Over the past couple of years, people have gotten to know Toronto's Mayor, Rob Ford, for his very out spoken.. and often inane public gestures. Below are a few of Ford's highlights over his political career. Are there any interesting / colourful / rage inducing politicians from your city?
Rob Ford: 42 remarkable moments from Toronto mayors career

Rob Ford: 42 remarkable moments from Toronto mayors career
9. February 2013: A forensic audit of Fords campaign financial practices concludes that he overspent the legal limit and that he committed dozens of other apparent contraventions of elections law. An expert committee later votes 2-1 against prosecuting him.
10. November 2012: A judge ousts Ford from office for violating conflict of interest law by casting a vote at council to excuse himself from repaying $3,150 to lobbyists and a company from which he had accepted donations for his foundation. He is granted a stay that allows him to keep his job pending his appeal, which he wins in January.
11. November 2012: Paying TTC passengers are told to get off a bus in the rain so it can pick up Fords football team after an away game and drive them back to Don Bosco. After the police request the bus, Ford calls the TTCs chief executive officer on his cellphone, then calls him again when the bus does not arrive immediately.
22. January 2012: Ford calls centrist and progressive councillors two steps left of Joe Stalin.
25. July 2011: As he does every year, Ford votes against each of six widely popular grants programs that provide city money to community organizations. He loses 43-1 in votes on the first four programs, 42-2 on the fifth, and 41-3 on the sixth.
29. August 2010: The Toronto Sun confronts Ford about an arrest in Florida in 1999 for marijuana possession. Ford adamantly denies the charge: Im dead serious. When I say no, I mean never. No question, Now Im getting offended. No means no. He later acknowledges that he had one joint in my back pocket. The next day, he says his memory had been fuzzy because he had been charged with failing to give a breath sample that same night. But even that is not true: he was actually charged with driving under the influence, to which he pleaded no contest.
36. March 2008: During a debate about whether to allow stores to open on holidays, Ford says, Go to the Orient, go to Hong Kong ... You want to see workaholics? Those Oriental people work like dogs ... they sleep beside their machines. The Oriental people, they're slowly taking over ... theyre hard, hard workers.
37. March 2007: Ford says: Roads are built for buses, cars, and trucks, not for people on bikes. And, you know, my heart bleeds for them when I hear someone gets killed, but its their own fault at the end of the day.
38. June 2006: During a debate on HIV/AIDS prevention spending, Ford says, according to a National Post transcript, Why are we catering to one group with a disease that's preventable? It's very preventable. If you're not doing needles and you're not gay, you won't get AIDS probably. And I don't know why we're spending $1.5-million on this.
41. June 2005: During the annual grants debate, Ford says, according to the Globe and Mail: I dont understand. Number one, I dont understand a transgender. I dont understand: is it a guy dressed up like a girl or a girl dressed up like a guy?