boxes with what I thought was cool and had quite a few extras). Funds from that paid for the rest of the Mega Man games I didn't have and an arcade cab. Was one of the only right place at the right time moments of my life.
Or for a more recent find, finding great deals is far less common than it used to be, but last year I did find and get a sealed copy of Silent Hill 3 for the PS2 for $3. I haven't opened it because that's not really my kind of game, so I haven't been sure what I want to do with the thing..
Anyone have recommendations for some retro-focused youtube channels? I need some new stuff to watch.
Anyone have recommendations for some retro-focused youtube channels? I need some new stuff to watch.
Anyone have recommendations for some retro-focused youtube channels? I need some new stuff to watch.
Guys, I'm addicted to Puyo Puyo Tetris. Like, as I sit here at my desk at work, I'm thinking about getting home immediately and playing it.
I played it for a few hours with Dave yesterday too. It's such a great party game.
Not including this game, what was everyone's favorite version of Tetris? And what's everyone's favorite version of Puyo?