Sysgen said:
After all you are in a galactic prison where the rifles are DNA encoded. Transalation; you can't use them. I don't see what the problem is. The game sticks to it's story line.
If you think that's anything close to a worthy excuse...
The whole system with the DNA encoded rifles is pretty cool in my opinion. The problem is I don't have a gun of my own. I get a gun, oh, whoops, it was all a dream. I get another gun, oh, whoops, you got caught, no gun for you anymore. I play through the prison courtyard areas without a gun, and that's cool, because the people who I'm fighting don't have guns either.
Then I go to escape the prison, and encounter a guard or two. It takes some effort, but I kill them both. Looking forward to getting a gun.
3 hours later, I'm still walking around with 1 fucking health bar and a fucking shank. I knew there were stealth aspects of the game, but it's just no fucking fun when you've got to kill all the enemies in a room.
For instance, I'm at an area where I'm getting out of a freight elevator. There's a prison worker working on some forklift thing, a patrolling guard, and a patrolling mech. I wait for the guard and mech to go down a walkway before I attack the worker. I start beating him up, he yells for the guard. I have to run back in the elevator and hide behind a crate. There's an invisible wall blocking them from coming inside. I wait for 30 seconds until the guard gives up and walks away. I do the same thing again, this time killing the inmate. I turn off the security system at a nearby panel.
The guard then walks into the room and sees me. I dash into the shadows. He walks right up, turns on the flashlight, starts shooting. I pull off a weapon reversal and kill him with literally one tiny shred of life left. I walk down the corridor he was patrolling, and the mech guard is right around the corner, no way getting past him, no way to kill him. I lure him out into the hallway, scramble up some boxes, latch onto a horizontal ladder attached to the roof, wait for him to be directly under me, and fall on him. Doesn't do an ounce of damage, so hey, great, there's absolutely no way of hurting this guy. I sprint past him, turn the corner, and oh look, another room. With 4 guards. With the mech guy chasing behind me, this alerts the guards, and 3 of the 4 of them shoot and kill me within seconds.
This is simply not fun. I've died and re-started this area 15 times now, with the same eventual result, and this is not the first, nor the second, nor the fucking fifth area that has been like this. Give me a fucking pistol, give me a fucking health station (hasn't been one for hours), or at least give me a room with only two guards or better design stealth/shadow packets.
I really hope the game gives me a gun of some sort soon, as I'm about ready to just give up on the title, which is really unfortunate, as it really gets you invested and engrossed into the surround characters and area (and I really like the Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick movies).