No chance that's a woman, I refuse to believe it. Probably just a resetera mod
Its name is Clitorista. You are being trolled.
No chance that's a woman, I refuse to believe it. Probably just a resetera mod
“Rocksteady doesn’t have the best reputation for representing women,” she said, citing the highly sexualised design and costuming of characters such as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn in previous games. “Sometimes you could see the surprise on their face when you said that’s not how women dress.”Im... totally clueless about this take.
“slurs regarding the transgendered community” and “discussing a woman in a derogatory or sexual manner with other colleagues”, and sexual harassment “in the form of unwanted advances, leering at parts of a woman’s body, and inappropriate comments in the office”.
Some of the comments in here are disturbing!
why would you take the chance knowing that any female can completely f'ck over your company or business at the drop of the hat with any baseless allegation, look at the TLOU2 simps and white knights on here judging in favor of the women already without knowing anything about the case, women can be even bigger arseholes than men and more manipulative, this reflexive "believe all women" attitude and "twitter justice" in the long run is going to be a detriment to females in the work place if things continue the way they are and that's factIndeed. And that the point of my initial post
Hiring the best person for the job is strength. And if that person is a woman, and the person hiring doesn’t give her the job because she’s a woman, then that would make that person a complete fucking idiot.
As someone who’s has plenty of direct female reports in the past, I can tell you in general women don’t cause issues at the work place UNTIL someone upsets them. Once they get that taste for blood nothing will stop them from destroying the individual they hate. They will do false assault/harassment claims and whatever else they need to in order to remove that person. In some past cases, me and others were infamously inappropriate and we had zero consequence because they liked it BUT the second one person said something they didn’t like I’d be getting complaints in my office about how I need to get rid of X person. HR escalations, even banging key people (with spouses) to create conflict, etc. Some of us were even side assing these girls and they loved the attention. This has been my experience in 15 years of management. Are all women like that? No of course not, but there are a fuckton like that so this whole victimhood shit is hard for me to swallow. A lot of women in upper management know this all to be true too. That’s the reality, people suck. Both men and women, but to pretend all women are these sacred flowers of virtue is fucking stupid.jesus some of you cunts need to go work in an actual office environment with real people, the majority of guys are respectful, the majority of women are fucking normal and not men hating feminists... you get the odd cunt (like a few of you cunts) who everybody just treats like a fucking leper and the world moves on... but as soon as a story raises its head about a woman (oh fucking noes) at odds with SOME of her male colleagues the fucking knives come out and the mudslingin starts, not at the cunts making her feel uncomfortable in the first place like a normal person but somehow its the womans fault... jesus wept
i like highly sexualised female design and costuming of female characters in my vidya games because i know it's not real life, it's vidya games.
Why does this come out days before a new batman game is going to be announced? It smells like an agenda to me. I think the next game is going to have all the female characters dressed in potato sacks. I wish this next game was being developed in Asia.
who says i'm playing with a controller.I wouldn’t want to borrow your controller......;-p
who says i'm playing with a controller.
As someone who’s has plenty of direct female reports in the past, I can tell you in general women don’t cause issues at the work place UNTIL someone upsets them. Once they get that taste for blood nothing will stop them from destroying the individual they hate. They will do false assault/harassment claims and whatever else they need to in order to remove that person. In some past cases, me and others were infamously inappropriate and we had zero consequence because they liked it BUT the second one person said something they didn’t like I’d be getting complaints in my office about how I need to get rid of X person. HR escalations, even banging key people (with spouses) to create conflict, etc. Some of us were even side assing these girls and they loved the attention. This has been my experience in 15 years of management. Are all women like that? No of course not, but there are a fuckton like that so this whole victimhood shit is hard for me to swallow. A lot of women in upper management know this all to be true too. That’s the reality, people suck. Both men and women, but to pretend all women are these sacred flowers of virtue is fucking stupid.
exactly it’s all bullshiet and probably going to cost warner bro’s millions, believe all womans y’allDaaang, is this what is considered sexual harassment nowadays? Unwanted advances, really? Leering? Jesus Christ the world is going to crash and burn.
because 9/10 times it’s all bullshiet and ends up costing people their jobs/career or money from a company for no reason.I don't pretend for a moment all women are innocent otherwise id be hanging with the fucking loons over at Resetera, they're human beings and as such subject to being just as cuntish as men, my point was that as soon as something like this comes up without any evidence to the contrary the overwhelming consensus imo seems to be negative towards the woman
You won't find them doing this type of job.Hire attractive males Rocksteady, you will not have this problem again.
