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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Could you imagine the NX getting a timed exclusive first launch of Red Dead Redemption 2?

Now that right there would tell me Nintendo isn't fucking around this gen with the NX or third party support.
What if Nintendo locks up GTA, Final Fantasy and Call of Duty? Oh man... Buckle in guys. Nintendo is back.



Once again, big grain of salt, but let's assume this is happening for the sake of the discussion:

In my first response in this thread I said this looks like Nintendo possibly actually beginning to pivot towards western markets with its consoles -- a reversal of how the Wii and Wii U were designed as low-wattage appliances for Japanese homes. In old threads I've even suggested Nintendo should sort of give up the Japanese console market or at least let it slip into tier-2 the way Sony has. Still, NX is still very much probably the child of Iwata, so I doubt a move like this would be all Kimishima (a former NOA head). The new posts makes the suggestion Nintendo is basically going balls-out, Gamecube/N64-style, with essentially a Super Wii U. Again, if true, this could go one way or the other depending on how Nintendo handles it.

Second screen play in itself wasn't the problem with Wii U. The problems were that 1) Nobody freaking knew what Wii U was from the jump, 2) Nintendo never had the software to justify second screen play, and 3) the Wii U was pretty much poised to never get real developer support.

Having a console powerful enough to run everybody's games and an easy development environment is just one step towards getting everybody's games. No rumor right now can tell us how or if Nintendo is building relationships with publishers differently than it has been. No rumor right now can tell us how those publishers feel about the NX's chances of building an audience for their games. EA and Ubisoft might fall in, but Bethesda? Take-Two? I think in order to even build that audience Nintendo would have to suck it away from Sony and Microsoft, because I don't think the conventional AAA console game audience is going to magically grow enough to accommodate a third hardware competitor in that market. I could be wrong though, Sony has said a big chunk of PS4 owners didn't own a PS3 or didn't normally buy consoles. But does Nintendo honestly have a good chance at figuring out why that is? And at the same time, a $350 - $400 console in 2016 is really going to have to prove itself to customers.

Considering the fact that it only took one game for the Wii U to beat PS4 for almost every week for 6 months straight, Japan is the last region Nintendo should give up any hardware in. Nintendo can slaughter Sony on any front in Japan with the right software.
What do these games look like? Technically that's of course possible, but it really depends on what developers are aiming for. The strongest of the rumored Polaris chips releasing this year is supposedly aiming for 1440/60. I can't imagine what a game would have to look like to be 4k and 60. However, if these games are handheld games, somewhere between Wii and Wii U visually but leaning towards the latter (where I expect the handheld) and upscaled to 4k/60 with no improvements besides IQ, then yeah, maybe? I just don't know how good a Wii U 0.75 game would look in 4k.
I imagine similar to most Vita games which look sub PS3.
If a game like DKCR3 was made for a handheld like Vita and the architecture was easy to port to like it has been hinted in the past, could it run at 4K? Would it even look good in 4K?
Just popped in my head since people were discussing PS4k's...uh, 4K capabilities and most said it could, but it would have to look more like a PS3 game at those specs.
If the art style is good, being 4K could make it upscale quite nicely.
I believe Okami PS3 is 4K but down sampled so maybe a lot of games like that.
If they were going with these high specs with the shared library in mind this would be one way to make up for it while keeping development costs low
Are there consequences if 10k's info is horseshit??? I suggest making him play Super Meat Boy blindfolded and electrodes attached to every mole on his body that zap him every time he dies. As far as my thoughts no one cares about, I'm leaning towards much of it being nonsense because while it sounds possible and some of it reasonable, it's too much information and too much "but where's the catch???" positivity. I'd take all of it though, even the far fetched Luigi sequel and its cockamamie explanation. If much of this is true, 10k should get a special esteemed tag "Hardcore Leaker with Ridley-sized Prostate".


I already came to this conclusion, but there's no way this is Nintendos gimmick which is a suped up Gamepad which is optional.

Nintendo doesn't have to have a "gimmicky" gimmick. They nearly lost their entire console market by banking on second-screen gameplay and old tech. I think they want to play it safe this time around and not require something off-putting to traditional gamers.

Daft Punk

What if Nintendo locks up GTA, Final Fantasy and Call of Duty? Oh man... Buckle in guys. Nintendo is back.

Lol There is no way in hell Rockstar, SE, and Activision give up a 60+ million install base with Xbone and PS4 for whatever paltry sum Nintendo offered for them.


someone posted the other day that they knew what the NX gimmick was, don't remember who I wanna say rosti but I'm not sure, anyway to the person who knows could you corroborate this rumor ?


Taking a moment to think about the new set and I still don't know how to feel.
If something seems too good to be true, it's probably not true. Then again, it's Nintendo and they do whatever they want. Ugh idk.

