Silhoutte Dance is probably my favourite.. its awesome drum&bass mixed with tones
from burt bacharach, and some samba!.
Your Vibe has some great parts in it, with the organ going mad!. and i really like
the groove of the hihat =)
Course has some great slapbass'ing in it. It made me stay in the menus a couple of
minutes extra =) hilight 55secs into the song.
Quiet Curves like 2m20secs into.. just cool!. its just a awesome mix of different
kinds of music.
Naked Grov!, another fav.. the trumpets etc.. ah!
and if i won a race, i was hoping that song "winner 3" was playing.. cause it was so
freaking cool
have the ppl behind this soundtrack made any more songs btw?
RRT4 + Rave Racer soundtrack = the awesome!.