This is basically what ends up happening, then if you’re forced to hire a woman because of muh diversity you basically isolate the in fear of a lawsuit but then they still sue anyways because they felt discriminated because everyone avoided them like the fucking plague. There’s no way to win these days.They make great just fire all the women and there will be no misogyny.... no chance of sexism etc.
That solves that.
Bad look on that Kim woman now. Sounds like the other women weren't exactly cool with her leaking the letter and felt the issues were either exaggerated or already remedied.
Bear in mind that even if they are not illegal in the criminal sense, they are punishable by civil damages. But companies have to make strategic decisions, including cost, exposure during discovery, and their public image. There is always a blogger masquerading as a journalist who will be more than willing to frame the company's response as further victimization and/or proof they victimized someone in the first place just for clicks from people who want to hear that. And I haven't even mentioned that companies can be found civilly liable for retaliating against people who claimed discrimination, even if the entire claim of discrimination is proven false. No joke. In at least some states someone can falsely say a person sexually harassed me in court, get fired for the false statement made in court, be found to have lied, and still get money for being fired over the false statement.Can someone explain to me why false, unsubstantiated or libellous claims are legal in the US? How come those powerful companies don't or won't protect themselves?
Granted there are actual cases of harassements and aggressions, and problems of representation and hiring are real, but about 80% of what I see are false/libellous accusations which in most civilised countries are illegal.
Bear in mind that even if they are not illegal in the criminal sense, they are punishable by civil damages. But companies have to make strategic decisions, including cost, exposure during discovery, and their public image. There is always a blogger masquerading as a journalist who will be more than willing to frame the company's response as further victimization and/or proof they victimized someone in the first place just for clicks from people who want to hear that. And I haven't even mentioned that companies can be found civilly liable for retaliating against people who claimed discrimination, even if the entire claim of discrimination is proven false. No joke. In at least some states someone can falsely say a person sexually harassed me in court, get fired for the false statement made in court, be found to have lied, and still get money for being fired over the false statement.
When you hire someone you need to think about everything, expecially in states where firing someone is a pain in the ass. If hiring a woman will expose me and my other ppl to this kind of problem I will gladly avoid it.Indeed. And that the point of my initial post
Hiring the best person for the job is strength. And if that person is a woman, and the person hiring doesn’t give her the job because she’s a woman, then that would make that person a complete fucking idiot.
Can someone explain to me why false, unsubstantiated or libellous claims are legal in the US? How come those powerful companies don't or won't protect themselves?
Granted there are actual cases of harassements and aggressions, and problems of representation and hiring are real, but about 80% of what I see are false/libellous accusations which in most civilised countries are illegal.
(...) r, now I would wonder why the orange clown hasn't pushed for a law about it, but then false accusations are a great political tool...
Hey is anybody else's computer freezing on this post. For some reason, I can't scroll past it and I can't help the sinking feeling that nothing else on this thread matters anymore.![]()
I'd argue that Rocksteady actually showed some restraint with Harley compared to how some "real" women approach the character. I'm not a fan of overly sexy Harley either but a large contingent of her fanbase, male and female, absolutely do.
Bad look on that Kim woman now. Sounds like the other women weren't exactly cool with her leaking the letter and felt the issues were either exaggerated or already remedied.
I wonder what the stupid White Knights have to say now. Always so quick to pounce on anybody who doesnt immediately 'believe women'.
Resetera is claiming rocksteady is faking the letter. And that they will still boycott their games. And no I'm not joking.
Jesus christResetera is claiming rocksteady is faking the letter. And that they will still boycott their games. And no I'm not joking.
The signatory said the dismissive attitude towards women had in the past carried over into the company’s output. “Rocksteady doesn’t have the best reputation for representing women,” she said, citing the highly sexualised design and costuming of characters such as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn in previous games. “Sometimes you could see the surprise on their face when you said that’s not how women dress.”
It's so cringe. At my job people also put their pronouns in their work email signatures. But it's this way from the top down. Work and games-No escaping it.What a hot mess! I’m so sick of cancel culture and SJWs on social media. I’m a millennial, but my generation and the zoomers are generally a disgrace to mankind. I’m even seeing these people put (he/him) in their LinkedIn names. Smh.
Notice how all the white knights here are the same 4-5 idiots who are soy bombing TLOU2 threadsAnd the moral of the story is...
don't hire women. Ever.