Nintendo direct soon pls


Luigi's Mansion 3 is in development for NX. This rumor gained popularity awhile ago from Geno but this isn't my source. This was a T1 to start but today I got another source to give some info on it. Two different sources have told me that it is in development for NX, and one source said it's being developed by Next Level Games, who is big enough to do this and Federation Force at the same time. One source said it started as a Wii U game but after the disappointing performance of the Wii U and the scheduled release date for the game being late in the console's cycle, Nintendo decided to switch development over to NX. (basically the same situation as Zelda for Wii U, but no word on if this game will also get a Wii U version). The other source said it's a pretty big deal (he didn't elaborate if he meant Nintendo is making it a big deal or his workplace is). To support this, http://www.nintendolife.com/news/20..._on_a_wii_u_title_then_stealth_edits_the_post
an employee stealth edited his post last year.

I wonder what they mean by saying "it's a pretty big deal." Did LM2 sell well? Maybe they're putting a solid budget behind the new one.

There are lots of NX games in development. Once source told me to post this so I won't edit it at all:

"And you can quote me on this on GAF too: "I think NX software output is going to blow away Wii U. There's a LOT of games in development. I don't know if we'll see all of them at E3, since a lot of Wii U projects weren't announced until January 2013, but I'm very impressed so far with what I'm hearing."

This is the kind of software rumor I like. Vague enough not to spoil anything but still exciting.
Wasn't Trev posting videos of Wii U games with a big "4K" sticker on the thumbnail? 🤔
Also, no, they're not getting any major exclusive like GTAVI or Red Dead. Best to save yourself the embarrassment


Reading thru these rad new rumors ... Thanks 10k!


One thing jumped out at me.

Did a source say NLG is this big or so we know that for a fact? I thought we'd known them to be smaller...was I thinking of Monster Games?

When I was told they are the ones potentially making it, I asked if they could support making LM3 and Federation Force at the same time, and they said yes.


More or less all on Retro's shoulders then since Nintendo is lacking western arms.


I mean if they want to truly compete in the world and not just Japan, they have to do it. They need their version of "Halo" or in Sony's case "God of War". A game which can be a "western" cornerstone of their system and show the world they mean business.

To all Metroid fans I'm sorry, but I think Metroid isn't that game. I love Samus, but I think she needs to take a few more years off. They need something like a Perfect Dark and some kind of racer in my opinion that isn't a kart racer.

Project Gotham Racing devs could definitely make such a game. not sure why Nintendo doesn't try to find the remains of that team to help them.


someone posted the other day that they knew what the NX gimmick was, don't remember who I wanna say rosti but I'm not sure, anyway to the person who knows could you corroborate this rumor ?

If it is Rösti, not to speak for him ever, but I have a strong feeling even if the correct rumor is in the wild, he may not feel comfortable confirming or denying if this is what he's heard, simply because if it comes back to him it could out his potentially direct sources at risk.


someone posted the other day that they knew what the NX gimmick was, don't remember who I wanna say rosti but I'm not sure, anyway to the person who knows could you corroborate this rumor ?
I think it was some one named xenoblade or something. They didn't have an avatar though.


I play all my Wii U games (that I can) off-screen. Even deal with stupid bugs like "no sound in off-screen mode" to play off-screen. Hate it when a game makes me use both the TV and the controller (probably not getting Star Fox for this reason), so this thing
having an always-on off-screen mode in a possible elite model
actually increases my chance of getting it someday. (Have tons of backlog and need to get through that before adding more consoles on to the pile. :( )

I have never played Super Mario Maker with two screens. Splatoon, okay, but SMM would be unaffected.

I'm a little confused about your mention of Star Fox. If you simply hook your headphones into your gamepad then you get all audio (combined TV and gamepad audio). Of course that doesn't help with the fact you need to keep you eyes on both the gamepad screen and the TV to get the "full" experience, but audio-wise you can get the full package out of your gamepad :)


I wonder what they mean by saying "it's a pretty big deal." Did LM2 sell well? Maybe they're putting a solid budget behind the new one.

This is the kind of software rumor I like. Vague enough not to spoil anything but still exciting.

Yep. Luigi's Mansion 2 actually did very well, Luigi proved to have some legs. I'm hoping it is real and on a good solid budget.


I wonder what they mean by saying "it's a pretty big deal." Did LM2 sell well? Maybe they're putting a solid budget behind the new one.

This is the kind of software rumor I like. Vague enough not to spoil anything but still exciting.

The "I think NX software output is going to blow away Wii U. There's a LOT of games in development" part just makes me think the shared library is a thing, the only way the software library of the NX console can blow Wii U's away is if it has the combined output of all Nintendo published games in one place.


If true, I have a feeling that the screen controller will be optional. Hopefully there is a Pro controller pack in with the console. I'm still interested in remote play but the controller needs to be sleeker/smaller than the Wii U Gamepad.


