Anyone have a masamune oni on PC they'd want to trade for some crates?
I got you. Messaged you on Steam.
Anyone have a masamune oni on PC they'd want to trade for some crates?
huge improvement overnight, went from 'I think I can outplay champs?' to 'wow uhh can I find a guy in champ/sc who understands basic rotation because clearing half of champ in 1.5hr wasnt fast enough'
favorite non wall aerial (I got an air dribble that someone tried to save so I dove and pinched into the ground to get under him, but the shot doesn't look that cool) of the night
Its been a long time coming, but we are ready to talk about the end of Competitive Season 3, its rewards, and the beginning of Season 4.
First and foremost, we want to thank all of you, our players, for your patience (and funny tweets and Reddit posts) as Season 3 has gone on significantly longer than Seasons 1 or 2. Were making a number of changes in Competitive Season 4 -- all of which will be revealed in more detail closer to the start of the season -- and these changes required us to lengthen Season 3.
Season 4 will be starting by early April. Some of the changes coming with Season 4 are tied to a future game update, so its date is still flexible at this point. Once Season 4 starts, we will be moving to a more regular Competitive Season schedule -- something well go into detail on closer to the beginning of the next season. So if youre still not quite at the Champion Tier in Season 3, you still have time to move up!
Similar to previous Competitive Seasons, we will be releasing rewards for Season 3! We rewarded competitive players with Crowns and Rocket Trails in Seasons 1 and 2, and Season 3 will see special Wheels awarded to all players who have placed in Competitive Playlists.
The rewards will be handed out as follows:
Prospect I or higher Season 3 Prospect Wheels
Challenger I or higher Season 3 Challenger Wheels
Rising Star or higher Season 3 Star Wheels
Champion or higher Season 3 Champion Wheels
Grand Champion Season 3 Grand Champion Title+
The highest reward you receive is tied to the highest Tier you reached in any Competitive Playlist during Season 3. If you reached 'Champion' at any point in Season 3, then dropped to 'Superstar' or lower, you will still get the 'Champion' -level Wheels, along with Wheels for every lower Tier.
So what kinds of changes are coming in Competitive Season 4? Well go into detail on all of the changes closer to the start of the season, but heres a sneak peek of the new Tiers you can expect down the line!
Plays like that will never ceases to amaze me. I feel like I'm doing great when I don't whiff an aerial.
you need to play a lot more to reach this point.
like for reference- I've put 200hr into RL this month and played with pros daily, having them constantly tell me everything I do wrong, having me go back and watch what I did, etc. It's how I've gone from 'okay this guy barely deserves purple' to me clearing almost all of champ in one sitting last night and being able to safely argue I can hold my own in low GC.
Dedication matters.
you need to play a lot more to reach this point.
like for reference- I've put 200hr into RL this month and played with pros daily, having them constantly tell me everything I do wrong, having me go back and watch what I did, etc. It's how I've gone from 'okay this guy barely deserves purple' to me clearing almost all of champ in one sitting last night and being able to safely argue I can hold my own in low GC.
Dedication matters.
So it just occurred to me, can they be traded? The purples look like the color I wanted to lightnings to be, and they're very similar too.
For some
Honestly at this point I've given up on ever actually getting anywhere despite dedication. I'm at 1200 hours now and often I play worse than I did at 600 hours. I think for some, you're never gonna get good no matter how hard you try and to be honest I'm even beyond caring about that at this point, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want those GC wheels. XD
Were making a number of changes in Competitive Season 4 -- all of which will be revealed in more detail closer to the start of the season -- and these changes required us to lengthen Season 3.
Season 4 will be starting by early April. Some of the changes coming with Season 4 are tied to a future game update, so its date is still flexible at this point. Once Season 4 starts, we will be moving to a more regular Competitive Season schedule -- something well go into detail on closer to the beginning of the next season
Some of the changes coming with Season 4 are tied to a future game update.
up another 45 points in 2s in one sitting, super champ now
and decisively can say I'm above this too.
W e l p
What is the best way to record gifs for goals and stuff?
2s means 2on2? Do you play with randoms or a partner?
What is the best way to record gifs for goals and stuff?
If you have nvidia shadowplay is fantastic. I then use handbrake to make it smaller and upload it to GFYcat. I no longer have an nvidia card so i use OBS or I miss shadowplay though.
Did you also use shadowplay when grabbing the footage from replays?
Is the MMR on Rocket league tracker network accurate?
Looking at the brackets my current points are 682 on Doubles, it says Rising Star Division 1 is 684 - 702 but Challenger Elite Division 5 680 - 698.
So if I get to 684 will that put me into Rising star or will I need to try to jump up to something like 700 to get put in? Want those blue wheels!
Nah, there's a note that says it's not. I have the MMR of Challenger 2 Div 2, but I'm on Challenger Elite.
Again, gotta put time into improving.
I play smash brothers weekly at tournaments to have fun with friends. I never analyze why I lost or even bother-- I know if I could wavedash out of shield consistently and grinded marths punish game, plenty of my neutral wins would be free kills. But I don't care to put the time in.
Meanwhile, when I lose in Rocket League, I look at why I lost. What did I do wrong? What did they do right?
It also helps to assume every opponent you're playing is a GC- not going for an aerial that can be dunked 'cause he's a blue and won't dunk me fast' is a bad reason to not learn how to play correctly- it builds bad habits.
TL;DR watch how pros play, pick up on it, play faster.
Alternatively, if you wanna have fun only, who cares![]()
2s means 2on2? Do you play with randoms or a partner?
Yeah, tbh I should probably just watch more pro matches if I want to actually get better since I usually am pretty on form after watching them, not to mention watch back replays, though at Challenger 3 I can almost always be sure it's a loss because the team either can't set up passes or capitalize on them, then when I do take the risk to try do something about it they both go for the same ball and give the opposition a free goal. I hate to just team blame too since no doubt I make my share of mistakes, but damn the frequency this happens at is maddening.
I won't stop you but just fyi GT+ZSR is probably worth about 5 keys, your heatwave is probably worth 15-20.
You could have both of those cars and some keys easily if you put the trade up here:
Challenger 3 theres more going on- you're all still learning your fundamental tech. You might be able to aerial, but you can't wallhit, nor can you save them. It's kinda a clusterf of various skills that no one knows how to counter right.
edit: back at my pc, and I want to say: old challenger 3 (current intro blues) is where I was stuck the longest- I probably played a few hours a day for half a month stuck in there, mildly improving my consistency until I could aerial correctly without issue and could get some basic wallhits. It's pretty important to learn basic rotation at that point as well.
After that, I'd argue the next biggest roadblock is superstar/basic champ, where you've fundamentally understood the idea "go a bit faster to win" but don't realize just how screwed you are if you aren't going up for the ball the second you can if it's yours to challenge.
Anyone get the feeling 2's should be the standard competitive format? Less chaotic, allows for a lot more creativity and is a lot more fun to watch because of that. 3s feels so limited in that aspect because with proper rotation someone is always instantly challenging the ball and it becomes ping pong.
2s pong-ish at times, but every error CAN get you scored on. It's less fun though at times- you can't go for a shot safely a lot.
yeah and the stupid insane shots are what psyonix want for rlcs.
Anyone get the feeling 2's should be the standard competitive format? Less chaotic, allows for a lot more creativity and is a lot more fun to watch because of that. 3s feels so limited in that aspect because with proper rotation someone is always instantly challenging the ball and it becomes ping pong.
Anybody down to play? Rising star in 2s and 3s
I'm so close to Champion. Superstar div 3 and keep losing one winning one. Need to even taste champ before April for them sweet sweet wheels
Did a bit of ranked today, 1040->just over 1100 close to gc again...I keep getting 20 points away
Got a guy now though and I'd rather play people at ~1200 MMR than deal with a random
As for a tourney: we've tried organizing it a dozen times and realized A) people are awful at commiting
B) theres no fair way to divide it at all. Anyone pre purple is going to lose by the champ+ sitting in goal till you fail a shot on them and beating your other teammate(s) for a dunked goal.
Could be hilarious though I still want it :x
Haha, it's okay man, I had the same revelation at about that point. Couldn't believe I'd missed it for so long. It's an absolute game changer once you get used to it, you'll never understand how you lived without I've played like... 5-600 hours of Rocket League and JUST figured out there was an air roll button. I never understood how freestyling in the air worked. my mind is blown. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh