Prince of Space said:Goin' to see it in a couple hours. Can wait!
lol I've never heard anyone say 'can wait!' before. You, sir, are an original.
Prince of Space said:Goin' to see it in a couple hours. Can wait!
NopePhoenix said:Oh God, please tell me you're joking with that smiley![]()
Mejilan said:No one, and I mean NO ONE should be expected to suspend belief THAT much. Fawg.
Prince of Space said:It seems no one (not even Judi Dench, who is utterly wasted in this movie) can act their way out of it. The Fearless Leader - or whatever he's called - acts like a little ninny throughout the whole thing and is only mildly threatening because of his ability to jump around the room real quickly. Thandie Newton, a normally competant presence, must've undergone a mind-altering of her own before filming her scenes; they are all terribly overacted and very laughable. And let's not start on Vin Diesel. People rag on Stallone and Segal as being bad? This guy's much worse. And the entire film revolves around him.
The ideas of various world religions and the Underverse seemed like interesting concepts worth exploring, but I guess the movie really needed all those fight scenes instead.
- Speaking of which, someone needs to teach the cinematographer how to film a fucking fight sequence. Every one of these looks like it was photographed by a retard on Ritalin. I feel like I'll revisit my cookies soon...
The ENTIRE Crematoria segment was pointless and boring, only serving as a cool set piece and as a nice "escape the sun" sequence.
Something nice about the movie? It was still better than The Matrix Reloaded.
Perhaps because he wasn't the center of attention in Pitch Black? Pitch Black was a more Aliens-esque movie that was more entertaining because it didn't focus on just one character. Taking a supporting character from that movie and trying to set this big Star Wars-kinda epic around him just doen't work.How can anyone complain about Vin Diesel's performance? His Riddick character, for my dollar, is great. And he's playing the SAME CHARACTER he played in another movie. If you didn't like him in Pitch Black, why would you see this movie?
This is supposed to be a trilogy? Ugh.If they gave away all that stuff before the next two movies, then why see the next two movies?
And pretty much inexcusable, considering an R rating no longer carries most of the negative connotations it once did, Just look at Kill Bill and the Matrix movies.Yeah, that was awful. A lot of people are complaining that it was an edit for a PG-13 rating, but Twohy has been aiming for a PG-13 rating from the start. I just think it was shoddy workmanship.
That other guy wasn't alive?No way. Seeing Jack again was awesome. She was the only person he knew and certainly the only other character from Pitch Black that was alive!
That other guy wasn't alive?
I think that he thought that you meant that she was the only character from Pitch Black alive at the start of the movie, which would be incorrect. But that's not what you meant.ManaByte said:If you really watched Chronicles of Riddick you would know what happened to him.
LakeEarth said:I didn't think the Cremetoria part was pointless. Hell, it was the only part that really felt like Pitch Black... which I think was the point.
I just love how calm Riddick is!
"Wait a second..."
"The sun is gonna hit us in minutes"
"Just... wait a second."
Uno Ill Nino said:C'mon people. Riddick gave one of the Necros a fucking SUPLEX. And then some other guy gave an enemy a BACK-BREAKER. WTF? And were you people even watching the movie? Didn't you see those reptile-cat things? They looked terrible. It was like CG from a PS1 game. Plus all those poorly delivered lines. Hell, its not even so much that they were delivered poorly all the time, they were just badly written altogether! Plus they didn't even bother explaining the whole deal behind the Necros.
2/5 stars.
Fjord said:I liked it, you just have to watch it with the right attitude.
Ninja Scooter said:just got back from seeing the movie and (WARNING FOR SPOILERS!)...i hate to say it cause i loved Pitch Black...but "meh". I think the difference between Pitch Black Riddick and CoR Riddick is that he was much more subdued and seemed more cold and calculating in PB. You really believed he was this psychotic killer and his actions were much more unexpected. In this one he played the typical generic hero throwing out one liners and doing what typical generic action hero's do. I mean, WTF? He's sitting there crying over Jack/Kira when he hasn't seen her in 5 years? All of a sudden she's "All he has"? He's not supposed to give a shit! I know its not TECHNICALY a real sequel to Pitch Black, but i also found it kinda lame that he goes from this anti-hero to "saviour of the galaxy". Something about the set design and costumes of the Necromongers screamed "SciFi Channel Original Movie" to me. I don't know, something just made it feel like Twohy and Diesel sold out the original movie to try and force Riddick as an action franchise.
Prospero said:I saw this last night, with the free ticket I got from the Pitch Black DVD.
How can a movie that has such amazing production design and such a good cast (Judi Dench, Colm Feore) be so freaking dull? At least that's what I asked myself while I was watching the movie, until I realized that it rips off several of the major SF big-budget flops of the 1980-1990s. The Necromongers are basically the Slayers from Krull, the whole prison-planet sequence had an Alien 3 vibe to it, and the final fight scene is pretty much the final fight from David Lynch's Dune, with an additional plot twist, and an absence of Sting. ("I WILL KILL HIM! MY BLADE WILL FINISH YOU!")
The idea of staying ahead of the sunrise was pretty cool, but they didn't execute it properly:So it's 700 degrees in the sun, but the escapees can save themselves from hiding in shadow? Where it'll only be, what, 600 degrees?
That said, I actually enjoyed Vin Diesel's performance in this--it's too bad there almost certainly won't be a Riddick 2, seeing how well Twohy set up for it.
Warm Machine said:First off...Cinematographers don't shoot shit. They decided on lenses, lighting, film stock, and developing techniques, etc...based off what the director needs for HIS shots. The camera operator actually does the shooting but of course what he shoots is based off what the director wants.
This is why most directors always work with differn't cinematographers and operators yet most of their movies have the same visual style.