You feel it too, don't you?Fire/fighting starter?......
Let the legend come back to life!...
Yeah I see the similarities with James Turner's work. I'm also curious if the designer of Hawlucha also designed Rowlett's final evo. They have some similarities and themes.If the concept art is real, I wonder if James Turner had a hand in Litten's evo? The wrestler reminds me a bit of the bosses from Turner's Harmo Knight, stylistically.
That wouldn't change the crappy designs of the dungeons and the world in general.All I'm asking for is a difficulty option. Is that so hard Gamefreak? Just please include a hard mode!!!
I can't see the starters as real because they are way too busy for Gamefreak. They have way too much crap all over the place.
I don't mind that but it's not their MO.
I like em all but I just don't see it. They are all too humanoid.
Yeah probably. I want to happen now though. I love the idea of archer bird.
Why do people think the concept art is real? It's obviously not Ken Sugimori art.
Why would it have to be? It appears to be a character reference sheet, possibly for the anime.
Infernape, boring?
get out
Ehhh, I'd like him more if they gave him a staff or a flying cloud made of fire to make him more Monkey King, but compared to his fellow starter whose a penguin with blades for fins, he's a bit boring to me.
What's The Pokemon Company's equivalent of Nintendo Ninjas? Pokemon Shedinjas? Gredinjas? ...Accelgors?
Kids will like itFire/fighting again? No was I'm picking Litten now, what makes them think thats a good idea?
Yep, l loved Infernape. Didn't like Emboar much though, too ugly . . .
Empoleon had cool typing, but I always thought it was ugly as hell too lol.
Kids will like it
You know what? I wouldn't mind some of this. if the league creation thing isn't executed poorly, that could be cool. But the little evo? no. it's straight up garbage lmao, it looks like tony the tiger. The siren looks like waifutrash, too. I guess Rowlet's evo is okay but its got the "edge" factor in it so eh
also has this been mentioned?![]()
A thing that punches fire is one of the most basic cool ideas in history. So on some level in confuses me, the people who go "why would they do that"If it's the supposed leaked design I'll like it too, and I'm very against the idea of them doing Fire Fighting again.
It's silly to just assume it's fire/fighting.
Could end up being /poison or /dark or even /ground. No need to panic over it yet.
also has this been mentioned?![]()
So the concept art is more likely to be real huh? In that case my opinion on the final evo's is Popplio > Rowlet > Litten. I gotta have that Dolphin though so I might go with Rowlet.
It's a wrestler.
Dual typed with the same type for both slots? What would that even do??This sounds weird, but what if Marshadow was dual typed, but had the same typing for both slots?
Why would Game Freak take out gyms when it's been the core of the series? It's fake. You don't something as big as the gyms when its core to the franchise and makes the games so much fun
Gotta keep that none firefighter dream alive.
Or there's something wrong with fire type. Hard to believe, I know.
LMAO. I actually find it refreshing if he's fire fighting.
Dual typed with the same type for both slots? What would that even do??
Dual typed with the same type for both slots? What would that even do??
There are seven fire starters. If Litten is Fire/Fighting then it will be the fourth Fire/Fighting starter. "Refreshing"
If the leak is real, I hope Nintendo/TPCi serves the same punishment Europe got for leaking XY a week prior. Else give everyone the same treatment, or don't give it at all. ORAS leaked 5 days before release date in NA and that was conveniently ignored. I still don't get why Europe has to wait to play the game when it's been shown that leaks can happen anywhere.