I wonder what they mean by saying "it's a pretty big deal." Did LM2 sell well? Maybe they're putting a solid budget behind the new one.

Luigi's Mansion (GC) - 3.6m
Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon (3DS) - 4.75m

Both numbers come from Wikipedia, so I'm really not sure if it's that much more accurate than some chartz out there.

Either way, I'm excited. Though personally I hope they ease up on the missions layout. Loved exploring different themed mansions, but I do like the whole exploration of one truly fleshed out haunted house.


The "I think NX software output is going to blow away Wii U. There's a LOT of games in development" part just makes me think the shared library is a thing, the only way the software library of the NX console can blow Wii U's away is if it has the combined output of all Nintendo published games in one place.

Or it means it's getting third party support.
Newest hardware rumors sounds too good to be true. Really too good.

Could only remotely possible if the controller with screen is an optional extra, otherwise I don't know how NX could be in a decent price range.

LM2 was a fantastic game, hopefully LM3 turns out to be as good.
Luigi's mansion 3 is hopefully a return to the gameplay of the first.
I liked the controls and missions could return as optional content, but it didn't feel as impactful.
I guess it's a similar situation to Sticker Star where it feels made for portable play but it's worse because of it and I'm hoping LM3 is like Color Splash that just tries to put a bandaid on a broken system


For those saying Nintendo has to include off TV play/controller with a scree cos they invested too much money in Wii U R&D, that is slight up the sunk cost fallacy.

Given that Nintendo completely abandoned the Wiimote, I don't think it is crazy at all for them to abandon the screen controller.


When I was told they are the ones potentially making it, I asked if they could support making LM3 and Federation Force at the same time, and they said yes.

*salute emoji* awesome, gotcha. Thank you so much! Here's hoping Retro and/or Monster are working on DKR2... 🙌🙌🙌


With a ~720p LCD display and the improvements to the streaming inside, I don't see a Gamepad 2.0 being much more expensive (if at all) in 2016 compared to back when it was announced in 2011.

$400 sounds like break even at worst. I'm more curious if they'll mandate inclusion of that controller though. Would help give an idea of pricing, but I suppose being separate would make them more flexible in their bundle options at launch.

I'm leaning more towards optional, so.

$299 500GB console w/ Nintendoland "successor".
$399 1TB console w/ Gamepad 2.0, Nintendoland "successor" and your choice of SSBNX/Splatoon or third party bundles like EA titles.

Digital copies should shave a bit of the cost too.
I wouldn't mind if Nintendo actually got strong Japanese third party support but I don't see them getting much traction in the west.

Games are getting increasingly expensive. If NX is easy to port, I think the developers will not miss the chance to get the games on as many platforms as possible to recover the investment.


About 2 and a half years ago Next Level Games was around 70 people. Its certainly possible they could be working on 2 projects especially when we learned Federation Force was basically an old DS concept that's being reworked for 3DS and enhanced.


Or it means it's getting third party support.

Bah. I want a half dozen games detailing the continued adventures of Captain Toad.

Though if it is third party support, I'll settle for a half dozen games detailing the continued adventures of Chase Mccain.
Luigi's Mansion (GC) - 3.6m
Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon (3DS) - 4.75m

Both numbers come from Wikipedia, so I'm really not sure if it's that much more accurate than some chartz out there.

Either way, I'm excited. Though personally I hope they ease up on the missions layout. Loved exploring different themed mansions, but I do like the whole exploration of one truly fleshed out haunted house.

LM2 is over 4 million I believe. Maybe Nintendo has it on one of their reports. I had no clue Luigis Mansion did over 3 million though! I hope this part of the rumor is true

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Thanks for all the info 10k!

Final Fantasy XV on NX. My single source on this said he's heard more of his sources mention it's coming to NX. No idea when. I pressed for FFVIIR but nobody has heard about it. Gaf's very own mod Kagari hinted that Sony may have co-funded it and it may never get released outside of PS4 and PC (like Street Fighter V).

"Play it first on PlayStation 4" for FFVIIR reads like timed exclusivity, I'm thinking like Rise of the Tomb Raider. It'd hurt them for Square Enix to release it for PC at the same time though but it doesn't appear to be the case because Sony is smart and probably put a lot of money into it too. I'm sure they'd have liked SFV or Kojima's next game to have been full PS4 exclusives as well, at least for a time. Who wouldn't?

If it comes to NX, it will be later.

Mory Dunz

I wonder what they mean by saying "it's a pretty big deal." Did LM2 sell well? Maybe they're putting a solid budget behind the new one.

It was 4.75m as of Dec 31, 2015. (This is just from nintendo's website, so you can google it.)

It's also well over 1 million in JP iirc. And just got a Best Selects release or something.


I hope the screen controller is optional because if the off tv play gimmick doesn't catch on, the performance of the hardware won't take a hit because it had to accommodate it, like the 3DS or Wii U.
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