Where has this game been all my life? Played through the first two levels and I'm in love. I've heard people praise Rez for years and years but only just now played it myself.
Hmm so I left on Trance mission last night to run up the clock and get The Rezident.... woke up this morning, the pink alien thing is unlocked and usable, but I never got the trophy... What's the deal with that?
try finishing an area and it should unlock
Yeah, wonder why they left out leaderboards.
Too expensive to implement and maintain?
Playing this in VR(first time playing it too).... Holy shit
Goosebumps throughout the whole game and then played Area X... I just didn't want it to end and I want more. 😭
I just played this for the first time in VR last night too, and yeah, holy shit. And I didn't even get to Area X yet, only played the first two levels and died on the second boss. Kinda annoying that you have to replay the entire level when that happens, but otherwise I'm loving it.
Sorry it's later than I said guys, but I had something come up.
Been great reading all your stories (special shoutout to liquidtmd, loved your history with the game and what it makes you think of) but unfortunately there can only be one winner.
I put all your names in a randomiser (two entries per person whose post I particularly enjoyed) in the interest of fairness, and the winner is...
I can tell you were excited from the posts so hope this makes your day.Check your inbox for the code.
Sorry to everyone else, I wish I had more codes to give!! I can only hope you all find the money (or the patience for your iam8bit versions) and come back here to post impressions.
Thanks all.
Platinum get! Can't wait to try the game on PS4 Pro next. Hopefully the UI assets were future-proofed.
Crac-king?So does that make you the Ultimate Cracker?
VR is like cheating. Way easier to beat high scores with it since you can lock-on so much faster than with controller. Platinum here I come!
TIL some people actually preferred to play Rez with a dpad.
I don't think I liked Area X as much as I liked the core game. But this is so great.
Just finished the game for the first time ever, by which I mean that I died at what I'm assuming is the last boss. Seriously, how are you supposed to shoot down all those missiles?
Also tried Area X and yeah, holy shit! Please make a full sequel like this, pretty please? Shame about the framerate dips though.
Just finished the game for the first time ever, by which I mean that I died at what I'm assuming is the last boss. Seriously, how are you supposed to shoot down all those missiles?
She is quite easy if you know what to shoot at. Focus on the rotating ring targets around her. Whenever one of them is destroyed, immediately start firing at the tip of the upper center pillar as it appears. You can kill it and start the cutscene before it shoots any missiles. In the later stages you might have to occasionally shoot at the moving diamond enemies to keep them out of your face (you can also get upgrades and overdrives from them), but mostly just concentrate on the rings and then the middle. It's good to have a couple of overdrives in case you slip up in the last stage and the missiles get out.
Just finished the game for the first time ever, by which I mean that I died at what I'm assuming is the last boss. Seriously, how are you supposed to shoot down all those missiles?
Also tried Area X and yeah, holy shit! Please make a full sequel like this, pretty please? Shame about the framerate dips though.
What do the green (support?) items do in score attack/direct assault?
YES YES YESIf anyone wants to approximate the trance suit effect and money is not a major issue, I highly recommend picking up a SubPac.
I have the old seat back cushion type and it works fantastically. Just plug the audio output from the PSVR headset into the SubPac and run the headphones from the SubPac. The positional audio stays intact. The SubPac turns bass frequencies into vibration and it has enough power to really kick (intensity is adjustable on the fly).
Stunning experience all round.
The benefits you’ll see in Rez Infinite on your PS4 Pro depend on your home setup, but, for example, those of you lucky enough to own a 4K-capable display can enjoy both classic Rez and Area X in stunning 3840 x 2160 resolution; that’s right – the entire game runs in native 4K!
From classic Rez’s simple shapes and stark lines to all the thousands of tiny particles that make up everything in Area X, this increased resolution brings a sharpness and crisp clarity that really adds to the experience. (In fact, the first time we saw Rez Infinite running on a PS4 Pro at 4K here at Enhance Games, a big group of us spontaneously gathered around to gape at it, even though we’d all been seeing those same levels running on a normal PS4 everyday for months!)
Similarly, those of you who have PS VR hooked up to your PS4 Pro might notice Area X looking a little different than you’re used to—that’s because the image being passed along to each of your eyes is being rendered at a higher resolution (1920 x 1080, instead of 1440 x 810 on a standard PS4), before being passed to the PS VR headset. Even though the final resolution it’s displayed at on the headset in the same either way, the extra rendering from the PS4 Pro makes a difference: each particle looks a little more clear, a little more solid, adding up to objects and enemies that look more distinct and “real,” whether close-up or at a distance.
Any news when we can expect our physical copies to ship out?
Guess what, another delay! Now they're saying December.
It's REZ's 15th Anniversary!! (Nov 22)
New ACCOLADES trailer:
And it looks like there's an AREA X dynamic theme coming: