EU am cry. Their early release superiority is foiled.
I'm with you, I was hoping to get the jump on the US for a change.
EU am cry. Their early release superiority is foiled.
shockingly i was able to snag a copy for the 360 here in clarksville, ar. gamestop got one copy in. it is installing now. much to my surprise it rang up as 49.99 instead of 59.99. i feel bad for bugbear. seems namco is sending this one out to die (no advertising, instant bomba price, screwy release).
edit: either the game is crazy short or bugbear is doing some kind of weird programming voodoo because the install is only 1.8gb.
Has anyone found a PS3 copy yet?
Thread title must be changed to something "bla bla bla and Edge gave it a 9" at the end.
I feel this game is going to get really under the redar to a lot of people.
I'm with you, I was hoping to get the jump on the US for a change.![]()
just raced my first race. great fun but definitely not easy. drifting is going to take some getting used to. seems too out of control. i'll adapt. the orange filter on the first track is unbelievable. and not in a good way. i picked a yellow car and it was orange when i began racing. nice weight to the cars. graphics are not all that but still looks cool due to the art style. nice arcade racer. definitely feels like a mix between burnout and split/second. and i love me some split/second. seems this will turnout to be a worthwhile purchase. just hope it doesn't get TOO hard for my old ass.
edit: finally won my first race. took a few restarts but had to perfect the drifting. good thing restarts are quick with almost no loading. the philosophy of this game is definitely "wreck shit". the more stuff i just drove through the more power i had on tap to knock fools out of the way and get my lead. then i just had to hold the lead. definitely felt like some mild rubberbanding going on because i ran a near perfect third lap and the pack nearly caught me by the end. good thing i had some power saved because if they had caught me i would have had a little something for them. this game is definitely a lot of fun. but i can see it will probably get controller throwing hard.
yes there are definitely short cuts. they are like the city targets that they want you to blow up but they only show up at the last minute. you have to anticipate them to use your power to blast through them. once they are opened up you can take them at will.
edit: but wrecking shit is not how it sounds. there is stuff all along the side of the track that doesn't really slow you down, it just gives you power. once i realized it wasn't slowing me down i realized the track is "wider" than it looks. problem is, there are things that look like you can drive through them to get power but they wreck you. led to a lot of restarts and frustration. but really once you memorize the course you are good to go.
amazon said:New breed of racing machines ? Traditional racing machines are out and dozens of badass street machines are in, including legendary RIDGE RACER Angel and Devil cars.
Picked up 1 of only 2 360 copies at Gamestop. Asked if they had a PS3 version and they checked the computer for a ten mile radius and no one had it. Is this a 360 exclusive or have all the copies not yet come out?
EDIT: NM, apparently due out tomorrow.
THE GOOD: Holy crap! This is like a beautiful mix of Burnout and Split Second! The destruction and chaos is awesome!
THE BAD: Way too difficult. Seriously. They need to patch this and tone that shit down a notch. I manged to finally beat the first track, but it took 3 tries.
Brilliant, looking forward to this.THE BAD: Way too difficult. Seriously. They need to patch this and tone that shit down a notch. I manged to finally beat the first track, but it took 3 tries.
Picked up 1 of only 2 360 copies at Gamestop. Asked if they had a PS3 version and they checked the computer for a ten mile radius and no one had it. Is this a 360 exclusive or have all the copies not yet come out?EDIT: NM, apparently due out tomorrow.FIRST IMPRESSIONS:THE GOOD: Holy crap! This is like a beautiful mix of Burnout and Split Second! The destruction and chaos is awesome!THE BAD: Way too difficult. Seriously. They need to patch this and tone that shit down a notch. I manged to finally beat the first track, but it took 3 tries.
I think there should be some distinction made between demanding difficulty and unfair (or cheap) difficulty. Because I can typically tolerate the former but not the latter.
So I'm guessing the 360 version runs at 30fps? I guess I'll keep waiting for the PC release.
Anyone using the new-ish MS wheel-ish thingy?
Yeah, it's tough as nails but ridiculous fun! The first race I finished on my second try. The second race took me about 6 tries before I placed first. The level of destruction is really fun to watch. It's definitely a combination of Flatout, Burnout and Split/Second and it's pretty damned great in the process. I don't mind the difficult as long as the game keeps me entertained. More importantly, it never feels cheap. It's not as though the AI is rubber banding it's way to victory or pulling out some crazy stunts to win. It's always my own screw-ups and impatience that cost me the race.
Has anyone played around with the custom track maker?
I barely scratched it and it's pretty amazing. The basic editor is super easy and you can build some really nice tracks really quickly. Then you can add all of the craziness and details in the advanced editor.
The free roam camera in the advanced editor takes a bit getting used to (really fast and twitchy) but what you can do in there is just insane. The custom stuff is where this game really shines. The game did crash on me twice though while I was browsing other people's cities. Can't wait to see what people come up with, I played one track that was like an obstacle coarse filled with random walls, piled up cars and jumps. I hope we get some dedicated track editors otherwise it'll be a total waste.
I barely scratched it and it's pretty amazing. The basic editor is super easy and you can build some really nice tracks really quickly. Then you can add all of the craziness and details in the advanced editor.
The free roam camera in the advanced editor takes a bit getting used to (really fast and twitchy) but what you can do in there is just insane. The custom stuff is where this game really shines. The game did crash on me twice though while I was browsing other people's cities. Can't wait to see what people come up with, I played one track that was like an obstacle coarse filled with random walls, piled up cars and jumps. I hope we get some dedicated track editors otherwise it'll be a total waste.
also bugbear if you are out there and listening... creating tracks is all well and good but if its going to end up like little big planet - where there's just a whole stack of tracks that are more or less the same and its hard to sift through it all, its going to die.
i suggest there's some sort of system where people can post up campaigns - sets of tracks. maybe highlight one set of 5 tracks per week.
also bugbear if you are out there and listening... creating tracks is all well and good but if its going to end up like little big planet - where there's just a whole stack of tracks that are more or less the same and its hard to sift through it all, its going to die.
i suggest there's some sort of system where people can post up campaigns - sets of tracks. maybe highlight one set of 5 tracks per week.
Here are some online details (just booted the game back up):
- User can create a city which consists of 5 tracks
- Each track can feature 1 of 5 events (Same as campaign)
- You can add traffic, time of day, AI difficulty, car class, time limit
- There are 9 areas to choose from in the tile editor (you can mix and match tiles from different areas)
- Anywhere from 5-15 tiles per area
- Advanced editor is too much to bullet can basically do anything in there
When browsing through other peoples tracks:
- You can sort through cities by New, Cities of the Day, Hot Right Now, Top Cities, Favorites, and Published.
- Each track has a creator top time/score that you compete against with whatever bots he has set up (AI difficulty is chosen by creator)
- You can search for a city by creator name or city name
- 3 Featured cities appear on the main screen, 24 Hour Challenge, 6 Hour Challenge, and 1 Hour Challenge...seems like a neat way to rotate cities in and out
- You can also select multiplayer, and choose any user created city to play in
I'm living in Japan now so I can't cruise by my local Gamestop so I had to live with their $60 online price tag instead of their $50 in store price.
I can't wait...for the two weeks it will take for me to receive it.![]()
Looking good, I'm definitely more interested after watching that gameplay.Made my firsts couple of very brief videos:
The second video did it for me! Looks like S/S and I loved that game. Come on, March 30th!Looking good, I'm definitely more interested after watching that gameplay.
How come you don't use Play Asia or Amazon Japan?
Made my firsts couple of very brief videos:
THE BAD: Way too difficult. Seriously. They need to patch this and tone that shit down a notch. I manged to finally beat the first track, but it took 3 tries.