"A handcrafted game about fishing with guns, chainsaws & toasters."
Developer: Vlambeer (Super Crate Box), Zach Gage (SpellTower) and Greg Wohlwend (Hundreds)
Music: Eirik Suhrke (Hotline Miami, Spelunky, Super Crate Box)
Platform: iOS
Genre: Arcade
Price: $2.99 (App Store)
Release Date: March 14, 2013
- Hours of gameplay across the continents including a never-ending Infinite arcade world.
- Dozens of unlockables, weapons and items including popular fishing gear like the Most Expensive Hairdryer In The World and A Bowling Ball.
- Fish that become hats.
- No IAP - buy the game, play the game. No additional costs, no hidden fees. Even the hats are IAP-free.
- Fish that become hats.
Ridiculous Fishing: A Tale of Redemption - Announce Micro-Trailer
Ridiculous Fishing: A Tale of Redemption - Release Trailer
Vlambeer’s game is, as its title suggests, ridiculous. In its simple, gleeful rhythms of play, it’s sublime, too.
And the moral of the story? A great game design can always be ripped off, sadly, but talent will out in the end. You can't cut-and-paste the artistry and attitude that Vlambeer has brought to this extravagant bit of disposable nonsense. You can't copy a true original - even before it's out.
Ridiculous Fishing puts a smile on my face every single time I reach the climactic moment my gigantic haul of fish are flung into the air and the cartoony slaughter begins. Plenty of secrets, extras and upgrades provide several hours of ridiculous fun. Still, the game is still ultimately a polished arcade time-killer – don’t look at its gorgeous artwork and listen to the wonderful soundtrack and expect something more.
The existence of a clone clearly gave Vlambeer and company something to prove. In the end, it's to the benefit of the game that this happened. Not only is Ridiculous Fishing better than it probably would have been without such motivation, it has a built-in counterpoint to contrast against. It illustrates that there's no better way to see how original a game is than to look at its copy.
Pocket Gamer
I've come to think of Ridiculous Fishing as the unofficial game of Wes Anderson's movie The Life Aquatic. It's similarly colourful, bizarre, imaginative, and willing to venture into deeper emotional waters from time to time. More importantly, it demonstrates that indie games aren't just for indie gamers - anybody who gives Ridiculous Fishing a try will be hooked.